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HAMILTON ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track fast Racing starts at 245 p m Chicago time 145 XBuns well in mud Superior niud runner M maidens Apprentice allowance allowanceFirst First Race 58 Mile MileMaple Maple Leaf Purse 2ycarolds Canadianfoaled Allowances AllowancesMaiden Maiden Jockeys Track record 3200 51 2 100 Ind Horse AAt Rcc AAVtIIan 20577 Aniline 113 103 113 725 21052 Old Pop 105 105 111X720 111X7202093S 2093S Banshoro M 103 715 21052 lleclas Flame M 103 710 20577 McBride M 102 103 103 710 20425 Greek Maid M 103 UDO Waterdown ch g by Martimas Bushwatcr 103 Second Race 1 1IG Miles Miles3ycarolds 3ycarolds and upward Allowances AllowancesTrack Track record 85445 145 4 104 10421201s 21201s Schemer M 3 102X725 20024 Martian 110 14S 4 107X720 107X72021118s 21118s Kazan 3 113X715 21114 Moving Picture 103 l53m 5 105X715 21202 Sarolta 03148 5100X710 5100X71020S90 20S90 Shrewsbury M 3 18X090 21117 Stanleys 112147 7 107 080 080210S7 210S7 King Cotton M105 152 4 100 075 075Third Third Race 5 12 Furlongs FurlongsAalcarticr Aalcarticr Handicap Handicap3yearolds 3yearolds and upward upwardTrack Track record D07S 105 0 107 21203 Pan Zareta 120104 5131X740 20974 Housemaid 122 100 7 127X735 21114 Southern Maid 4 05X730 21203 The AVidow Moon 110 100 5 100X730 21203 Dr Larrick 114 100 3 00X725 00X7252092ti 2092ti = Protector 112107 3 10X725 20842 Sir Edgar 122 100 3 02X725 02X7251S044 1S044 Aogne 101107 3100X72 3100X72139SO 139SO Ed Howard 3 01 720 720Fourth Fourth Race 53 Mile Spring Brewery Stakes 1500 Added Added2vcarolds 2vcarolds Allowances AllowancesTrack Track record 3200 59 2 100 10020059t 20059t GEORGE SMITH 123 l01ui 123X725 2108 Blume 112 101 115X715 115X71520955U 20955U Regina 120 102 118 715 21201 = Milestone 10S 100 10S710 21201 t Pesky 108 100 115 710 20014 Peep Sight M 101101 100 705 21221 J Taka 105102 10S705 10S705tE tE McBride entry JL S Thompson entry entryFifth Fifth Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling SellingTrack Track record 10375 111 0 113 21115 Lady London 110 112 5 105X725 20700 Luria 114 112 5 110 720 21200 J II Houghton 117 112 S 115X71O 21054 Rubicon II 115112 0115X705 20103 Ada Anne 103 113 4 110x705 21117 = Josefma Zarate 102115 3 93 705 705I703S I703S Clitf Edge 110 113 1 110X705 20940 Peggy L 951114 3 US 090 20570 Pampinea 105 113 5 100 090 2102 = Bcndel 10 113 4 105X090 21007 Miss AVuters 102 115 4 100XOSO 10324 Miss Edeuwold M 3 03 075 075Also Also eligible to start In order named should any of above be scratched 21157 Mama Johnson 95 113 5 100710 210313 Galaxy 105113 4105X710 17702 Constituent 107 l14 5 107 090 21207 Lillian Krlnn 97 110 4 105 i90 Sixth Race 34 Mile Mile3vearolQs 3vearolQs and upward Selling SellingTrack Track record 10375 111 0 113 21155 = Brandywine 112 113 5 110X725 21200 = 1 Miss Gayle 102 114 4 100X720 100X720Kate 20907 Kate K 98 112 0 110x720 110x720Reflection 21030 Reflection 100 114 3 103X715 21030 = Gordon 100112 4 11OX71r 21054 = 1 Dicks Pet lot 113 4 105x71 105x71Laura 20S03 Laura 104 113 4 110x710 110x710Lucky iilS = Lucky George 102 115 0 112X70 112X70Astrologer 21220 Astrologer 101113 0110x70 0110x70Van 17S45 Van Bu 115 110 7 11O70 11O70Black 210S7 Black Pine 115 114 5 115 090 090Jim 15011 Jim L 100 112 7 102X000 102X090Also Also eligible to start in order named should any of above be scratched 21200 Vilev 101112 0107X715 21220 Chuckles DO 112 5 105X710 21200 York Lml 115113 G 110715 17309 Marcovil 112 114 0 107 0IO 0IOSeventh Seventh Race 1 1IG Miles on Turf TurfTurf Turf Selling Handicap Handicapvenrolds venrolds and upward upwardTrack Track record S29S2 145 5 107 20001 Itrave Cnnarder 100 14S 4 112X725 201104 Donald Macdonaldllfi 140 9 107720 21055 Black Broom 100 147 4 105X715 20941 Stalwart Helen 105 140 3 US X 715 20S70 Prince Eugene 112 145 5 10SX710 20SOO = Fly Home 102 l4S 3 95 705 2Q200 UjJteppa 40U14 5 IOOXJV5