Latonia Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1914-06-13


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1 j - 5 o .. ."1 LATONIA FORM CHART. LATONIA. KY.. FRIDAY, JUNE 12. 1914. -Fifth day. Latonia Jockey Club. Spring Meeting of 21 days. Weather cloudy. Presiding Steward. Char!.- 1. Price. Presiding Judge. W. II. Shelley. Starter. Harry Morrlssey. Rac-1 ing Secretary, E. W. Maglnn. Racing -: 1,1- at 2::;o p. m. Chicago time 2:30 p. in., indicate- apprentice allowanea. 1 I 77Q I-llJST KA 1: —5-8 Mile. 90287—89—2 109. 00 added. 2-year-olds. Maidens. 1 - j- i I t~/ Selling. Set raltti to winner .t.-,ii: -.-cotid. si::o: third. 1. Index Hols - AWtPPSt t a -j. Str Fin Jockeys Owners Ki|iiiv. Odds Strt I49«g LADY MEJXICAN w I0!i 10 4 "" 1* Is 1° It Connelly L« S ITad 1 Hi-- 1 vi.i:i;i:ai:i:i: will 3 1 7 34 2 l" 1; WnldronM Q Thompson 1 109 1 SPIUDEL w-109 t * 2* 41 P ::1. .1 Robbins T f* Bradley 116 M7o: II HIE M TKKHwr. 199 2 .". 4» -" 3 1 A N ylon E R Bradley CI M 14622 HANK tVUAl *»■ 112 . !•■ •■ S» H •• F Keogh 0 Carle tl2 14548*R£SCUE wb IM j t; 04 ti- I** 8J C DUhraonHendhry and Miller 23 I Hum aiaky REARDON wa 103 17 s ;■ t1 7- A Mott W P Boardoa a 14348 TIM! PIECE wall! t, i! iii s s- s« v .1 J. Respess 32-H 14." 40 TAM TAM « Hi y s 9 9 9 Si F Teahan .1 Sp«noer I MAYOR STONE a 112 l! I M H l" IflE Sweeney J s Hawkins l«o 11701 GONDOLINO W M3 I I II 11 II II V W TlorJ R Hushes 11 rMutuel OeM. Time. 18%, 48- i. 1:01 5. Track last. j mutuels |..-id. Ladj Mexican, if.ti.lo straight, .80 place, 13.70 show; Talebearer, 122.80 place. Sic..Ki w i « : Sprodel, 30.30 show. Uqoirah in looking adds lady Mexican. 2S9 to mo straight. M to loo place. B3 u loo show: Tale-I carer, K1411 to *00 place. 748 to MM show; Sprudel. 1415 to 100 show. whaser Ch. i. by Mexican— Lady Scarlet trained by V. Grater. Weni iii |kim at 2:30. At post 1 minute. Start nod and sow. on easily; second and third driving. LADY MEXICAN quickly drew away Into ■ good lead nntn called on to win m net rider pleased. TALK i.i aki:k w . - sway forwardiy, but was shuttled lack, then showed good speed and closing a gap. stood the I! si drive gamely. SPRUDEL raced well and cam.- fast through the stretch. BEST BIB AND TCCKER showed speed, nut tired badly. GONDOLINO was Corced hack nn tlu Skat una. HANK ODAY was away sh-wiy and ran a k h I race. Scratched— 14701Cfaesterton, 112. 1/9 *7 Q ■HB0Mro UACK— 3-4 Mile. MM 1 : 1 1 -.-. — *— UC MM added. 8 -year-olds and tip TjC I J J waul. Selling. Net value to winner .$.505: second, 33: third, 2. ■ ml"i Horses AWtPPSt U q "4 Str Kin Jockeys Own i i *S K piiv. Odds Strt ▼47. 8 QABRIO w 5 108 5 4 51 V 1" l1 W Obert J Griffin 2160-100 . I4«il i Ki.Yixr, rNKEBwB 5 ill 6 3 2| :". .",- 21 R WaldronF Goring 17 20 14785 BEAD CHILTON wiTWH l U li 2" :. M Grim r E C Arnold 47-M II7S RAOUL W* 3 101 7 5 ::.. 