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THIRD RACE 34 Mile Michigan Handicap 3yearolds 58079 112 3 92 TOP 0 TH MORNING ch c 3 123 By Peep oDay Lady Balgowan F Johnson 2HIGS Jamaica 34113 fast 135 Mil 1i l k M Buxton 7 Ilanovia Figimiy Polarius 2H99I Jamaica 51 f 107 slow 41 121 22 2 M Buxtou r High Soon Phosphor Pixy 20SI9 Belmont 34 st lllfast 4i 113 rl 43 M Pnxton 7 Andrew HesPrynne Y Notions 20621 Helmont 34 at l09fast 31 110 fil 71 M Buxton IINoon Stromlioli YauNotionn 20KK Bolmont 5i f st l05slow IC5 111 1 J 1 M Bnxton S The Finn Gloaming Kaskaskia 20295 Pimlico 34 l17 fist 25 112 11 1s Ikl Buxton 9 Anxiety Primary Gammon IG5S7 Saratoga 34 113 fast 15 100 1i Gammon1i 2l V Rhtmircir Tby Jury L Barbary Comely ComelyBy PIXY b f 3 98 By Peter Pan LAlouette R T Wilson 20991 Jamaica 51 f 107 slow 4i IOC 5 412 J McCahey T IINoon TothMniiig Phosphor 20852 Belmont 34 st 112 fast C 100 3s 32i J McCahey S UoyMartyr Fllttergold CMaid 2C3SS Belmonl 51 f st 105 slop 2J 100 22 2J J McCahey 4 Phosphor SpngBoard Marionll 20321 Pimlico 34 rniud 45 1 rs CT W Ural Montresor W Lady Surprising 10587 Saratoga 31 113 fast 12 114 12 13 G Byrn If TbrJrv TotMorutr LBarby 153G7 Aciueduct 5S 59fast 1110 114 12 I2 J McCahey 3 Catallna Sand Bank 15172 Aqueduct 5S l007sfast 7 105 ink 2l J MeCahey 7 Coquette Catallua Capra SEA SHELL br f 3 102 102aB5S aB5S Douglas 34 115 mini 17 M M2037G 1 = I K Lupnillc 5 C Hughes Chiilimi iiuassiiiy 2037G Churchill 1 11C lGgood 24 112 4 4t = L Gcntrv r Wnterhlossoin OnoSlen LKotha COK3 Churchill 1 11G l47Vfcslow 310 100 100ZmiS ZmiS Churchill 1 lo fist 70 110 110SHW SHW Lexgtoii 34112 fast i9 107 41 5 J J McTa McTaCJ XS9 Lcxgton 1 l3Sifast 31 117 117200GI CJ 7lu J McTa McTa3i 200GI Lcxgton 34 l16hvy 1GC 115 1151S2S2 3i 7 iT AIcTa 1S2S2 Latonia 34 112 fast 44 lie lieRHINE C Glt E McEwen G Chalmers Solly hd Crump CrumpBy RHINE MAIDEN b f 3 95 95JMKI71 By Watercress Gold E F Whitney JMKI71 Jamaica 5i f 1OG fast SO yj yj1OSOl 41 5 5 1 HolTiiKUi 0 IIotiMMiuiid Comely Ilcslryniio Ilcslryniiolij 1OSOl 1ipUk AbU4 l13Vfast C 101 1011W7G1 lij l i I Hoffman 7 llginny Holiday Jlazzano 1W7G1 PipHk Ab 1 l42fast 4 10 7 = Gl iD Hoffman S Absconder Star Gaze I un D o r 93 Uelmont 1 l33fast 30 n 31 4ll D Hoffman 5 The Finn Sshooter II Rock 11037 Helmont 7S 1M fast 15 OS 31 G D Hoffman 7 1obblcs Itunrs Uazzano 20322 Plinllco 1 1S 1OS mud 6 101 1 1J D Hoffman 0 Half Uock Runes Hauberk 20267 Pinilico 34 l14slop 1S2 97 97LADY 5 3 J D Hoffman Moutriwor Audrew S Board BoardBy LADY BARBARY br f 3 108 1081S179 By Galveston Barbary Belle R F Carman Carman2l 1S179 lIdcGco oi f 107 fast S 110 1101S157 2l 4 = 1 R Troxlcr S Hanson Between Us SlalIIelen SlalIIelen4l 1S157 HdeGco 01 f l07fast 1S3 113 1131S43S 4l 47i E Ambrose S Boxer Hanson Dr LiirrlcK 1S43S HdcGce 5S l01good 3J 124 124ISllu 32 1U C Gilbert 4 U Kotha Br Flower Mamie K ISllu HdcGco G f l09mud G 113 7 VR Shilling 7 Gaellf Sarsenet Hanson HansonG 17221 Hclmont 34 st 112 fast 5 114 G = G18 J MeTiRrt 7 Sharpshooter Coquette Dinah Do Do5s 10910 Hclmont 31 st 114 fust 3J 127 1271G7 5s 5 G BRaine 5 Charter Maid Coquette Capra Capra4Z 1G7 Saratoga 34 113 fast 12 US US1G405 4Z 3 H Sumter 15 Tby Jury TotMornK Comely 1G405 Saratoga 31 l14Ugood 10 114 114lf301 3 1 H Suniter J Trial by Jury Luke High Noon lf301 Saratoga 34 l13slov 122 122JfilGl 4 4S A Nevlon 8 Regret Solly Dinah Do JfilGl Saratoga 31 lllfast 7 119 1191G009 71 5 4 A Neylon S Regret Pebbles Paris Parisos 1G009 Saratoga 5J f 100 fast 7 122 os is A Noylon 9 Kaskaskia Montrosa Broomleaf Broomleaf2U 155 Saratoga 54 f 107 fast 4 119 2U 2i J McTagrt 8 Trial by Jury Solly Catalina 15923 Km pi re 5i f 107 slow 31 4i M Buxton fi Knskaskia Comely Kd Crump Crump2J 15439 Aqueduct 34 IzHslow 130 115 2J 21 C Turner 4 Ed Crump T by Jury O Eagle ir 32 Aqueduct oS l01fast 7 109 31 I C Turner 7 Lampoon TbyJury KkcnnylSoy 15252 Aqueduct 68 102 slow 3 109 1 1s C Turner 5 TinkleBefl Sarsenet GeoRoesch