First Race [1st Latonia, Daily Racing Form, 1915-06-24

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FIRST RACE 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling 15120 111 5 110 The small figure under Str shows the distance the horse was ahead of that next in the rae Tho small figure under Fin unless the horso won shows the number of lengths tho horse was behind the winner Weight to be carried appears at top of column of weights in previous races Index Course Dist TimeTckOdds Wt St Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish FinishBy OAKLAND blk BT 6 110 By Bearcatcher Lavena C W G Yanke 1065 liitonia 4 lllhvy 293 luS 1 2 CU s10 W J OUn 8 irosrunor Amazon Carrie Orme 0998 Ltonia 31 l13fast 195 111 1 1 2U 2 W J OPnH Hoyal Tea Longfellow Suraget 10171 Iatonla 34 llOhvy 9 10S 1 1 120G4S 22 3ll W J OUn 0 Taleliiarer ISlaekthorn AV Hear 20G4S Douglas 31 l12fast 12 10S 3 1 311 ioiW J OltfnU LittleKather Ollagau Laekrose 20529 Douglas 31 llfitnud 85 10S 2 1 15 52i W J OUn 8 Dr Dougherty WUear Sureget 20373 Churchill G f 108 good 32 110 1 1 2 33 W J OHn 7 Katina Carrie Orme Wild Bear S45 Churchill 31 114 fast 3910 112 1 1 12C1CO C S1 W J Olinll OonDelivery Ollagan ItoyTea 2C1CO l ixgton 34 l13fast 74 lit 1 1 1CASABA 1 21 W J OUn 7 Busy Edith Laekrose M Ixiwry IxiwryBy CASABA ch f 3 100 1002111J By Celt Cantaloupe A H Vivell 2111J latonia 3i l14fast S710 HC 3 3 i 21 J Canipl eHI2 Niibleiiiiin FCrcickett DPerkins 197011 Juarez 3 34113 fast 10 HIS 1 3 3 fi 7 Cainpbl S Iex Inez Maznik 11721 Juarez 51 f l05fast 30 101 4 4 4fc 4 7 Cauiilcll 7 Tory Maid Alex Inez 19546 Juarez 5 51SSC6 58 l01mud 3 111 1 3 31IC6 2 = i J Campbell 0 Dismiss Katharine G Joy 1IC6 Latonia 3 3jS333 34 l12rast 20 99 4 C 7 Cl F1 Murphy 7 Aunt Josie Orniulu Dortch jS333 Iulonia 3 31 l13Vifast 14 105 3 81 8lsiJ Campbell 14 Oirdlgun Dorteli Ue ign 1S SI Latonia 51 511S21G f 107 fast fid 103 2 31 54 J Campbell 13 Converse Tokay Aunt JosIc 1S21G Latonia 3 3ISO 34 113 fast U lor 4 4J 5 1 7 Caiiipbell S Converse Hank ODay One Step ISO I atonia 51 f l0rtfast C5 101 2 2 2 J Campbell 7 Filigree Orniulu Amazon 17973 Laurel 51 5117S97 f 107 fast 40 91 4 5t 5 = i I Steward 10 TbyJury Hanson Sliarpsliootcr 17S97 Laurel 5 51 f 107 fast 33 103 5 DJ 5s J Campbell S Hanson D Kaglu I5etween Us UsBy CHILLA ch m 9 By Alvescot Sunlight by London C E Rogers 0998 Latonia 3 34 l13 fast fid 10S 3 41 531 C Jones 11 Uoyal Tea Oakland Longfellow 0873 Latonia 3 3IMS2 31 l12fast 111 102 7 8 99 O Jones 0 ToryMaid DLarrick Korfliasa IMS2 Havana 51 f l07fast 1 ill 3 4l In J Dreyer S L Jane Grey JI Brush Gitana 19552 Havana 3 3iG29 31 l15fast 4 107 3 2X 24 C Jones 10 Laura Perth Hock NIgadoo iG29 Havana 3 34 l14fast 