Routine Day at Latonia: Card Given over to the Selling Platers Produced Good Racing, Daily Racing Form, 1914-06-13


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ROUTINE DAY AT LATONIA CARD GIVEN OVER TO THE SELLING PLVTERS PRODUCED GOOD RACING. Result:-, Arc Fonnfu! and Finishes Close and Exciting — Tremendous Crowd Expected lor Todays Running of Derby. Cincinnati, ».. M 12. — cloudy weather and doling bnctes which prevailed hen- this afternoon afforded ■ welcome relief from the torrid mat of i ii - preceding daya aad was mainly responsible for aa augmented attendance at La too la. The card iraa aa ordinary one wu.i a apriat at three-quarters, for three year-old fillies, the mam itferiatg. The other races were aader seiliag conditions for the cheaper made of horses. The racing w.i- keen aad several close linishcs enlivened proceedings. Simulation picked up coasWeraaly, the total volume being the aeeaad heal of the week. I in- play was well diversified, necountin-* for liberal imM- against all the winners. Thre? favorites aad .; -en mi choice Kaceeeded. the outstanding long-in iced one lo win during the .afternoon being .lain.-s Crldms Gabrio, which aeored a lucky victory over 1 Imii yankee, the ravnrl ■ -. K. R. Bradk-y** "good tUlag;" ootlnue to wee, .hie to some trifling accident daring the running. His Barberry tan. He Went ilie wa. of Black Toney and ISac when slie ran out on the stretch turn in todays lourlh race anil lost enough grooad to bring aboitl her ilefeat by Miss Declare. Bayberry Candle got second place in i he la-t stride from Lady vlnonei. The trio of placed ones abaorbed all the lilting allcnion in the race, wit h Bayberry Caudle ihe ruling favorite. Lady .Mexican was the choice in the opener and sh. won commandingly. liei- First Degree orou the third race over Ala iior, an out alder, ihe diminutive atotl lost control of li i lit ami be ran away a mile ami a half before he could be stoop.-,!. Uncle llatt. a former winner hen- repeated in the tifth race, hut had lo do his l,-i to-oatataj IU-v -.1 Tea. Dilatory proved l « st in Ihe • losing dash ami won Ironi Golden rteaaare anil Kingling. Walilnii claimed foal against the "inner which was not allowed. Had Waldroa lieen in alert in the last twenty yarde he would have tared second place. The tiv-ilavs suspension Imposed on Jockey E. for having canned tbe spill of yesterday that n silted in Dishinons fall, was lifted by the stewards this afternoon and he will be allowed to accept Martin mounts tomorrow Martins restoration to favor came as a result of owner 1". - McDowells state-lix-iii to the officials that the Jockey was not at faall and that the accident uss uue to tbe fad that Cloth of Cold lias a bud mouth and is on that aci-ount almost uncontrollable. The colt was started in the race upon the urgent solicitation of acting secretary Campbell, who eared a Shortage of entries lor the race. Cloth of Cold will be retired until his month improves. The injures sustained by Hislimoii were not as grave us was iirst supposed anil he rod. tins ■ I lei noon. Jockey Sweeney was suspended foe ten daya by the starter for disobedience at the i osi In the third I ace. Ilabrio and First Degree, the winnin~ two borne combination, vieldeil SI07.C while Miss Declare, Uncle Hart and Dilatory paid 18.30. William Mi-Daniel will tomorrow assume charge of the William Gorst horses and train them in He future. Mr. McDaaJeJ on a previous occasion trained f-.t Mr. Octal and George 11. Holle and scored considerable success for them. llarretl l». Wilson, secretary of the Kentucky A-so, i.-it i.-n. i- among the advance guard of L-ing touiana bere t" witness the running of tomorrnw-. Delhi. A -| ial train will bring a big delegation I roin He- Mm grass region tomorrow morning. Tbe Louisville delegation will also conn- by special train, while nearby cities, including Columbus. Dayton. Cleveland, Chicago ami St. Leans, win be well represented. V. K. Phillips today disponed of the broodmares Beautiful Bess and Saasanana to Judge Allie Young, who wn- recently appointed to membership on the Kentucky state Racing Commission. It is Judge Youngs intention to procure aboot ten choice mares with which to embark in breeding. li. T. Iolion was called to his homo in Chicago by the sudden Illness of Ins father. During his ■bar t c the Cotton horses will be in charge of trainer Al. Lander. The Derby is absorbing a g 1 deal of alien tioi tonight and preparations are being made by General Manager Hachmeister for a big crowd. At least sjv horses will go to the | lo strive for Ihe rich priae. Those said to he certain to stait with I heir Jockeys, are: John iiind. A. Noy-loi: Bronaewlng, I. Keogb: Constant. R. Wul-ili i iii : Casnarina. W. W. Taylor: Dr. Samuel. J. Henry, and Ian Gardner, C. Dishmou. John Guild i- at present ranking a slight favorite over Broncewing. The owner of the latter and her trainer an- sanguine thai she will repeat Coweiis KOCCeas of last year. The Lexington delegation ati pinuing their faith to the Baker pair atnl will be greatly disappointed if they miss winning the prize. die following wen- among the best trials at La-tonia this morning: Bad Prospect Half mile in 59. Beach Comber Three-quarters in 1:18. Buck Keenon Mile in 1:17. Dark Flow tr -Half mile in 50. Golden chimes Three-eighths in o7 Howell Mile in 1:4:;. tlractlla Half mile in SO. «,i. inte Hall mile in 4.t-.-,. r, iwj Lore Half mile in 49. Docker Mil- in I :30. Ilutitress — Three-quarters in i:l -.. laaetBei Five eighths in 1:02%. Jack Kavanaugh Three eighths in yTr.-.- Jenny Geddes Mile in 1:44. Lace Three-quarters in 1:15. Othello -Fire-eighths In 1:02%. si.iiaia Three-quarters in 1:20%. Tin- Norman Tin ee -up -ters in 1:10%. ilhite -Half mile iu 52. Winning Witch— Seven-eighths in 1:28%. Yenghei — Half mile in ■ ■--

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Local Identifier: drf1914061301_1_2
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