4J 4l 4 W W TTorG J Long G9-10 1 4 »■ :; CLARK W I! 4 106 11 S IlSj 51 B| F Teahan W F Cisko MS 14047 IOXT wb S 108 I I* s. 7] 7*. V D ConnellvF J Pons aj 144!»4 san JON stM 9 2 41 «i 6- Jl C DisfamonJ Spencer 1] 14125 SIDNEY HELLMNw 3 M _ 1 1 ].. % i s*. a Nevlon J C Dodgers 4:; I4280*D17CHESS iuitv w 1 lot*.1, i g gi g s3 .i DominkWood ft Stoner 126 11*33 FRED DREW wn 4 KMi 4 7 7i ]n lo HO- 1. Gaugel J C Cahn 111 llla:t 1 W. oSHLA w 3 100 :: lo 11 11 11 11 .1 Howard J W O Shea 1 IMutael tieid. Time. 2345. 48. 1:13*4. Track last. *2 lmituels paid, Gabrla, .5.20 straight, 88J20 place. !f4.9o show: Flying Yankee. 83.30 place, .70 ■ ; Dean Chilton, SO Equivalent i wikiiiL odds Oalalo, ttdo to hhi straight, ::io to luo place. 14.". to 100 show: Prying Ynn-1. . 00 to 100 place, ;;."• to 100 show: Dean Chilton. 7." t i 100 show. Winner — Dlk. j;. by Nasttirtiutn — Obscurity trained by J. Orittini. Wint to 00*1 at ".:11. At post 1 minute." Start good and slow Won handily: second and third driv-il!g. GABHIO, after racing elese up from the Start, moved up steadily and. Saving ground when turning iuto the stretca, drew into the load in the last sixteenth and won going away. FLYING YANKEE raced well and would have won hut for losing much ground on the stretch turn. DE..I" CHILTON set a good 1 ace. inn tired iii the Msl eighth. KAOII. had no mi-haps. CLERK ran well. SAN JON tired. OTeTWeights —San Jon, 1 pound: Duchess Daffy. 1: .1. W. fShea. .".. 7Q] THIRD RACE— 1 Mile. 70624 — 1 ::!and— r.— 114. i Pane $•*•. ."year olds. Colls and 11 rt I O A. Geldings. Selling. N-t value to winner ." 0: second. gOO; lliird. !S."id. Index Poises AWllISt i.4 u. .".4 Str Im Jockeys Owiie-s gqnJT. Odds Strt 14728* FIRST DEGREE wn m I :• 5» V 2 | 1 | 1 | A Mott B C Arnold laVrM l4 2S*ALADOR w 10J ■: :; l | :.?. ::?. 2* !» F RobinsnW icrst lti lf.7J TRANSIT W 107 OSS Kk .".- 5* 3 F Keogfa S K Hughes 21 ii7i! crsiiv iikad wa io4 4 I ;i :: 4:; 4i 41 a Nevlon BR Bradley 11 r. •170-i EXTSTACE « B in? ;i 4 1- 1= 1- :l 5» W W TloiG J Ixmg 81 144M4*NAOGRANE W Ma|ll M !» I o1 1 f B Pool W Sduve +31t li7: t ALLAN GOLD wnlO.Vlo 7 1" 8» s 7 7* R WaldronC T rortliinglon 13 146*2 PRINCETON w M 1 1 ?• II 7- 81 8 .1 Howard VV H Baker t i I 170-i in HACAN w no 7 S ■• 7:i 9 S :•• H Radtke M A Cotton 14 I44C3 LOST FORTUNE wn 104 8 I 7.M M 10 M 1 Ionnollvli F Carman H 13414 HVK1 wit Ho E 11 II 11 11 11 H K SweeneyB B Parsons liy •Mutu. I lield. Tfane, 233/,, 48. Id|%. 1:40V5. Track last. ntutuels paid, First Degree, S4.s straight, - :;.ihi place. .:.a» show: Alador, S10.S0 place. 16.80 show: i ramsit, S.i.Jo ♦.how. laiuivalent booking odds -Kits! Degree. 140 to 100 straight, so to 10 plai •■, 00 lo loo show; Alador. IJ.". to 100 i see, 190 to 3 o show; Transit. 