15 107 S 8 C13C Jones S Locliiel Chitra Li Mode 19481 Havana 51 511S6S9 f lllgood 12 111 7 3 5J C Jones 10 Chitra Chilt Trance P Rock 1S6S9 Charlen 3 31SC03 34 117 tnuil 5 114 3 ini Rockini 2 C VanDunla LAiglon ToddliiiK EIIarwood 1SC03 Charlen 3 31S4M 34 110 fast 6 115 1 32 33 C VanDun S Quecd Gold Cap Spolm 1S4M IIdeGce 3 34 l13fast 20 109 4 5J Spolm5J G J Smyth 14 llillStream Grazelle Undaunted UndauntedBy FLOSSIE CROCKET ch f 3 By Boanerges Golden Bush M C Moore 21119 Latonia 34 l14fast 21 103 2 41 Perkins2h 3 = 1 1 Ott 12 Nobleman Casaba Dor Perkins IVJCT Latonia 31 iichvy 25 loo c 2h 2 ° M Gamer 3O Fidget Dude Grecian 20703 Douglas 34 114 good US 95 7 S2 S15 K Lapaillcll Amazon Maznik Blackthorn 0133 Lexgton 31 l12fast CO I 9 11 11 111SCC2 i 9 917 A Mott 11 CarOnne Threader Nobleman 1SCC2 Latonia 5 f l07fast 2920 10G 3 4 41SI70 1 iu I5 J Collins 12 Gertrude I Lou Girl W Kosc 1SI70 Latonia 51 f l07good 9 112 3 3 31SI1C 2U 3 = T Rice 12 Fidset Water Witch Gilt Edge 1SI1C I itonia Gi f l07 5fast 24 103 3 4 41S075 1 4l 45 J Collins 11 Chitra Inez Martha Lee 1S075 Latonia 5J f 1OS fast 14 107 10 4 2 t 311 7 Collins 12 Miss Fannie W AVitch Lois V 175315 IJouglas u lOSfast 4710 110 9 9 10 lliW Andressll Inez Gertrude B Planetary BIRKA br f 4 108 1081llGT By Solitaire II Lily Golding J Lowenstein 1llGT Latonia 34 l13fast 7 110 S C 7 fi13 C Oanz 10 Cliarmeiise Langhorne Surcget 20711 Douglas 34 l12Vhfast C3 111 5 8 820C4S i 4J 48 J McCabe 10 Droll Gabrio Longfellow 20C4S Douglas 3 l12fait 35 107 11 II II2035S 11 II J McTasrtiS LittleFatlier Ollaaan Laekrose 2035S Churchill 1 11G l4S slow 14 112 4 C G C Ci Ott S Keno lAjveland Guide 1ost 20301 Churchill 1 11C 14S fast 5910 110 1 2 2 I1 1ostI1 It 7 McCabe 10 Marshon OSnllivan AIIenidon 1S2T7 Churehill 1 11C l4Cfast 16 105 334 334201C2 i 5J 5SJ E Pool 9 Threader liKeenon lGenniai 201C2 Lexgton 34 1 lChvy 8920 109J 3 3 21 11 W Warton 7 Almee Leslie Ilequlram Fiiialee 20110 Lexgton rJ f l07fast 9 108 12 12 10 1017 T McTagtl2 Amazon Gilt Kdge BusyKdith BusyKdithBy MABEL DULWEBER ch f 3 95 By Transvaal Lauretta Burke Weber Ward 20S 51 Douglas 1 116 lrfiOinu l 4710 I2 4 4 5 3 3 1 M Oarner 0 Urvnliniah Loveland Hard liull 20152 Douglas 1 11C 147 fast 14G 91 3 2 4 420r9 4i 4 M Garner i Killth W Raincoat Cordio F 20r9 Churchill Im70yl4fislow 175 91 3 2 2 2M3H i 1 K Lapaille S Blackthorn Gal Boy Laekrose M3H Churchill 1 11C 147 fast 5110 98 7 5 G G2Q290 i 4l 481 A Mott 10 7 Louise Kdith W Ilackthorn 2Q290 Churchill 1 11 C l47fast 75 93 2 C C h 2nt II Unf hartl PrKiigoiiG Slick Pin Sereuata 20239 Churchill Im70yl44fast 31 M 331 331KS71 S 48i K Lapaille S 1J Caudle Uequiram M Ann K KS71 Juarez 31 1115 fast C 102 7 7 719S47 7 7la K