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FIFTH RACE 34 Mile 4ycarolds and upward Selling 08079 11 3 92 UNCLE JIMMIE b e 4 117 By Uncle Catherine Carson T Smith 21104 Jamaica 51 f 107 fast 185 117 1 111 = Il R Troxlcr M Mamie K Sleuth Plantagcaet 20782 Belmont 34 st lllfast 135 112 4 4203G7 144 4 = 1 E Dugan 10 Amans Superhuman L Fortune 203G7 Belmont 31 l13fast 12 111 1 1 1 21 3 G Byrne 5 He Will Uurakau Broom leaf 1S399 Pimlico 34 l147ffast 7i 10G 5 1 1 11 4l G Byrne 12 Joe Finn Dicks Pot Delauey 183S5 Pimlico 34 l13fast 1C 105 1 3 1 in 5 G Pyrne 11 Bolala Joe Finn Undaunted 1S322 Pimlico 34 l12V6fast 13 10IJ 9 7 G Gi S3 G Byrne 9 Emerald Gem Prairie Crosshnn ISlfiG Laurel 34 l13fast 11J 10S 1 1 3 3l 718 S Davis S Bclamour W Welles Lohengrin ELLA BRYSON ch m 7 110 By Juvenal Grazicsa R F Carman CarmanS 2 MJ2 Jamaica 31 115 slow S 11G 11G3I75 S S S 1 G9i C Huestis S Alhcna Siiperhuinaii Minstrel 3I75 Jamaica 34 l13V fast S 110 G G 6 41 44i T Nolan 15 Dinah Po Outlook Tinkle Iell 20793 Helmont Gl f l20fast 1G5 10S 10S204G7 1 5 G 3 3 = i H Lafferty 8 Orotund Dist Shore Beethoven 204G7 Helmont 31 115 slow 10 in inSWDS 3 1 1 lll li j Dreyer 7 Minstrel Chesterton Broonileaf SWDS HdeGce 31 l13fast 135 lid lid1S4SO 3 1 1 lit 4 1 J Uutwcll 7 Joe Finn Fair Helen Mamie K 1S4SO Il lcGcc Iin70yl45 fast 12 111 1111SHG 332 S 102 915 E AmbroseU Iliniliain Ilurakan Pgressivo 1SHG HdcGce lin70yl4C good 7 11C 11CHILL 3322 101 12IS1P Louder 14 II Howdy Uncle Mun Joe Finn FinnBy HILL STREAM b f 4 1C By Chuctanunda Burnt Hills F Feitner 21101 Jamaica 51 107 fast S 110 110207S2 5 2 3 51 S ° II Luffcrty 9 Uncle Jimmie Mamie K Sleuth 207S2 Belmont 34 st lllt fast 12 10 Left nt the post II LaffortylO Amans Superhuman L Fortune 20697 Belmont 31 st l104fast JO 2 220iKr G G G 1 7o H Lafferty 9 Striker Forecast Amans 20iKr HdeGce 51 f l07fast 41 103 10319S51 Left at the post II Latterly 14 Canto Silver Moon Stonehcnge 19S51 Havana Cl f l09ibsood G5 109 109LILY 2 1 I3 I H Lafferty S Springmass Belfast Sc Oaks OaksBy LILY ORME blk f 4 IK By Monsieur do LOrme Web of Fato H W WWarner Warner 21104 Jamaica 51 f 107 fast 10 HE HE21i43 G G 5 3 G C Fbther 9 Uncle Jimmie Mamie K Sleuth 21i43 Jamaica 01 f 107 fast 12 115 115on 3 3 3 4s 5IS M Buxton 9 Palanquin Yadopeep Azyiade on Jamaica 34 115 slow 7 113 113i 1 1 3 G1 71M Buxton S Alhena Superhuman Minstrel MinstrelS i Jamaica 34 l13fast S 110 110vo S 3 4 71 