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Latonia Entries and Past Performances for Thursday June 24 WEATHER CLEAR TRACK FAST The figures under the heading Rcc in the entries below show the best time of each horse at tho distance since January 1 1911 no matter where it finished In cases where record was made on other than a fast or good track abbre I viations show track conditions Racing starts at 230 p in Chicago time 230 XHnns well in mud Superior mud ruuueri M maidens Apprentice allowance allowanceFirst First Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling SellingTrack Track record 13120 111 3 110 110Ind Ind Horse Wt Rec AWtIIa 1003 Oakland 90112 5110X725 1112 Casaba 108 113 3 100X720 20998 Cliilla 10i 112 108X720 211 19 Flossie Crocket 103113 3 05X715 21105 Birka 105 112 4 10SX715 205011 Mabel Dnlweber 100113 3 95x710 20838 Mabel Montgomery100 114 3 100X705 210155 Brown Prince 104ll19m 3 102 K0 K01JM05 1JM05 Dare Devil 102 115 3 102 5K 05593 Rose of Ireland M 102 117 3 100 CSO CSOSecond Second Race 58 Mile Mile2yearolds 2yearolds Maidens Fillies Selling SellingTrack Track record 902C7 39 2 109 10920C04 20C04 Chivator 109 725 20979 Dolina 102 l03s 109X72O 109X72O20S3J 20S3J Onota 101 l0flm 101 710 710C C 9 Mary Estelle 110102 101 705 0715 Paulson 95 102 10 705 70520S34 20S34 Sim Moid 100XG90 10999 Argument 109 101 109 GOO GOO1XIC04 1XIC04 Lady WorthingtonlQS 104 10 SO 20999 Winnie ODay 110 104 109tiSO 109tiSO20SK5 20SK5 Safe Home 10 CSO 20090 Bernini 110 103 109 CSO 20999 Cora 0 110 104 109 GSO GSOI I Third Race 34 Mile 3yearolds Allowances Track record 1512C 111 5 110 110201C53f 201C53f LINDENT1IAL 104X723 104X723U0025t U0025t Mars Cassidy 110 112 105X715 11001 = Converse 113 112 107X715 20530 Booker Bill 104 113 100X710 21122 Unele Bryn 113 112 112X71O 11122 Grumpy 110 l14s 100X705 100X705tf tf W Schorr entry Fourth Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards Yardsoyearolds HandicapTrack oyearolds and upward Handicap Track record 99153 142 3 00 00Ind Ind Horse Wt Rec AWtIInn AWtIInn21000s 21000s Prince Ilerrnis 103 143 5 1100735 110073520048s 20048s Bayberry Caudle IOC 144 4 105X730 20082 Rrynlimah 110143 5102X725 2109152 Water Witch 93 142 a 92X720 92X720Fifth Fifth Race 58 Mile Mile2yearolds 2yearolds Allowances AllowancesTrack Track record 00207 30 2 109 210043 John Jr Ill 101 112X725 21097 Rochester 112 100 112 720 203133 Franklin M 100 711 71120070s 20070s Paymaster 103 102 100X710 21124 Jane Strailh 110 101 100X710 20020 Southern L e a g u e eM M 101 102 103X705 21000 J J Mnrdock M112 lOtU IOC 705 20050 Frisky IOOJl03s 100X705 21004 Charlie MeGoe M112l03 10tiOUO 10tiOUOCountess Countess Wilmot eh f by Peter Quince Janet JanetUray Uray 103 Sixth Race 34 Mile Mile3ycarolds 3ycarolds and upward Selling SellingTrack Track record 13120 111 3 110 21003 Imperator 110 113 4 105 725 20711 Droll 100 l12Jf 4 100 720 20771 Useeit 110 111 8 108 720 720210015s 210015s Amazon 8S 113 03X715 03X71520S73 20S73 Korfhagc 102 112 4 10SX715 21110 Eddie Dulling 10211V 02 710 20943 Collo 9 112 4102X710 20983 Dr Carmen 105 112 107X710 107X7102099S 2099S Sweetheart Sue 10 113 3 101 703 21003 Skiles Knob 10 113 3 10S705 10S705Seventh Seventh Race 1 11G Miles Miles3yearolds SellinjrTrack 3yearolds and upward Sellinjr Track record 3220 1 43 3 110 211233 Star Actress KlO 141 5 101X725 ° 105 2 High Private 122 144 9 1130720 1125 Wild Horse M 00 147 4 103 715 21099 George Stoll 102 140 5 103X710 21003 Helen M 91 l4u 4 101X705 21090 F A Weigle 3 102 705 20S70 Flciiron II M 110 147 5 100 705 21033 Justice Goebel M112 112 140 V 100 705 21004 Faleada 100140 10 1 08X090 21033 Willie Holland M115 115 149 149210XO 4 111 GOO 210XO Santa Rule M 3 950SO 21093 Margaret Burkley BurkleyM M 21099 Allen Pridgewater PridgewaterM M 100 l50m