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iHIRD RACE 31 Mile 3yearolds Allowances 15120 111 5 110 LINDENTHAL b ff 3 104 104201G5 By Star Shoot Lyndall J W Schorr 201G5 Lcxgton 1 l41hvy 4720 103 5 3 35 Ci J Kederis S GrIIuglies StIIeart F Degree 20112 Lexgton Im70yl43fist 1120 101 1 2 3 33i 7 McTagt 4 Bookisill LittleString Greville 20004 Lexgton 1 l4Cgoodll10 93 3 45 21 B JIareo J Embroidery Heiianet LttString 14471 Wilbiiie 58 101 last 1 110 3 C G j P Goldstn S Sir lid ar Kd Crump Crystal 14126 Lexgton GS l00good 1S5 115 4 7 5 J J Kederis S Luke Chalmers Ed Crump 14009 Lexglon 41 f 54 ifast 710 110 1 J 1S J Hanover 7 Superhuman Delano NetUerbow 14019 L xgton 13 4Sgood2710 109 3 3I39SO 1 1 J Kederis 11 BAgent Nheibow SMcMeekln I39SO I exgton 12 48 fast 31 103 7 7MARS 44 3 J Kederis 11 Luke SamMcMeekln BusAKent BusAKentBv MARS CASSIDY blk gr 3 10G Bv OfTden Ivory Bella J W Schorr 21002 Latonia 34 l12afast 91 110 1 2i 2l A Neylon 10 ln Iryn Converse FIcetabello 047 I atonia Im70y l45slow 1S5 107 2 2 ° 2 J Hanover 4 lleetabelle Jlnrtinos 20923 Latonia 34 113 fast C5 100 3 h iu v Meelian 0 ilex Amazon Dr Carmen Badinage 0818 Latonia 34 l12i fast 2310 102 C C2077C 411 5 = J I Stirling 0 Hawthorn Baiujuet Dr Larrick 2077C Douglas 34 112 fast 9i 98 7 720t515 2l 2S F Robinsull Bandbaddle DCrnien Lerator 20t515 Douglas 34 l12fast 195 101 3 320C5S 2 2A A Mott 0 Liberator Converse Benanet 20C5S Douglas 34 115 mud 115 90 3 3204G3 4 41 M Garner 5 Sea Shell G imbues Chalmers 204G3 Douglas 34 1 14mud 11 96 3 1J 2J M Garner 0 Pce Hermis G Hughes Othello 0404 Douglas 34 l Gfcinud 426 97 7 3i 3 M Garner 7 R Goose II Barbee Othello 20330 Cliurchill 5J f lOCfast 15 10410 C1 C83 J Kederis 14 ISaiidStars H Goose Huntress C 6IZ1J Kederis ISand Saddle Benauet Banquet BanquetBy By Ivan the Terrible Colloquy W Gerst 1061 Latonia 31 l13 hvy 4J 92 1 1 12J002 2 i K Lapaille 4 Dr Larrick DCraig EsChoice 2J002 Latonia 31 l12 ifast 2i 113 S 4 31 3 F UobiiisnlO U ISryn MCassidy Fleetabell 0871 Latonia 34 l12 fast 435 107 4 3 2i 21 F Itobinsii rt ISaiidStars Vn Bryn 0713 Douglas 34 l12ifefast 95 110 G 3 4 3 = 1 F Uoblnsn 7 15tStarH M Fielder MFielde 0653 Douglas 34 l12fast 315 104 C 7 4i 33i F Robinson Liberator JlarsCassidy MGwisby 20530 Douglas 34 l14tmul 39 110 3 2 3 41F Robinson 7 B and Slars It Goose Renaiiet 19612 Havana 31 l13fast 15 100 3 4 4I95G3 G G ° F Robinsn S Emer Gem PriarPath Clark UnBryn M I95G3 Havana 31 115 fast 6 102 G 5 51S2S1 C 7 F 7obinsn 7 Briar Path ClilT Field Encore 1S2S1 Latonia GJ f 107 fast 125 108 1 1 11S216 21 It F Robinsnlt Tokay Aunt Josie Dr Carmen 1S216 Latonia 34113 fast 2 103 1 1 11 lii F Hobinsn 8 IlankODaj OncStep 18118 Latonia 31 l13i fast 0 103 1 1 1BOOKER 2 n F Robiusn C Grecian Sandstone I ittleSiring ittleSiringBy LilStrlm BOOKER BILL ch c 3 109 By McGee Rose Lady M C Moore 20530 Douglas 31 l14mud 17 lit 4 5 G3 52S T McTagt 7 15 and Stars K Goose 20227 Churchill 1 14 205fast fid 117 5 13 16 16201G1 1G 165I1W AndresslO Regret Pebbles Sharpshooter TnBryn 201G1 Lexgton 1 14 203fast S3 99 C 2 1 10 103 II Sumter 10 Indolence R Bradley Leo 20112 Lexgton Im70yl43fast G 107 2 1 1 1i70yl43fast 22 ink A Mott 4 Lit String Lindtlial Greville Kay i70yl43fast 21 102 3 3 G 9l 92U C DiShmonlO KoyallL Sharpshter Comnrada 1S07S Latonia 34 113 fast 14 104 1 1 1is 12 1s C Dislinion 0 McAdoo Dortch Little 17S9S Church 1 is f l09hvy 100 1 2 G2 7SJ K Martin 0 Grecian Pan Maid Dorteli String 17833 Church 5J f l07fcmud 3G 103 2 K 35i Martin 0 Pif Jr Hank ODay Tory Maid MaidBy UNCLE BRYN br c 3 112 By Bryn Mawr Aunt Belle Mrs R V Waltlen 21122 Iitonia 1 116 l43fast 2720 110 5 G 2 42 4SJ R Goose Greville Ebroidcry Fleetabello 21002 I itonia 34 l125fast 12 113 C 6 lii I1 It Goose 10 MCassidy Converse 0928 7 atonia 1 12 232 fast 62 122 C C 4 61 6 J Gentry 7 Uoyal II Tciaii Dortch Fleetabelle 20871 Iatonia 34 l12fast 24 107 3 4 32 3J It Goose BandStars Converse it 20813 Iatonia Im70y l42fast 32 103 533 G Fielder GiW W Tlor 0 Royal II TheGrader W Witch 20530 Douglas 31 l14mud 345 1111 G 4 45 33 J Butwcll 7 B and Stars Roose 20434 Douglas lm0y 146 hvy 28 109 552 32 3CJ It Goose 7 Royal II 15 and Stars Converse Tetan 20227 Churchill 1 14 205fast rid 117 14 14 14 13 132 = JJ McTagtlO Regret Pebbles Sharpshooter 1S39S Pimlico 34 114 fast 133 112 1 5 42 4s R Troxler 11 Herbt Temple Volant Carlone 18362 Pimlico 1 l40fast fid 110 S 6 4 41 47 It Troxler 11 Double Kagli Razzano 18303 Pimlico Gl f 108 fast fastGRUMPY 175 112 7 4 1 I4 It Troxler 11 Marvelous LWIng Bev Sarsenet Jnmes GRUMPY b g 3 106 1122 Latonia 11C l45fast 37 11 323 0978 Iatonia 31 l14slow 123 110 2 1 OS5 Iatonia 31 115 mud 22 9S 9 10 0460 Douglas 34 l12fast 57 1001 2 4 0252 Churchill 34 l13fast 22 1081 9 It 20073 Lexgton 31 lai fast 19 1071 1 3 Cl AV W Tlorl2 l2zetberileasviYle nSpUier