11 M Puxton 15 Dinah Do Outlook Tinkle Bell vo Uelmont 31 113 fast 7 lOii 3 11 1i 2t M Buxton 7 Forecast J J Liilis WatcrLily 20751 Uelmont 31 l14rast S 10S 1 1 3 3 3s H Sumtcr Fennionse Azyiade 34 113 fast 40 117 3 1 1 41 G H Suniter 7 Royal Martyr Broomlcaf Roly 20539 Belmont Gl f l205 fast 30 105 105GRAPESHOT 1 1 1 li 22 H Sumtcr 10 Huniknn S of Valley Striker GRAPESHOT ch h 6 115 By Bearcatchcr Coming Event W L Stanficld 21100 Jamaica 34 l13fast S 123 2 2 2l 55 R Troxlcr 8 Etruscan Ahara Mr Specs 21015 Jamaica 31 l14fast 3 117 2 2 21 2s II Cavauh 7 Ahara Andes Tinkle Bell Bell2J 20120 Electric 5S 59slow 21 12 2J I McKwcu S J B Harrcll Faithful SilMoon 20321 Pimlico 31 l15mud 4120 113 3 a G GlalT Rice G Corn Broom Bushy Head Alhena 19781 Juarez 58 5Sfast 21 10S 1 1 I1 2 T Rice 5 Imeprator Headmaster J Blair 19715 Juarez Gl f l05fast 4 107 1 1 33 451 J Howard 7 PZarctn Kootenay Manganese 19720 Juarez f f 105 fast G5 105 1 1 ib 2i J Howard G Little Will Cecil Manganese ManganeseBy BIG DIPPER b m 5 105 By Astronomer Helen OC M A Colton 21059 Latonia 1 11G IOOMillvy 295 105 1 2 2 2 11 1 = M Garner High Private Wryneck Acis 20954 1atonia ImTOy l4 good 39 103 3 G G209CS 4 4 4 41 J Sloan G HardHall HPrivate Fellowman 209CS Latonia Im70y 149 hvy 28 102 S 5 7 61 41 J Sloan S FathorRiley Mallard Disillusion 20931 Latonia Im70y l13yifast C5 102 G G G20S74 7 7 7 411 H Stearns 7 BryiiHinnh Bonanza Grosvenor 20S74 Latonia 1 116 14G fast 69 102 3 5 G G G G II Stearns G MissThorpe JiiidePost Mallard 20608 Douglas 1 1S 153 good 17 09 2 2 2205S3 3 4 5ii G l M Garner GoldColor FlyingFeot CordieF 205S3 Douglas 1 116 lC2hvy 3 101 4 4 3 3 2J Ih M Garner S BBill Coinretta JKavanaugh 20133 Douglas 34 l15hvy 50 106 G 4 G 41 4i A Mott S DCanncn BlllyToe ConDlivery 203CG Churchill 31 l15mud fid 109 11 12 13 14 14 = J Uutwell 14 Amazon ConDelivery CarOrme 115 By Sir Huon Rosemeade C W Gasser 110 5 44 5s 57 C Bgame 7 Presumption Hurakan Orotund 2H7SG Dorval 31 l14fast 1 105 9 977 5 = 1 K Haynes 10 Mrs Me The Governor RPrass 20720 Dorval 51 f l07fast 10 115 S S 7 S 4 I Boland S Bird Man Vilcy Hearthstone 20237 Churchill 34 l13fast 20 110 4 348 8U Butwell 8 LadyMoonet ConDelivery Acis 19201 Juarez 34 l12fast 7 71903T 113 4 11 Il 1 T Kice K Goldfmn Maznik Theoilorita 1903T Juarez 1 liO5fast 3 31S93 103 G 3 3 3 21 1 J Callahan S Fitzgcrd GRussell Trnnspnt 1S93 Juarez 1 lllMfast G G1S919 102 2 2 1 24 35 L