Laurel Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1914-10-30

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Laurel form chart. LAUREL, MD., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1914. Twenty-fifth day. Maryland State Fair Meeting of 27 days. Weather clear. , Presiding Judge. K. C. Smith. Starter. Mars Cassiily. Racing Secretary. Ed Jasper. Haciug starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time 1:30 p. in.. lndicates apprentice allowance. FIRST RACE 3-4 Mile. 175931:120114. Purse 00. 2-year-olds. Selling. IQan O fJ O Net value to winner 00; second. 0; third. 0. Index Horses AWtPPStK Str Fin Jockeys Owners Kqulv. Odds Slrt 18164 MEELICKA wii 102 5 2 1" li ll ll P Louder AV Pline " p-JOO 181 5" MAMIE K. w 102 6 3 2" 2nt 2: 21 J McCaheyH S Kearney n1-3i J8152FAIR HELEN w 97 3 5 43 33 3 3J F HopkinsJ O Talbott 18049 FLY HOME w 107 S 4 5 4 4 yi Buxton W Martin 18142RACY w 1001 4 S gh 7 5i 5 II LaffertyC Reed "i-jHxX 18142SURGEOX vn 97 9 10 9J SU 0 fi1 AV Ural S Ross EciJX 18049 TIMEPIECE wsn 103 1 9 10 9 Si 73 J McTagrtM B Howser ,. .20-100 1810-1 MAID OF HONOR wn 102 7 7 G C 7 Sl J CallahanR P Watts T 17807 SCHNAPPS w 106 2 C 75 10 10 9 A SchugrMrs T Frances 4J,xiX 18 1 52 PROCTOR wn 100 10 1 3" 51 9 10 D StewardH G Bedwell .40-100 tMutuel Held. Time, 23, 48. 1:13. Track fast. mutueis paid, Meellcka, 4.50 straight, place, .S0 show; Mamie K., .00 place, .90 show; Fair Helen. .40 show. Equivalent hooking odds Jleellcka. 025 to 100 straight, 205 to 100 place, 90 to 100 show; Mamie K.. 100 to 100 place 45 to IliO show; Fair Helen. 70 to 100 show. Winner Ch. f. bv Meeliek Glassweed trained by L. E. Fine. . AVent to post at 2::53. At post 4 minutes. Start good and slmv. AVon handily: second and third driving MEEL1CKA, .showing the most speed from the start, set a fast pace and held the race safe all the vnv MAMIE K. raced in closest pursuit from the start and finished fast after being forced wide when nterlig the homestretch. FAIR HELEN ran well and saved ground on the turns. FLA" HOME closed a gap and finished fast. RACY also made up ground. The winner was entered for 00; no bid. Scratched lS1523Marvelons. 102: 1X152 Harlequin, 107; 1S104 River King, 102. Overweights Racy. 3 pounds: Schnapps. 2. oriQI7 SECOND RACE 3-4 Mile. 175931:120114.1 Purse 00. .1-year-olds and upward. Q f Selling. Net value to winner 00; second. 0: third. 0. l,l,,v nr;.s AAVtPPSt U Vj Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt "lKJ 10 DICKS PET wn 3 101 1 9 6 li 1 1 R .Shilling O E Pons W"-101 1X1 LADY LIGHTNG w 5 107 11 1 Is 2i 2 2 D StewardH G Bedwell 165-100 IK 15 IJ AIONT BELLE wb 3 109 2 4 2i 3 33 3 J Butwell R B Steele 12SO-1O.0 181VJ MORDECAI wn 3 109 7 5 3i 4 4 43 S Davis AV P Fine 10460-100 5 , MfvnA w 3 109 5 3 9 9 5J r.J A Nicklaus.T U Strode 720-100 1X01 FRED LEV Y w 4 110 4 6 7 fiuk G C AV Hinphy J AV Hedrlck -frm 1X11 Fl ATBrSIl w 3 109 10 2 S S V- 7 M Buxton Mrs F E Brown 7S00-100 18141 CAM ELL I A wb 5 107 3 S 5i 51 9J Si AV Lilly J L Paul 1925-100 T 11 , nj . n L ti .A! li J 1 1 1 J ii a ,. r : 7 j , j j 1 . J 1 1 c 1 i I , I , . - jj D 5 - - . . s 0 0 180G8 SIGMA ALPHA. w 4 115 6 10 103 103 10 9 J Kederis P J Miles 14SSG-100 18II2F. GODMOTHER vv 4 107 9 11 11 11 11 10 H LaffertyC T Halsey t22O0-10O 10338 CORNCRACKER wn 4 115 S 7 4h 7 SJ 11 R AValdronS R Howser t fAIutuel field. Time, 23, 48, 1:13. Track fast. mutuels paid. Dicks Pet, straight, .40 place, .00 show; Lady Lightning, .40 place. .90 show: Beaumont, .10 show. Equivalent booking odds Dicks Pet, 205 to 100 straight, 70 to 100 place, 50 to 100 show; Lady Lightning. 70 to 100 place. 45 to 100 show; Beaumont Belle. 105 to KM show. Winner B. f, by Batts Kitty Belle Brooks trained by O. E. Pons. AVent to post at 3:05. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. AVon easily; second and third driving. DICKS PET began slowly, but slipped through on the Inside and. saving much ground on the turns, moved up with a rush after entering the stretcli and drew away into a long lead in the last eighth. LADY LIGHTNING set a fast ear.:y pace, but tired and quit when challenged by the winner. BEAUMONT BELLE ttnished gamey under a drive after racing forwardly from the start. MORDECAI raced fairly well. M1NDA closed a gap. CAMELLIA can do better. The winner was entered for 00; no bid. Scratched 1S1G0 Uncle Jimmie, 109; 1.215 Behest, 109; 18108 Phyllis Antoinette, 112; 18208 Avlatress, 1.QOQQ TIIIBD RACE 1 1-1G Miles. 17555 1 ;43 :! 117. Pulse 00. 3-year-olds. O OQ Selling. Net value to winner 00; second, 0: third. 0. Index Horses AAVtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. hls Strt M 18155 THORNHILL wn 106 2 2 lb li 1- l5 1 J Butwell D J Leary 50-100 18071 EXECUTOR wn 104 1 1 2"k 4 3nt 3 2J D StewardF S Hackett 310-100 18096 CLIFF FIELD yv 101 4 4 4 2h 2 2i 3 R Shilling X. J Carey SS0-100 18114 FASCINATING wii 10G 3 3 3s Zi 4 4 4 A .SchugrAV T Anderson 1735 100 Time, 23, 47, 1:13, ,1:38, 1:46. Track fast. mutuels paid. Tliornhill. .00 straight, .30 place; Executor, .S0 place; no show mutuels soM. Equivalent booking odds Thornhlil. 50 to 100 straight, 15 to 100 place; Executor, 40 to 100 place AVinnerr-Ch. c, by Hastings AVhite Thorn trained by I. J. Leary. AVent to at 3:38. At post A minute. Start good and slow. AVon cantering; second and third driving. TI10RN11ILL racsd info the lead quickly and. when straightened out on the backstretch, drew far away and was cantering through the last quarter. EXECUTOR raced gamely and was forced wide when entering the homestretch, but outgamed CLIFF FIELD at the end. The latter tired in the last eighth arter running a good mile. FASCINATING showed speed, but failed to stay. The winner was entered for ,000-no bid. Overweights Fascinating, .1 pounds. Q O Q Oi FOURTH RACE 3-4 Mile. 175931:120114. First K inning Maryland Handicap! Q l Q 7 . .000 added. 2-year-o:ds. Net value to winner .370: second. 00: third. 0.t. Index Horses AAVtPPSt ,j h Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv- Odds Slrt 17G55 LAST COIN W 123 4 7 2U 2 2 1U C Borel J Butler 145-100 17899HIGH NOON w 121 11 1 15 1 lk 2 J Butwell J Butler X 18143 ROYAL MARTYR v 104 C 5 5 45 55 3t J McCaheyG A Cochran 1S10-100 18143 RAZZANO wb .102 3 6 S1 S3 S- 4 J McTagrtH L, Pratt 2140-100 .18143 3 DOUBLE EAGLE wft 10S 10 3 Ob 6! fi3 55 C Bgame Quincy Stable 1400-100 17.731 DINAH. DO wji lOS 5 S 4t 55 33 Cnt M Buxton II P Whitney 2130-130 182102tSTAL.WT HELEN w 100 1 10 9- 95 7l 7s R Shilling L AVeiss G100-100 J805DSIR EDGAR w 113 S 2 35 3l 4t Si R Troxler II G Bedwell 13SO-100 18143tTRIAL BY JURY wsit 121 9 4 75 7 9 9s T Davies E B Cassatt 920-100 18143 GARBAGE wsu 113 2 9 11 11 11 101 S Davis E B Cassatt 18154 RUNES wb 100 7 11 103 10 10 11 J CallahanH. AVatterson 16210100 tAdded starters, i SCoupled in betting. Time. 22, 46, 1:12. Track fast. mutuels pajd, J. Butler entry, .90 straight. .10 place, .50 show; Rovalr Martvr. .40 sluiw. Equivalent- booking odds J. Butler entry, 45 to ICO straight, So M 100 ulace. 25 to 100 show; Roval Martyr. 170 to 100 show. Winner B. c, by liltimus Half Crown trained by R. C. Benson. AAent to post at 4:05. At post 4 minutes. Start good and slow. AAon easily: second and third driving. LAST COIN raced on the inside all the way and, having moved up to the leader with a rush at the eighth post, rated lapped on him. and drew out slightly at the end, the stab!e having declared to win with him. HIGH NOON, a rapid beginner, showed great speed in pacemaking and was under a pull at the end. ROYAL MARTYR finished gamely and was driving hard at the end to outstay RAZZANO. The Taller osed a gap and kept bearing out in the homestretch. DOUBLE EAGLE finished fast and close up. DINAH DO ran well. SIR EDGAR ran a. fast half and tired. TRIAL BY JURY and GARBAGE ran poorly. Scratched 1S154 Protector. llO. Overweights Double Eaglef 2 pounds; Stalwart Helen, 4: Runes, .1. Q I A .FIFTH- RACE 3-4 Mile. 175931:120114. 