Dorval Park Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1914-06-13


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m v a ... ICM never i" 0.1 dangerous. null "us. -* DORVAL PARK FORM CHART. K0NTREAL. QUE.. FRIDAY. JUKE 12, 1914. -Fifth day. Dorval Jockey Club. Spring Meeting of 7 days. 33 iiooks on. 1 Weather clear. Presiding Steward. Joseph A. Murphy. Presiding Judge, Francis Nelson. Starter. James Milton. Rac-ii..- S.ijetaiy. Joseph .Mclennan. i:.i. mg starts at 2::;o p. in. Chicago time 1:30 n. tn.i. Indicates apprentice allowance. 1/8 fj Q "I IIKSl RACK 5-8 Mile. 14710- 1 : 2 r. -2— 101. 1 Iurse ;C, I. 2 year-olds. Selling. , ■ *i J j A. Net value to winner S4ilo: Sl nd. 370; third. 330. "Dnle Horse. AWtPPSt U ]j arsTi~Fiu Jockeys Owners »~Tl C 1 S 14787 3*MRS. CAMPBELL w Ml 12 3 2 1» l« r R Shilling R .1 Allison SJ 1 ! 8-5 W 14«34*BURWOOD wn 10-; :: Z " :;- 8*1 21 .1 Smvth A Turnev . lS-SlS-31 1 - , 14654 RAY K. MILLER m IM 5 S B | 43 t» :■ .1 Fraeh K L Fitzgerald 7 I 7 _ 8-2 14787 •CELEBRITY m 102 I I 0 5*6" l« A Claver .i S Tyree IE M 88 8 1 l4573*LOUISE MAY w M71 4 M W !- 81 •■. J HaaoverN B Davis 38 S3 25 lo : 11707 SANTA MADIA wa MO M 8 :•. ]u- 8 :■■ E AtnbroaeH A Cotton 88 bM M0 38 IS 1 4834 CATEGORY w 102 1 l l« : 8 7: .1 Collins Mrs .1 F Hammer* •; .". 2 1 1 14483 CO L. FRBD W NS B 7 71 7] 7" si a Halse] T Scott 38 io 38 88 18 i Ditto KAZAN w M8 2 ! 12 12 "•• 8" YV AndressJ C Galbxher 13 1". 12 .". 21 17IP, MISS FIS8Y w 85 8 11 11.. 11- lo» W* C Merxler J H McCarren 09 103 100 10 28 , THE LARK m 184 7 12 pit s 12 lll G W Car11.1 B Respesa 111 12 12 S :". 1108:5 REVERO w ln3 11 8 8 n- 12 C VanDnnU Oots lo ij 15 8 3 Time. 2343. 49. 1:02*5 new track record. Track fast. ninuet !.• f lo Bonnie Joe -Stcla Campbell trained bv F. Dosst, Weal lo i" - »l 2 ;:i. At nosl S minutes. Start good and slow. Won handily; set I sod third driving MRS. CAMPBELL was off forwardiy and dashed to tbe front on the far turn, from where she drew ito i I ■- lead, but wa- tiring a1 the rod. BCRWOOD raa well and gained steadily after turning v d- tu tbe Ire ch RAY R. MILLER closed j big gap and misled la-t and gaining. CELEBRITY lii-i lied well CATEGORY oel the earlj pace, but quil after going three-eighths. Scan!. i-l 1 4707» I lah.-nl i-!i. 100. ii | eigh . ■hloilv . .". poiuiiN: L«nii-e Ma;.. 2 . 1 4 7 00 SECOND i;.c!. 3-4 Mile. 114762 1:14% 5 112., Parse 3300. 3-year-o!ds and nn- A T" • f Ju ward. Selling. N-i value to winner 3400: second, 870; third, 830. Index iPr-j- AW tFlSt 4 i, », Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P 8 14314 i«oNTEFRACT wa •" 108 2 3 3h I»» »i i?. w Kelsay A C Niehaus 20 88 SO m 5 14739 sir FRETTIL m 8 105 1 1 11 1 1 I . a Claver J .1 Coalter :. 8 •". 2 1 M.OO -il.CA sl K m t 101 I s grt r] .-■ :■ ! R Shilling T Scott 1 1 I 3 I " S 5 i-rp.n ROCKV OBRIEN w • 7 IM :: 2 2*1 -; l R Plcketl 1 Hill 15 M ::o 12 8 14733 TORONTO w 3 99 7 ; M 10 s : . i ; W CarIU Lowenstein V, 80 25 in .". 14733 BRAWNS W t MH 5 7 4»i. ." W ■:■■■•- Ca* . Gould P M Clvill 8 8 7 14737»TEMPEST w3 88 M » ." 4 o. 7» J Smyth H Oots U 5 I 8-3 1-5 ■ 14709 MASALO wa B 103 • 1" -|! 3j H 8 W GarganW Gargan Br 38 58 M IS I "4733 IIENOTIC we. 5 183 ■ S 8*7 7- 8* A Hahwy J 1 lt an I 18 s :: s .". K709 ! SDAMENTAL v B 105 s 8 7*lfl I" l i J Collins B L Fitzgerald N M 7 8] 7 • Time. 25. 493/5 1:13V. Track fast. Winner B. g by Sain Toots Moos trained by A. c. Niehaus. Wont " !"i in 3:08. At post ii minutes. Start good and slow. Woo ilriiu: setond and third tbe g. , ,• poMi I i; 1 raced in close puisuit of the pacemakers from Ifae start and, wearing SIB FRET ■■i i i. down in tbe stretch, ontgamed him in the anal drive. The latter set the pace nearly all the way and , i. d i nunc Inisb. OLGA STAR closed i big gap ami was weariag the leaders down at the end. ROOK1 OBRIEN raced well t" tbe stretch and tired. TORONTO closed s gap. ovi-i -weigiis— lotitefiacl. :•, pounds: K.H-ky OHrion. :?: Torolit-i. 4: T nipesi. .;. m fw | THIRD BACK 3-4 Mile. 14782 IIP. r. 112. Purse 3500. :: year olds and up- * 4 • f ft "! s.iiin... ci rame to «, ■ • mi»i ...,: -.o. ihlnl. 330. Todes Horses tWtPpSl , . S ■ ,.. Joekeyi Owner* 0 H 0 P --r 14737 •REOLTRAM wa S M " " * I " .1 Bmytfa E l OConnell 3 4 18-57-5 3-5 I 141S7*WI1 I IS wa 4 M3 » 8 71 V 4- f claver .1 ii McCarren M 18 12 S 21 1 14738 8PRINOHASS W 3 388 15 5* 5uk 63 z E AmbroneR T McKooror o J i i I 1 11700-•SACKCLOTH w t lol E I 84 4»| 54 4"k F Murphv F Kcitn.r 8 10 88 1 hi I47SS*»ACGUS. HBINZEwn 3 !»o J 7 at S i 1 .".- .1 Acton Mrs .1 F Haiiiinerlo 12 M 4 2 14733 : JIM L. w u 111 7 I" 3m 3*1 « C Peak w I MclllniarraylO 15 13 5 :. 14738 VESTED RIGHTS w n 4 10S 8 4 1nt 2 2" 7 C VandaDunT S Parker 3 4 11-51 1 I 14534 ■ DOS K MARY wnllOS 8 8 H 71 B1 s1 R Shilling C N Freeman 8 8 7 1 I _ 14537 STONEMAN WB 9 105 4 8 s1 !i 8 :• W Taylor J H Adams 81 on 00 -0 10 Time. 24/5, 48 5. 1:15. Track fast. Winner — B. f. by Tony Faust — Resignation II. trained by E. J. OConnell. Wem to post at .::: 4. At post t; minutes. Start goad and slow. Won easily; second and third driv ing. RBQI I RAM was sent to the front with a rush and raced into a long lead, but was tiring and ridden tut at the end to outstay WILLIS. The latter finished in resolute fashion and was slowlv gaining on the leader at tbe end. SPRINGMASS finished gamely and outstayed SACKCLOTH iu the final drive. VESTED RIGHTS raced well to the stretch and was eased up whin he tired. JIM I. mil. Scratched— 14708 General Warren, ioo. overweights — Jim L.. 3 pounds. ILTQ/sL loll:l11 HACK 5-8 Mile. 14731— 1:83ft -3— MR. Ftrat Running St. Lawrence tt I *Jr£. Stakes. 31,080 added. 2 year-olds. Fillies and Geldings. Allowances. Net value to winner yl.27:»: second. 3333; third. 3100. t in lex Horses AWtPPSt U v, Str Fin Jockeys Owaars j H C P S 14710 SHYNESS w los I I a B :;i | | G Durns T cjyde 4 6 M-53-M1-3 14654 At ST JOSIB ws 108 3 4 :p V- 11 2* .1 HanoverJ W Schorr 6-513-M13-107-201 5 14591 .IOSLIINA KARATE W 111 .". 