380 to 1 M» show. Winuir-Dr. g. by Kilkerran Talpa trained by I. B. Dvermaui. Went to lest at 3:43. At jKist 1 minute. Start good and siow. Won easily; second and third driving. KIRST DEGREE raced well up for the first three-aaarttra, then drew into an asy lead in the stretch and : s away a mile and a half after the linish before he could be brought under control. ALADOR ran a good race and made a game linish. TRANSIT closed s gap tnun a slow beginning and flnished fast and gamely. I.l SIIV IIKAD ran well up most of the way, but tired In the stretch. EUSTACE set a fast early pace and tired after going three-quarters. PRINCETON showed early speed. Scratched — 14068 Wild Horse. 103. overweights -Xaour.nie. 11 pounds: Allan gold, 1 ;. : llyki. 3. 1/| *7 406"1 roilMU RACK— 3-4 Mile. SftSl 1 : 1 1 -V. -.".- 110. i Durso * liHi. nyear-olds. Fillies. r»T iO_da Allowances. Net value to winner tjagj second. S10Q: third. $.. . Inil-x i 1 1 us -s AWtllSt .t . % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Fapiiv. Odds Sir t I 4«jv2 MISS DECLARE w 107 I t V 11 Ill1 W W TlorJ B Respeas 225-100 14383 B BERRY CANDLEw MI 1 1 t* :: !■ A Nevlon K It Bradley ;;.".-2n il7«ni.nv MOONET wa MS - 1 f ■■■ a 8" W Obert W K Walsh 21 I42M ROBINETTA WSM 1 t S S 1: V- D ConnellvJ MacManus 17 1 14-iK LAIGLETTE wit 10 ". .". 8* P G ■"■ A Mott A 1 Humphrev Jr ..1 Time. 21. 47 4, 1:13%. Track fast. I 82 miiti.els naii!. Mi-s Declare. .*i.."ii straight. 83.10 place. .30 -how: Davborrv Candle. .7i place. •--.Hi show; Lady Moonet. .sj." show. Eqahralcal bouking odds Miss Declare, ?;_».". to 100 straight. 55 lo loo place, lr, lo loo show: Barberry ande. :,:, i , phi place, r. to loo ibow: Lady Moonet, lo i too show. Winner- Blk. f. by l»ick Welles Parisienne I trained by J. B. EtespemD. Went to |.ost at 1:17. At iMist :; minutes. Start g «id and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. Miss DECLARE, showing great speed, moved into the lead at once and. savng miieii ground on the stretch torn, dr ■ away when BAYBERRY CANDLE ran out and won in a canter. BAYBERRY CANDLE was close up and going well when she suddenly ran out and. after losing much ground, came fasi agahi under punishment. LADY MOONET was pinched oil an the lower turn and tired in the stretch. ROBI-M.l l. .-los-.l a big gaj ■ in the stretch. 7QQ FIFTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. 8381— 1:11%— 5- 118. 3800 added. 3-y«ar-oida aad npward. 11 •jb I O Q S.I ing. Not value to win; ■!■ »■■»■»: second. :.:.: third. . 7- "de Horses AWtllSt U ■_. % Sir l-in Jockeys Owners I.ipiiv. Odds Strt « 1 4728 UNCLE HART wa 4 M3 ."i 1 Ink Ill W W TlorRoss a 1 ey 135-100 1 170". -itiiYAI, TEA wa 5 111 4 7 41 : 2] l- F Keogh W II Baker If.r. 14323 ROYAL DAINTY Wl N I 8 1- 6- 1- 8* A Nevlon T C McDowell 81 l4383aCAMPEON wa 8 U7 1 i :.. . ::" 3k 1- D Connelly R I" Carman 19-5 I4H7G YMIR w 5 10S : s 8 7" 71 B* I Teahan .1 T Weaver 13 1 16 3 TRANS MIIPKK w 3 Ml 8 . 8» ■ §* t* .1 DnminkT K Rraaaoa ::il LADY LONDON w 4 18714 2 Zl •"•- S» 7- n WaldronW L Lewi- 86 •32 MAJOR BELT wh 3 lot 7 1 «1 8 s | w Obert Mrs J Schreiber isi Time. 23S- BeVt, l:13-/5. Track fast. §;." 