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GREAT STAKES FOR SARATOGA RACING. The Saratoga Association with its accustomed liberality is paving the way for a great meeting-next summer by now offering five rich events for two-vearolds. which are to close for entries Monday. November 10. All are well known to owners, and among the most eagerly coveted rizes of each recurring turf vear. It being felt that New ork racing has leen re-established on a sound and dependable basis, the association has made increases in values over the figures of this year tlmt owners will recognize appreciatively. Between the product of our own breeding establishments and importation of vearlings from abroad, those and other j similar events of the New York turf will probably receive greatly aiigwnentcd entry lists ami return sums to the winners In excess of their guaranteed values. The conditions of these attractive offerings are displayed in the advertising department of this edition of Daily Racing Form, and all should receive nomination lists in accordance their oujto fVWfltf JfJipgrtgugSi