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BROOKL1NE FORM CHART BROOKLINE MASS Juno 19 1915 Second and andlast last dav Country Clubs Summer Meeting of two days Weather clear clearPresiding Presiding Judge AV P Riggs Starter Frank J Bryan Uaeing Secretary Frank J Bryan 21106 First Uace About 7S Mile Purse 300 3yearnlds and upward Howaupcs Xet value to winner 200 second 0 third 40 Ind Horse AVt Fin Jockey Op 01 210502Singsong 01210502Singsong 135 I3 Mr T AVright 2 2 21050Arolant 1 2 = A Lee 3 3 210472Ambroe 150 3 Mr P Sf on 85 85 21047 Stonehenge 154 4U Mr II Tucker 10 8 210503Sir Giles 102 5 G Clements 20 20 21047Dixon 13S 6 J Clements 4 4 20797 Kilcrea H9 7 Mr J Tucker C 6 6Timo goodAAinner Timo 127 Track good AAinner Deep Kim Stables b c 3 by Singleton Sonriante trained by II Jon neon neonStart Start good AVon easily second and third driving 21107 Second Uace About 2 Miles Purse 500 500Brookline Brookline Handicap Steeplechase 3yearolds and andupward upward Xet value to winner 375 second 75 75third third 50 50Ind Ind Horse AVt Fin Jockey Op Cl 21 049 3 Cactus Bud IBS 1s AA Allen 2 2 22104G 2104G Senegambian 142 23 A Lee 3i 3J 12277 Jim Hanson 142 3 E Klenck 3i 3 21049 Dixon Park 140 4 B Haynes 10 10 21048 Gray Planet 110 f D Gaddy 3 3 20538 AAooltex 13fi fill F AValker 20851 SixtyFour 132 7 H AVilliams i 5 Gangster 137 RoutAV Kohler 15 13 2158 Hnters FortlSfi Brilown J Ryan 20 0 20380IRoger Gllon 133 FellJ Dupeo 0 G GTime goodAVinner Time 3515 Track good AVinner Glen Kiddie Farm ch g 7 by Cactus II PopeStart Lnrt trained by I Pope Start good AVon easily second and third driving 21108 Third Knee About 3 12 Miles Purse 450 and cup of 250 Middlesex Hunt for Registered Hunters Gentleman riders Allowances Net value to winner 30O jsornnd 100 third S50 Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Op Cl 21048Conqnpror Cl21048Conqnpror 1C2 1 ° A J A Dovux 7T 75 20798M J Shann 102 2C Brabazon 21 21051Lagniappe 155 3 R Mortimer 10 10 21048Hereuloid 102 FollB B Low Lowls Is fiTi Gfi 20142 Impulsive FellA AA Porter S S Time 7344 Track good goodAVinner AVinner A J A Devoreiixs ch g by Con testor Luff trained by F Burston BurstonStart Start good AVon cantering second and third driving i 21109 Fourth Uace Alxmt 2 12 Miles Country Club Grand Animal Steeplechase Value 1000 and cup of 200 3yearolds and upward Handi ¬ cap Xet value to winner 050 and cup second 200 third 100 100Ind Ind Horse AVt Fin Jockev Op 01 0121049C 21049C Malotte lafi l V Powers 3535 21049 Big Sandy 147 2 E Klenck 3 3 21049 Clies Krum 140 350 D Gaddy 1152 20503 20503zMeshach zMeshach 134 4 J Ryan 0 G 20797 Dr Duenner 135 FellJ Dupce 0 fi fiTime Time 500 Track good AAinner Grecntree Stables b in J by Orlando Dottle trained by J Owens OwensStart Start good AVon driving second and third the same 21110 Fifth Uace About 1 3S Miles Purse 250 250Uegistered Uegistered Hacks and Hunters Gentleman riders ridersHandicap Handicap Net value to winner 175 second secondS50 S50 third 25 25Ind Ind Horse AVt Fin Jockey Op 01 012104G3AVilling 2104G3AVilling 116 li T Wright 3 3 321046Eadbald 21046Eadbald 159 23 J F Flann Jr 2 75 2104G = Cloud ISO 3 J Tucker 35 43 432104G 2104G Superstition 140 4 II Tucker 3 3 3Time goodAAinner Time 224VJ Track good AAinner C X AVilliams b g 8 by Bryu Mawr The Spinster trained by II Johnson JohnsonStart Start good AVon handily second and third driv ¬ ing 21111 Sixth Uace About 2 12 Miles National Hunt Cup Steeplechase Aalue 1000 Uegistered Hunters Gentleman riders Xet value to win ¬ ner 010 second 200 third 100 Ind Horse AVt Fin Jockey Op 01 21051K of Mercil54 C Brabazon 2 210483P Asinorum 140 B Tuckerman fi 20798 AVeb Carter 162 3 T AVright 3 3 3210513Rom 210513Rom Acla 149 FellR Mortimer 10 10 20384D of DulhlCG LriderJ Park Co 1 1Time Time SiOSi Track good goodAVinner AVinner F Clarks b g 5 by Knight of the Thistle Penitence II trained by AV Freeman FreemanStart Start good AVoii eased up second and third driving