General News Notes of the Day, Daily Racing Form, 1914-06-13


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h at b by | ■ i I I 1 GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY. The -tcam-hi|i Antilla from New York discharged her cargo of ammunition for the constitutionalists Tampico. The I. a Salle Street Tru-t and Savings Bank 1 i and four other aflllated Chicago bank- were closed tin- state bank examiner. Representative William ;. sharp of Flyria. " .. was nominated bj President Wilson to be am-bassador to France, succeeding Myron T. Herrhk. Mr. sharp is a democrat. Bj I VOte 0t oil hi -:-"i the United Slates senate passed President Wilson- bill repealing the exemp Hon of American coastwise shipping from the payment of Panama canal tolls. By a N"tc of 2n; to Ti tiie iion-e of Represents Uvea concured in the Simmons Norrls amendment to tin- loll- exemption repeal bill and the measure was -tit io President Wilson for his signature. The new French cabinet, of which Senator RIbol i- premier, was defeated in the his; division taken in ihe new chamber of deputies bj a w»te of :!m; to 262. The premier resigned Immediately. Re hail h.-ld otlice one day. The cn-tiiiitioiiali-i army under General Hue eon began it- lii-l concentrated attack on tic-federal fortlneatlons al Masatlan. Although tl« i,esi,a.iii garrison held ii- position it lost beavily in killed ami wounded. Plans for an agreement between counsel for Harrv K. Thaw and the state of New York to permit Thaws reaaoval from New Hampshire to Pennsylvania in custody of ofllcen tn testify in court ueni awry when Attorney-General Caraaody of New fork objected. A warning i,, Turkey, whiek fell little short at a forms I declaration of hostilities, was uttered hj Premier Venlselos of Greece in tin- chamber of deputies. lb- was sneaking on the treatment of Greek subjects in Turkey. Every marine signal station in the lower St. .Lawrence River and in Ihe gulf is straining its re sources in an endeavor to locate the government steamer Montntagny, missing tor several days with her M en of twenty foor men. Ilie Mediators will not oilieially admit to he con ference the representatives General Carransa has an nonnced he will -end to Niagara Falls. The South American diplomats say thej will not recede from their original condition, demanding an armistice. An unprecedented cold wave, coupled with violent hailstorms, continues to ravage the agricultural region.- of France. A temperature of 21 degrei -Fahrenheit was registered at CharoUes, in Burgundy. The crops in that district have been destroyed. Grand Duke Adblpb Frederick of Meckleaburg-Strelilz i- dead. He was born in 1848. the son of Grand Duke Frederick William, whom he succeeded a- reigning grand duke on the hitters death in 1964, ami Princes- Angusta, the daughter of the late Duke Adotpbus of Cambridge. The yacht Resolute made a clean sweep of the three deep sea speed trials over the Americas cup course, when she defeated the Yanitie for the third rouse n five time yesterday. The Resolute got away with a lying stall ami leading all through the thirty mil.- won by nearly three minutes elapsed lime. The steamer Anion, which is about 9,000 torn passed through ihe Gattiu locks yesterday to Gatun Lake She made the round trip, passing oni ., the Atlantic, in I hour and.".:: minutes. Two electric mates on each side handled the steamer with the greatest ease. The Ancon is the biggest ship plying on the isthmus. The prohibit ionists in the National Hons" have accepted tin- challenge of the liquor men. When the rules committee meets on July I to renew Its consilient ion ..r the advIsablUtj of reporting oat a -peeiil i nl.- to make Hi,- Hobson nation Wide pro liihitioii measure privileged business, the prohlbl lioni-ls will urge the mlopton of ihe rule. As a further siep toward Increasing, the safely of travel by rail under modern conditions of heavy trains and nigh Speed, ihe Pennsylvania Railroad i- expected to adopt a steel rail weighing 120 pounds to he yard as Hie standard for its main line trains and for oilier divisions on which heavy passenger trains run al high speed. The heaviest rail now in its by the Pennsylvania weighs tun i anda to the yard. A determined attempt was made by militant suffragettes to burn the ancient Church of St. Margarets at Chipstead. fourteen miles southeast of London. Three distinct tins fed by lire lighters composed of squares of felt saturated with oil. were Set by the "arson squad." The rector and the vil lagers were able to extinguish Ihe lames before much it. image had been done. The church date-, from the twelfth century. General Carransa announced that he had returned an answer to the note of he mediators, statins that in- would appoint represents! Ivm« to the eon fereuees at Niagara Calls. His note merely gave assurance iha; the constitutionalist* would be reure Rented. It did not mention conditions on which they would lake pari. Announcement was made. however, thai agree asm! •■ attend the conference* wmiht not serve to check the campaign against tin-federals. The a. Lane,- to the south will be eon tinned with i iu.-r. The Wilson administration has approved the mediators plan presented by the Niagara conference two weeks ago. nfter Inning futilely held mil for further concessions to the constltntionslists. ihe plan which the United States government now is willing to accept is the one which it has most bitterly opposed. It provides for the selection of a provisional president to lake the place ol General Huerta pending he holding of a constitutional election in Mexico. The selection of this new provisional president is. however, to be sanctioned by General Huerta. Pieal ibii! Wilson yielded when ii became apparent thai. aniens be - did. ihe conference would fail. inn- -- ii oni. MM eoiiieience wouii lan.

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Local Identifier: drf1914061301_2_6
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