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CONNAUGHT PARK FORM CHART OTTAWA ONT WEDNESDAY JUNE 23 1915 Seventh and last day Connaught Park Jockey Club Spring Meeting of 7 days 23 books on Weather clear Presiding Steward Joseph A Murphy Presiding Judge Francis Nelson Starter A B Dade Rac ¬ ing Secretary Sheridan Clark Racing starts at 230 p m Chicago time 130 p in Indicates apprentice allowance f I I pJQ FUtST RACE 1 Mile 10817 141 5 110 Purse 400 3yearolds and upward A JL JL O O Canadianfoaled Selling Net value to winner 00 second 70 third 30 Index Horses AWtPPSt ys Str Fin Jockeys Owners 21026 = CORN BROOM wn 4 100 7 2 3J 31 2 ink A Collins J 1C L Ross 1 6G 65 21086 L SPENDTHRIFT w 3 SC 6 1 111 2 li 2 = L McAtee N Macfarlane 2 21 21 20985OUR MABELLE w 4 103 3 7 5 ° t 5 5 = 35 F Cooper L T Vorce 30 50 40 12 6 21086MONA G w 3 92 1 6 2nt lh 31 3121116CANNIE 4s D Brown W Walker 15 SO 20 fl 3 21116CANNIE JEAN wn 3 971 2 5 4543 41 5 5 R McDottC A Crew 7 10 10 3 1 21116D OF CHESTER w 4 100 S S S S S S 6nu j Clancy S Doyle 30 50 30 12 5 209S5 MATSOLUS 6 7 J Sinnott H H Roberts 6 10 10 3 85 21116SYKESIE wn 4 105 4 3 fA C = fi 73 S J Smyth II Simpson 15 20 20 6 2 2Time goodWinner Time 25 50V4 117 143 Track good Winner Ch g by Oesari m Rlreli Broom trained by A G Weston WestonAVent AVent to post at 241 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same CORN PIIOOM was on the outside of the loaders all the way but hung on gnnulv in the final drive LADY SPENDTHRIFT set a good pace and finished resolutely OUR MA15ELLIO easily disposed of MONA G in the last eighth The winner was entered for 700 no bid bidOverweights Overweights Canute Jean 2 12 pounds Ma usolus 1 12 Coiitluued on second page CONNAUGHT PARK FORM CHART Continued from first page rt I I K A SECOND RACE 58 Mile 15041 101 2 111 Purse 400 2yearolds 1 JL JL J tt Allowances Net value to winner CO second 70 third 30 Av tlIht 4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 210273PHIL UNGAR wn 111 5 1 1w 42 o4 ji ji G Burns s Newman fl 05 12 1G out 210532ILARIA w 101 42 42w 2ii out2ii 43 34 2 L McAtee AV F Presgrave 2 13513512 out 21113 CINCINNATI w 111 24 24wn 1 22 ° 15 3 J Smyth D Raymond 3551 out 20719 JO BERNSTEIN wn 101 33 33ws 3h out3h 3h 41 41 R McDottS Newman tl GG 12 1C out 2033G RUBIFAX ws 103 C 5 ° 5 ° 5C 5U F Cooper J Polk 20 30 30 10 3 + rV AVAPCO i i i WB 10i l G C G G C W W MeiiG L Blackford 20 40 40 10 3 tCoupled in betting no separate bettingT place or show betting T e 24 i 49 103 Track good 5nner B c by Contcstor Miss Manners trained by E Moore iVlTT01 V0 At l st 2 minutes Start good and slow Won handily second and third driv ¬ g PHIL UNGAR had to be hard ridden to get to CINCINNATI and after disposing of the latter was dden out to outstay ILARIA The latter gained steadily and was wearing the leader down CINCIN t jKjjast quarter WAPCO began slowly 21155 THIRD RACE 34 Mile 15014 113 I 113 Purse 400 3yearolds and up ¬ ward Selling Net value to winner 300 second 70 third 30 index Horses AAVtPPSt X Str Flu Jockeys Owners O H C P S 20987 220963BRANlYWINE DEPOSIT WS 4 115 S 82 2 li ink p ji L McAtee S Louis 444 S5 710 20963BRANlYWINE HE W 5 111 1 4 StJ G 4 = 21 J Acton J AVilkinson CC 75 C5 12 1G 20943 BETTERTON w 1Gw 3 102 7 73 3 25 23 2 3 C VanDunII Oots 15 15 7 3 GG 210913 REDLAND w GGw v 3 108 3 G 4 E 4J 3i 4 Haynes AV AValker C 10 10 3 1 1r 21054 GOLI CAP WI 7 11 110 ° r 7 C c 5 i I I 3i L ILartweim A Arnbach 3 4 4 C5 35 21115 KAYDEROSEROS r EROS 35EROS o wn 5 100 4 S S 7 7 G F Cooper AV Martin 13 30 30 10 5 21091 ISCIIGABIBBLE w 3 107 2 1 C C1 7 ° WObert Mrs J L Bryan 15 30 30 10 5 21023FRONTIER w 4 103 C 5 1 S S S R McDott1 U Strode 20 50 00 0 10 Time 24 40 110 Trackgood TrackgoodWinner Winner Ch g by Woolsthorne Mrs Malannin trained by W A Burttschell Burttschelle e rtiM mtlt2 At 1 ost tw Sart good anil slow Won driving second and third the staj Vn DRAM AVIWWIVI lWnsK HrV The latter A1 met with ns Disposed repeated of interference BETTERTON and was should ridden have out won at the finish to out fir firTf IA enIA i Tf 111 HJl f J nJ I HO Vi 111 111Scratched I61 1U tb ° IaSt luarur KEDLAND ami GOLD CAP also tired The winner BETTERTON was en Scratched 21117 Inlan 102210gOReacctlon 100 209C3 The Governor IOC Vl 1 PK FOURTH ACE 1 11C Miles 15017 148 407 Second Running Chateau Laurier A JL JL tj VJ Hotel Handicap 1000 Added 3yearolds and upward Net value to winner 740 second 5200 third 100 Index Horses AAVtPPSt 14 y Str Fin Jockeys Owners Q n C p a 2098S FOUNTAIN FAY wn 5 104 3 4 32 3 2 2 1 J Smyth Thorncliffe Stnhlpl s si r y Ju 11 s s lHll 5 aaSMCL r r a aSMCL HAVEN = 5 3 J 5 JJSL fS f J J f AVinner Ch h by McGee AAhitc Plume trained by II McDaniel W WrtnTtT0x rtnTtT0x rtnTtT0xstivtT1 stivtT1 At f1 I0 Start 001 an1 slow Won driving socond and third the same FOUNTAIN FAY was saved for tin first threequarters then responded inielv In when called i wearing KINGLY down got up to win In the closing strides KINGLY set a good in alKiut and ridden with poor judgment in being hurried to the front and bis weight told pace in the ut last was sivVnenti sixteenth sixteenthScratched e d TACTICS wore the tiring CLIFF HAVEN down for third plsco In the laSt eih h Scratched 2100M AVsitir LiiH 104 rii isSKiig Hamburg 101 V 1 1 f 7 FIFTI nACITn12 Furlongs 10S 10Sr r l00f3I15 Pllrsc 100 4ycaroIds and L f JL JL tj 4 upward belling Net value to winner S300 second S70 flitnl ssn AAAtlPSt yt i j Str Fill Jockeys Owners o n C P S w C 100 2 f Gi f 3s ink j Dodd T Davton l 0 T wn 4 103 3 3 4 4 2nk 2 J Acton Mrs j Arthur C5 3 l wi S 107 C C 7 G 4 3 S AVohoImAV Ixiwis 20 no 40 10 G SON w 5 100 42 11 I 1J 4 = L McAtee Clinton Stable 3 3 2 35 out wn 4 10 71 3 = SU fiJ 5 AV AV MenR Hanley 20 40 30 10 5 w p 1 ° J I i 2U 5l c W Obert H G IXdweli 10 20 20 S 4 wu 5 10 o G 7 77 F Cooper C N Freeman 2 2 95 3O nut Time 24 49 109 Track ffoo AAinner B