Hartwoll S Woyunoke Wavering Transact 1S919 Juarez 1 l14VsKood G G1SSS5 101 746 G 51 6J J Kcderis 10 Florin Wavering Toynbee 1SSS5 Juarez 1 l42slow 3 103 4 2 2 2 2 in J Koderis 5 Curlicue Voladay Jr Acumen MACK B EUBANKS ch g C 101 By Resolute II Evergreen F A Clark 21105 Jamaica 51 f l07fast 10 1020S75 112 1 33 32 3 = 1 J Pits S Klkrldgf GiltEdge S of Valley 20S75 Jamaica 34 l13icfast f0 107 II 9 9 S3 6J W Lilley 15 Dinah Do Outlock Tinkle Bell BellICG 20793 Uelmont 61 f l20fast 25 ICG 7 3 S S 8 1M Pnxtou S Orotund Dist Shore KllaBryson 20348 BelTcr Ab58 fast Si 150 S1SJT Loftus 10 Fcnmouse Mr Specs Otto Floto 16159 Saratoga 34 113 fast 7 71G035 95 3 11 I3 I5 B Marco 15 Pharaoh Grosvenor Raoul 1G035 Saratoga 31 l12 fast 40 104 G 10 10 101 9H1I Gausel lli Mr Sniggs Striker Mr Specs 1 463 Douglas 34 lS fast 23 105 G 44 3J 21 M Mthewsll Qrmaster RDainty Fellowman FROG b g 7 112 By Monsieur de IOrmo Volma A J Roinhardt 20331 Pimlico 2306 good 31 13 G 7 7 G 515 4 = = JJ Dnpce S Senega inblan Tom Horn RFish 20231 Pimlico 2 357fast 61 149 6 2 2 T 4 = ° 3R E Hayes 9 Worstdnle Garter Buckthorn 20203 Pimlico 2 308good 32 32200SO 132 2 9 S S S4 8E Hayes 10 Promoter Svish Astute 200SO HdeGce Ab 2 403 fast 4 145 G 1 2 2 2 ° Ink H Boyle 7 SKing JiidgeWalser Baltimore 20032 HdeGce Ab 2 406 fast 20 137 S G 7 4 4 = 48 E Walker 8 Rhomb Koxoraft Judge Walser 1S17 Bowie 1 116 l52good 20 113 1 3 4 6 fl 5 5 G Corey 8 RLangdon Peacock THancock 19S59 Bowie Im20yl46ffast 15 109 7 7 7 7 7 5 7S3 G Corey 9 Shepherdess L Day T Hancock 1940S XOrlns Im20y l41good 15 7 13 13 C VanDuni InsurMan LGeorge WCWest 19350 NOrlns 1 12 234fast 20 107 3 2 1 1 1IOC 51 GlrlW OBrien 9 BIIBakcr THancock HClass 19305 XOrlns Im20y l41fast 10 IOC S 6 3 3 5 573 C Turner 1U June W Kilday Wryneck WryneckBy BATTERY b g 5 112 By Faraday Inconstancy H Ritos 21102 Jamaica 1 11C l17fast 15 107 4 4 4 4 4 4 J P iiyan 4 HermlsJr OSnllivan RoLlght 21016 Jamaica 1 18 l5Tgood 20 101 2 5 4 2 2 3 = 1 P Ryai HermisJr Marshoii Djigertiold 20953 Jamaica 1 1S l55fast 15 104 355 G G 15 J P Ryai 0 El Biod Coin Hermis Jr Jridcr 20707 Prospect 1 l45fast 3 10 Threw rider idcr A Iickens r Pctelns CIIoIIoway Earlymorn 20678 Prospect 1 116 153 fast 4 111 43 7 Dennisoi 7 Karlyinurn CHolIoway LItryn 20663 Prospect 1 11G l51 fast 4 1111CS 111 5s J Dennisoi G PotchiK Woodcraft CIIolloway 10519 Electric 1 116 l597 slow 13 1CS 1i J Dcnniso i G Blue Mouse LAiglon Racy