3 P 1-. lJ 31 C Peak JFandHSNewman L". 3 1 1 1 I 14654 11 1: PIN w 103 4 3 45 3nk 4li 48 J Callahan W Martin 10 10 10 2. 1.7 14416 LADY SPIRITLELLE w 108 i E S 5 5 5 A Claver MrsLALivgston M 30 15 5" 8 E Tune, 24 /5. 49, 1:02% equals track record. Track fast. Winner— Ch. f. by His Majesty— Mrs. K. trained by w. 1". Presgrave Went to post at 4:02. At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow for all but LADY SPtRITUELLE. Won easily; second and third driving. SHYNESS was a forward contender from the start and came wtds when entering the homestretch, but finished fast and easily disposed of AUNT losiK in the last sixteenth. At NT JOSH-: raced on the inside for the entire way and outstayed the tiring JOSEFINA BABATE for second place. The latter set a good pace for the first half mile, but tiled and tailed to stay the rout.-. LADY SPIBITVBLLE propped when the barrier was sprung. TIB 1IN ran well. Overweights — Jo-etin-i Zarate, ■ iiouuds. 1/9 "T k pT FIFTH RACK— 3-4 Mile. 14T33— 1:M%— 3— 113. Parat ISOm 3 year olds and up-rJt I t_/ tj ward. Selling. Net value to winner 00: second. S7l: liiird. y:iO. index Horses AWtPPSt % Ms ■"■ Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 1 4788 DICKS PBT wa 3 MO - 1 4 lh 1- 1- J CallahanO Pona 3 4 4 8-23-6 14687 CHESTER KRLM wn 7 111 5 5 P. 28 21 2. G Burns D Raymond 10 10 31 2 I 14737 BATWA w n r, m :: 4 3nk |E S*| am R Pickett J H Duseher 12 M B a 8 14738AMORET w 7 112 0 8 03 ih V Vi J Hanover F Harlan 2 13-512-54-5 4-5 14855* EYE WHITE w 7 100 I 3 61 5. 3*5* A Claver S Polk IS 16 15 5 .". I4737*DR. DOLGHKTY WB 7 111 4 3 2J 1". t1 tp C Peak F Harrington 4 4l. 1. 8-6 3-5 1-1708 LOFTUS W 3 102 7 7 7 7 7 7 G AY CarllJ B Respess 8 12 B 4 8-5 Time. 24V5, 4845. 1:15. Track last. Winner D. f. by BattS — Kitty Belle Brooks trained by A. L. Austin. Went 10 post at 1:28. At post 1 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. DICKS 1KT moved up fast on the outside on the turn out of the baekstretch aad, taking tin-lead, easih disposed of his opposition through the hist quarter. CHESTER KRIJM set the early pace and showed a good tarn of speed, but tired when the winner challenged. BATWA raced well, lull was tiring in the final drive. AMORBT ran wide all the way and hnished close up. DR. DOICII ERTY ipiit. Scratched 1 i i::s, Sqneeler. 101. 7Q» BIXTB RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards. 14781— 1:47H 4 108. Pane 3408. 1-year 14 Tr 4 %J O oids and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 34QO: second. .0: third. 338. Iule llors.-s AWtllSt 14 v. % Str Fin Jockeys Owners " ~H C I S 147 13 ■CISKO wa«M3 5 6 6* 5*» V 21 l1 .1 Gregorys Folk 3-6 2 2 7 101:; 14713*171. LA GRANE 4 99 I :i 8" -- l"kll ! J Mc-Atee N" C Davis 2 11-511-54 5 Z-6 14818»TROVATO W 4 H7 Z 1 1 in" V 3s V J Acton J D Strode 5 7 5 2 I M 14 733 MISS JOE ws 5 98 8 0 P. 41. 5s 43 4:1 G Lomas J Donohue 12 20 15 6 :.. 14708 FASTOSO w 1J 109 1 2 V 9 4i 5° 6* A Dudley A D Worlev 15 15 15 5 B 14735 JACK LAXSON IMS 1 4 7- 6l° ti10 3" «-• Spencer C N Freeman 8 15 10 4 2 l4438*ROSEBTJRG IV. wa 4 M8 8 s 8 8 8 V- 715 C Mergler J H McCarren JO 40 40 12 6 13777 CUNTON w 4 M8 7 7 «A| 7» V 8 8 Paculis J K Hart 8 15 12 a 2j Time, 25. 50. 1:1535, 1:43. 1 :47Vi equals track record 1 . Track fast. Winner 15. g. by Hoistein — Yachting Jirl it rained by S. Folk. Went t post at 4:38. At post 6 minuti-s. Start :. 1 and slow. Won handily: s. -.,ul and third driving. CISKO began slowly ami was outpaced for the first half mile, then moved up rapidly while rounding the last two turns and. wearing the bailers down in the last eighth, passed LLLA GRANB and won going away. ELLA GRANE ran a good race but tired after racing TKOYATO into defeat. The latter was well ridden and showed the most speed for nearly three-quarters, then tired. The others were outpaced and beaten off at the end. Scratched 1471.-. F.ffendi. IPS. 7Q7 SKYKNTII RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards. 14781— 1:47%— 4— 183. Parae 3803. 3 yea: 14 r3C I O I "Ids and upward. Soiling. Net value to winner 00; Beet nd, i : third. 33ft liidev Horses AWtllSt U i; Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 14 73 -.IAi:OT w 0 108 5 0 2* 8b V V 1- H Davis .1 U Strode 3 :A 14-51 j I ! 14885 ABBOTSFORD w 4 103 8 I V V 2» 2»* :■■ .1 Smyth AY L Oliver 5 5 I 8-6 4-5 1473S»VREELAND w 7 111 7 2 lJ 11 lh 3 : - G AY CarIU B Reapeas 8-6-34 3-6 4-6 2-6 1-1713 CNCLE BEN wa 3 Ml M I 5" :.•. I] 5- I1 R Shilling JFdtHSNewman 15 20 12 8 23 14733 LEAMENCE w 8 HI I S »•"■ 6" Ej 4- 5-. 11 Pickett D Hill 8 8 3 1 8-5 l4818*FORT SUMTER wn 1 88 ! I 8* 1» 8* 81 ;.. F Murphy Mrs J F BammerM 1« M 8 • 14735 THE MONK wa 7 l 3 8 :• 8* s4 7- 71 7 c VaaDsfnJ Dolaml 1". R 88 12 8 14733 GARTER w I MB 8 7 CJ P. Sl s: s; A Claver R s Barnes B 3o 88 12 5 11708 THOMAS HARE w 3 MS 1 »M M H 8" w* .I Callahan 1 Striker -• 3» 23 in 5 11157 MAN TON WS l»8 ! 8 7 i 8" W 18 M .1 Acton .1 AY MeGue PMi 150153 88 M Time. 252.-,. 50/,, 1:18%, 1:43. 1:47 new track record. Track fast. Winner— B. g. by ornament Tartlet i trained by J. A. Strode, Went to post at 5:24. At post 2 minutes. Siart good and slow. AVon easily: s ml and lliird dii Ing. JABOT ,ms outpaced for the tiv-t half, but slipped through on the inside • bile rounding the far tarn and. finishing iast. drew away into an easy lead in the last eighth. ABBOTSFORD ran a eood race, hut was much need in racing VKKKLAND into defeat and tired in 1,- list eighth. VRKKLAND set the pace under restraint for the Brsl Bve-eighths, but tired and quit la the last quarter. INCI.K BEN flnished fast. LEAMENCE ran well. GARTER showed speed. Scratched -14700-1. ov Parkin. .Hi: 14712 Art Kick. 01: 14783 Apjaster. loo.

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Local Identifier: drf1914061301_3_1
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