in by Dannockbuni Maieliff trained by E Lntz AVent to pot at 427 At post 1 minute Start poor AVon driving second and third the same LEI vLOIIA was off slowly but worked her way up on the outside and after closing otitgamed PATIENCE at the end The latter was outrun to the stretch turn from where she n moved can up fast but tired right at the end J II IARR finished fast ROSEMARY was Dod as Sin poUu no of iiu MAMA JOHNSON set the pace to the stretch and quit The winner was entered as left for Scratched 200S7 Bunice 10S SIXTH RACE 1 Mile and 20 Yards 105831444 101 Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Selling Net value to winner 300 second 70 third 30 ti ft nrr iin jocKeys Owners O II C I 20990 = L SPIRITUELLE w3 03 3 G 31 31 l k H I McAtee S Louis 3 21C92 = LUCKY GEORGE w 104 2 1 fi 4 t 4J 2 AV AV MenC B Marlman 2 20893 WEYANOKE wn 5 107 7 5 7 5 2i 3 3 L HartwellAV Smith C IS Is 4 21011 KILDAY W 4 112 5 2 4 7 G k 4 = 4 k C VanDiTnT A Gibson 4 C C 21057 = COGS wn 5 107 4 7 5 t d 7 5U 5 F Cooper W Martin n 4 4 3 21057 VOLADAY JR wit i 10 1 S S S S 8 G = G Burns J Green 4 8 s 21057DUQUESNE wn 8 107 S 3 2 2i 3t 7 1 S AAVholmJ M Stowe 10 0 20 S 21090MRS MO wit 4 102 C 4 1 1J 5 CJ S A Collins AV E Scott 8 15 15 SWinner s Time 25 49 116 143 144 Track good Winner Br f by Ildrim Servila trained by AV A Burttschell AVent BurttschellAVent to post at 450 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won drivin second nml tlilni same tlilnisame LADY SPIRITUELLE raced in close pursuit ea7ly and moving into the lead on the last turn rn ou out tayed LUCKY GEORGE The latter was cut oir while rounding the far turn tl en al en to tin Its lie inn tired after to the lender getting AVEYANOKE moved upon the stretcli turn and tired bay last eighth DUtiUESNE was crowded to the fence and pulled up The winner was entered for 100 no Scratched 20S40 Buzz Around 105 2111S Durin 104 21031 Mimico 05 21032 Water Lad 101 Overweights AVeyannke 3 pounds 91 1 Q SEVENTH RACE 1 Mile and 20 Yards 10583 1444 101 Purse 400 3year JL JL J J olds and upward Selling Net value to winner 300 second 70 third S30 index Horses AAVtPPSt 9i Str Fin Jockeys Owner O n P C H P Jj S SC 21031 OVATION w 4 00 2 4 3 32H15 3i 4 21 IJ 1 R McDottF Farrinirton C 10 10 4 2 2H15 KING RADFORD wn 5 100 G 5 7 7a fii G3 4J 2 J Smvth H Neustadter 47721 210S2 FORD MAI wn 5 10 3 G 4h 3 3 ° t 31 3 J Acton F Musante 2 2J 2J 45 14 21117MINDA w 4 90 7 2 5 S 4 = G 4J A Collins J U Strode 10 10 10 4 2 21092SIIER HOLMES wn I 104 1 1 2 = 2 5 k C3 r L McAtee W AValker S S 3 G 5 21090INQUIETA wn 5 103 3 3 P 13 n 21 CJ F Cooper J Polk 2 21 2J C5 35 21029 BRINY DEE DEEP wn 3 05 S G 73 7 7l 7X J Clancy G Swain 20 20 8 3 C5 20390 ROSE ONEIL wn 7 lOt S 9 S1 S1 S3 S C AranDunI Striker 10 15 15 C 3 3S 21032 L OKIRKCALDY wu 4 10G 4 7 S2 9 9 9 9 W Obert II K Harbourt S 12 12 4 2 Time 5 49 1165 143 A 144 Track good AVinner P f by Star Shoot Lady Elite trained by AV S Trevey