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CONNAUGHT JOCKEY CLUBS GOOD SHOWING. Ottawa. Out., October 15. The postponed annual general meeting of the Connaught Park Jockey Club took -dace in the club house, with President Hal. B. McGiveriu in the chair. There was a good attendance of the directors, and the meeting passed off harmoniously. Manager Rohrback presented his annual financial statement, which proved gratifying. The spring meeting was shown to have been highly successful, and at the fall races notwithstanding the unfavorable weather and counter attractions, a satisfactory surnhi- was. also shown. Altogether the year was reviewed as a most satisfactory one. though expenses, as at all high-class racing plants, were high. The question of installing the pari-mutuels was also taken up. but the decision of this question will be left with the iucomiiig executive, which will deal witli it earlv next year. Though no announcement to this effect has yet been made, it is believed that the pressure of the Canadian Raciug Associations which is distinctly favorable to the mutuels, will result ultimately in the passing of the bookmakers from Connaught Park. The board of directors was elected as follows: Hon. Clifford SIf ton, Mr. T. AHearn. Hal B. Mo-Glverin, Hon. Senator Belcourt, F. W. Curling, L. X. Bate. Stewart McCIenaghan, G. K. Farquier. 0. Boss. W. II. McAuIiffe. C. A. Irwin, Redmond Quain. T. F. AHearn. W. F. Powell, 12. S. Houston, E. S. Skead, W. A. Gray, J. K. Paisley, and Albert Rohrback.