Hayes 7 Twilight Dad Davies Viva 19S47 Juarez 1 13S fast C SS 7 5 2 219S15 2 23 K Hayes 0 Goldy Hard Ball Wavering 19S15 Juarez 51 l07fast 1G 107 2 fi fi19CJ3 G4 WaveringG4 4J II Feoney 7 BAJones M OBrien Lghorne 19CJ3 Juarez 78 l31rnu 1 5 93 4 4 3 jnk 11 i Henry 7 J Nolaii Lenore Bob Ijynch IjynchBy MABEL MONTGOMERY b f 3 100 By Ossary Angleta W R Mizell 20SI5S Latonia Im70y l14fast 13J 95 352 I 5 CCJ M Garner 7 Marlinos Day Day F Flower 20711 Douglas 34 lllfast C3 100 3 fi 51 5 i A Mott 10 Droll Gabrio Longfellow 20 19C Douglas Im70y 149 mud 17i 100 H 4 7 C5 C18 J Maher 7 St Cliarlcote Manioc Tvpe OSOl Churchill 1 11C 14 mud 29 105 4 2 2 C 24JJ Maher S Tetau Halncoat St Cliarlcote 202SC Churchill 1 11C l4Cfast SS 105 12 12 12 11 11 = J Maher 15 Sfcil Helen Christie M Morn 20255 Churehill 34 l13fast 77 10SMO 11 11201f5 i 8l 71S T McTagtl2 Billy Joe Izzetbey Mex 201f5 Ixixgton 1 l41hvy 210 9S 8 C G i C3 C13U Maher S Gr Hughes St Heart Llntbal 110137 Ixsxgton 34 l13fast 122 108 C 5 8 7 ° iT McTagt S Embroidery ToryMaid Grecian 200S9 I exgton 1 l3Sfast 122 117 4 11 10 9 6 T McTagtl2 Whlossom Fmbdcry Oue Step 20051 Lcxgtoii 31 llChvy 52 107 S 7 C StepC = 510 T McTagt 0 Wblossoin AnKruter P Maid MaidBy BROWN PRINCE br p 3 102 1022IOT By Maddalo Tcurmaletta A L Taylor 2IOT Latonia 31 l1fimiul 52 lt4i 0 fi C C41F Fuerst Xali Maltibar Chitra MHO UUonia 34 l17hvy CO 107 9 7 71S90S I 10 S1 C Jones 1O Kneelet Wattrproof Alkanet 1S90S Havana 5S 108 slow C 107 7 3 319S51 22 4 = 3 C Jones 11 Miiskinelou Jitana Cliil Trance 19S51 Havana 51 f l09good 7 103 7 C 5 C ° iC Jones S II Stream Sprinsmass Belfast 1971 Havana 5S l09hvy 4 99 fi C 5 520iK l amters Col Lady Proctor Andromeda 19715 Havana 5S l20hvy 7 100 7 7 7liSC2 3l 3s E Lamters S The Lark Kuterpe Clierry Seed liSC2 Havana 5i f l17hvy 3 103 4 G 5 G ° J AV Ural Sordcllo Hill Stream IVsgy L IHjll Havana 5J f lOSfast 10 109 2 1J 2i C Jones 0 St Cliarlcote Minstrel Kazan KazanBy DARE DEVIL ch g 3 102 By Marathon Lunette J B Respess 19105 XOrliis 34 l13good 10 102 11 11IffilG I Oil 13 J Smyth 15 Pirka Lady London Dicks Pet IffilG NOrlns Gl f 1 07fast 75 107 3 l 1 C Iislimonl4 Jefferson SMcGee Henry Wynd 19123 NOrPns 5S l0 = fsloiv 2 IOC 2 21W25 C = 7 I nailey 0 Day Day Jefferson Bo I5elle 1W25 NOrlns 5S 105 mud S5 1131 C CROSE 70 712 j pengast S Lady liryn Jefferson Day Day DayBy ROSE OF IRELAND b f 3 100 10020S95 By Jack Point Georgia Carter W H Portwood 20S95 Latonia 34 11G mud fid M 11 11 1114B Marco K Taleliearer GriiniDv Freeman 20073 Lexgton 34 l14J fast 42 102 9 ll1 ll lw Meehanl2 Izzetbey Pleasvilie B Splller

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Local Identifier: drf1915062401_4_2
Library of Congress Record: