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RULES GOVERNING CANADIAN REGISTRATION. Montreal, Que., October 29. Secretary William Northev of the Montreal Jockey Club has sent out the following letter to breeders in the Province, of Quebec, calling their attention to the regulations governing the registration of foals: "Your, attention is called to the dates for the 1 registration of thoroughbred foals of 1914. "With the Jockey Club of New York foals must : be registered by November 1, the fee being for each foal. Afler that date the charge is 0 for " each " foal up to December 01, then it increases to 0. "With the Canadian Racing Associations foals s should be registered simultaneously with New York, but for this registration no fee is charged. "With the Canadian National Records, Ottawa, foals may be registered lu the year in which they are foaled up to December SI, the charge being ; each to members of the Canadian Thoroughbred 1 Honse Society and each to liou-members. After December 31 the charge Is to members and 0 to nou-nieihbers. "According to the rules of the Canadian Racing Associations all of these registrations are necessary, . it iKiiug provided that a horse must be duly registered and named before it will be permitted 1 to. start. "Immediate attention on the part of breeders and 1 owners to this matter will obviate additional cost t in the future. Forms" for the purpose are. on tile 2 at the office of the Montreal Jockey Club, and any Information required In this connection will be e gladly given."