00 added. All Ages. Handicap Cj J dkzJ Net valiie to winner 30; secoud. 0: third. 0. index Horses AWtPPSt lA k Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eqniv. Odds Strt 1809G3SCALLYAVAG w 4 J04 5 2 2nk 3t 25 lh J McCaheyH J Morris 270 100 1815G AZYIADE w 5 102 3 1 4 45 3 2nt J CallahanH C Hallenbeck 122100 181443SHERArOOD WB 7 116 4 4 3i 2 li 31 R Troxler J W Hedricic XHOO 18144 BRIAR PATH w-4 110 2 3 15 lh 43 4t j McTagrtH G Bedwell 1400-100 1809G CROSSBUN wb 3 100 1 5 5 5 5 5 R Shilling R B Steele 2740-100 Time, 23, 47, 1:12. Track fast. mutuels paiiL Scallywag, ,40 straight? .40 place, .30 show; Azyiade, .40 place, .20 show; Sherwood, .20 show. Equivalent booking odds ScaEywag, 270 to 100 straight, 70 to 100 place, 15 to" ICO show; Azviade, 70 to 100 place,, 10. to 100 show; Sherwood. 10 to 100 show. AAinner Br. g, by Armeath II. SkadI trained by J. FUzsimmons. AVent to post at 4,:35. At iost 1 minute. Start good and slow. AVon driving; second and third the same. SCALLYAAAG, racing forwardly from the start, forced a fast pace and, hanging on gamelv in the final drive, got up to win right at the end. AZYIADE. afler being crowded back In the early running, slipped through on the inside in the homestretch-and made a game effort through the last eighth. SHEIt? AVOOD ran a good race, but tired in the last sixteenth. BRIAR PATH set a fast pace to the stretch and finished gamely, but tiring. CROSSBUN propped at the start, biit closed a big gap aud finished with a msli on the outside. Overweights Crossbun, 1 pound. 1 Qrti 1 SIXTH RACE 1 1-16 Miles. 175551 :43 3 1 17. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and OtgX. upward;-. Selling. Net value to winner 00; second, 0; third. 0. index Horses AAVtPPSt A Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eqiilv. Odds Strt 181G93JOE FINN wi: 4 100 4 4 1- l3 1 15 15 H LaffertyC Herbert 665-100 18141 SOLDIER wn 4 105 2 2 3 33 33 3s 25 AV Doyle F C Frlsbie 3S0 100 181G9 PENALTY w 3 97 7 G Gh G1 5 4H 33 D StewardF S Hackett 417100 .18145 GOLDY wn 4 107 S 8 S 7 7 7 4"k J McCaheyA L Aste 1 570-100 18145GUY FISHER wb S 114 3 3 23 2 2 2 5s J Butwell E F Cooney f 20S-100 18109 AFTERGLOW wn 4 105 1 1 45 4l 51 G8 J McTagrtP M AAalker t S720-100 1H070 DELLA MACK w 3 100 5 5 53 55 65 65 75 J CallahanM Bernard 3900 100 18135 AVOOF wn 3 104 G 7 75 S S 8 S J Kederis P J Miles 7200 100 Time. 23, 48, 1:13. 1:39, 1:45. Track fast. V mutuels paid, Joe Finn, 5.30 straight, .10 place, .10 show; Soldier, .10 place, .90 show; Penalty, .70 how. Equivalent booking-oddSr-rJoe Jrinn. C05 to 100 straight, .105 to 100 place, 105 to 100 show;i Soldier, 153 to 100 place, 45 to 100 show; Penalty, 35 to 100 show. . - ... - . AVlnner B!k. g, by Heuo Alchemy trained by AY. A. Burttschell. 1 Went to jvist at 5:00. At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the i same. JOE FINN, showing sudden Improvement, raced Into the lead while going to the first turn and set a fast pace all he way, but was tiring in the last .eighth. SOLDIER was a forward contender all the wav . and easily disnosed of GUY FISHER in the homestretch, but was driving at the end to outstav PENALTY. I The latter closed a big. gap and finished with a rush. GOLDY finished fast. GUY FISHER tired after racing in close-sti pursuit to the homestretch. AFTERGLOW showed speed. The winner was entered for 00: no bid. Overweights AAoof, 1 pound.

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Local Identifier: drf1914103001_2_8
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