4 82 muiueis paid. Uncle Bart, .7o straight. .. no place, 32.33 show. Royal Tea. $:;.7o place. ?:;.io iw : Royal Dainiv. s:;..:o show. Equivalent booking odds— Uncle Hart, 133 to 100 straight. 4o m loo place, v.0 to 103 show: Royal Tea, i to loo place. : r, to 100 snow: Royal Dainty. 89 to 100 show. Winner— Ca. s. by stalwart — Lady Balgowaa trained by J. P. Roan. Weal i" post Si 4:40. At post 4 minutes. Starr good and slow. Won driviig: second and third the same. UNCLE BART, showing tine -peed, raced into the lead in the lir-t quarter and kept it. but had to • be hard ridden i itstay ROYAL TEA. Tae latter ran a good race ami was going fastest at the end. IMN AL DAINTY closed a goad gap in the stretch. CAM PEON tired in the last eighth. YMIR came last through the last quarter. Scratched 147 »2 Galley Save. Ill; 14007 Rooster, 101; 14:::.0 Charley McFcrraa, DHi. Drerwelglit* Lady l.oniion. :•., poaada; Major Pelt ::. 1 1 flOl SIXTH RACE 1 1-16 M:les. 3233— 1 :»:: .-,— 3- 110. 8800 added. I year olds and up ! JL jt. I Ott waul. S.-lliii";. Net value m winner 8500; second. si::o: third. 8. . "iinloM H~i~s AWtPPSt % -• ?t Sir Fin Jockeys Owners Luuiv. Odds St rjr l4648*DILATORY a ~ 1 11 7 l ::■ Ik V l1 F Keogfa 11 II Bmnsoas 333-100 1 itoe-cot.ii. TREASUREw 108 8 6 B» .", 8*1 V ." F Teahan E Hortaa t 14587 KINGLING w 4 107 1 1 V !!■ 8» J .. :. R WaidronM J ThOSBDSon 42 14381 GEORGE STOLL •• t MS E I l« - P. 41 # W W TlorJ S Hawkins 2s l4423*TROJAN BELLE w 4 iKi - •" N 7: 6T1 6* ""A Mott RL Rogers 57-10 I ir;. j FELLOWMAN w 4 1M 7 3 4!l 81 6 81 I ConneilyG Henae js 11648 PLIANT WSM4M 8M 8 7 8" 7 A Nevlon FJ Pons Q . 11I67*HANLY wa 3 Ml 1 M 8 8 SI 7 81 C DishmonA Gordon 58 : 1 iriMiii.Mir.tiHIA w 4 MS 8 8 I* M B1 8 H F RobinsnRoss 3 I wy 18-5 14377s WANDER w 8 ill :; 1 4 8* M M Ml W Obert C K Hamilton 4:.-io Time. Hi. 48",. 1:14*5. 1:40*5, 1:46«5. Track fast. iiiiitiiels paid. Dilatory, 5.80 straight. 38.00 place, 35.40 show: Golden treasure, 31.00 place, .st.lo show : Kingling, si:;. so .how. 1 LqiAai n: boohing odds Dilatory, 030 to 100 straight. 230 to 100 place, 170 to 100 show: GoMea Treasure, 130 to ion place. 103 to 100 show: Kingling. .".to .. 100 show. Winner— Ch. g. by Samson Tardy trained by K. P. Brooks. Went to POSI at ■:-2. At post 1 minute. Start good and si..w. A"en handllj : second and third driving. DILATORY, c!ose up from the stait. moved into the bad on the stretch turn and held tbe others safe to the end. GOLDEN TREASURE came with a rush in the stretch to linish a lucky second. KINGLING raced well up throughout and would have been second but for bis rider casing him up In tbe ss twenty yards. GEORGE STOLL ran a good race. WANDER quit ami was given ■ bad ride. CARPATIIIA m v a ... ICM never i" 0.1 dangerous. null "us. -*

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Local Identifier: drf1914061301_2_12
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