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HAMILTON FORM CHART HAMILTON ONT SATURDAY JUNE 2G 1915 Second day Hamilton Jockey Club Summer Meeting of 7 days 35 Ixxiks on Weather clear oseph A Murphy Presiding Judge Francis Nelson Starter A B Dade Bacing A B London f O bj 1 FIPST BACK 58 Mile 3200 59 2 100 Purse 2ycaroIds Mnldci l JL 41 JL Fillies Allowances Net value to winner 375 second S75 third 550 Index Horses AWtPPSt 11 V Str Fin Jockeys Ownr 20829 TAKA wsn 105 7 7 rni 43 33 1 = W Ural L S Thompson 85 2 SG 2 out outw 21154 = ILAUIA ILAUIAPKGGY w 110 2 2 y 31 4 = UJ L McAtee W F Presgrave 2 2 SG IT out outv PKGGY OBRIEN v 11O 53 1 = 1 = 1 = 3 G I5urns G W Seott 30 30 30 10 4 4yvii 20521 TUSH TUSH TUSHOKLO yvii 100 4 5 C1 5U 5s 4 = E Taplin Keystone Stable 4 fi 5 8533 8533w OKLO OKLOKATHLEEN w 110 f C SU 2 = 2 t 511 A Neylon J Livingston 10 IS M 5 2 2vv KATHLEEN H HCLAItA vv 103 34 7 7 7 C1 J CallahanT Hendricks 30 30 3D 10 3 3w CLAItA BOOTS w 110 11 4 = G = 6Z 7 W Obert E W Moore 20 30 30 10 4 fastWinner Time 23 48 l02 Track fast Winner B f by Broomstick Kose of Dawn traiia 1 by A Sim uis Went uisWent to post at 240 At post 3 minutes Start g od and slov Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing 1AKA begun slowly but moved up rapidly on the stretch tin i and wearing the leaders down was going away at the end ILAKIA showed early speed ai 1 after losi ig ground came again and disposed of ltu tiring PKGGY OBBIKN The latter showed much s eed in pace nuking but tired badly TUSH TfSH was interfered with by the swerving OBLO in the stretc Overweights Tush Tush 1 pound O 3 O O O SECOND ItACE 58 Mile 3200 511 2 100 Purse 500 2ycaroIds Silling JL A A A Net value to winner S375 second S75 third 50 index Horses AWtPPSt V Sir Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P K 21113 So2100G GENTLEAVOMAN WB 05 3 1 3 J 3 2J li J Morys Ottawa Stable fi 10 S 3 So 2100G = VILLCAS1I wi 18 87 43 4 4 2 L McAtec H O Comstock S1 f fi 2 1 20859 = GOLDEN LIST W 110 4 2 l t 1 n 3 = E Taplin II G Bcdwell 32 32 75 12 out 20939SEMP out20939SEMP STALAVART wn 10S 1 5 71 7 51 41 11 HanmerAV L Oliver S 40 40 1 S 21COGRROOM STRAW w IS 5 3 1 2k 3 = G = J Acton A B Stcllo CSS 3 1 21006 GREETINGS w 104 2 C Ci C = 7s G = A SchugrL AV Garth 12 12 4 83 45 20377 BEAUTY SHOP w 112 6 4 5 = 5 = 6 = 7 W AmlrcssGallaltcr Bros C 8 S 3 3 21006 McLELLAND w 103 7 S S S 8 S J Callalian A Turney 30 50 50 0 s Time 24 48 101 Track fast Winner fastWinner TravcrsWent B f by Sain Homespun trained by B Travcrs Went to post at 313 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won handilv second and third riving GENTLEWOMAN was in close quarters behind the leaders until straightened out in tho homestretch then responded uuickly when called on and easily disposed of GOLDEN LIST in tin lust eighth WILL CASH came through on the inside and finished with a rush GOLDEN LIST vas tiring after setting a fast early pace SEMPEU STALWABT closed a big gap BKOOM STKAW bidOverweights tired The winner was entered for 500 no bid Overweights Semper Stalwart 4 pounds Broom Straw 1 V 1 O OQ THIRD RACE Alout 2 Miles 10054 100544j 4j JL J 4J O cap 000 Added 4yearolds and upward Net value to winner 510 swim S100 third S50 AWtPPSt 5 10 15 IS Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P 20962 = STrcCO w 4 133 fi 4 3 3 315 3 = 1 F Willins W L Maupin S5 05 D5 3 20989 DOROTHY WEBB WEBB2U524 B v 1 138 4 3 li li li Li l J Hutton J ilackay 4772 4772W 2U524 = THK AFRICAN W 0 13S u C I = 2 = 1 31 D Gaddy F Murphy 3 4 4 7 7w 20453 JIM O w 0 13S 2 1 a 4 4 4 4 = S QuartonW O Wilson 15 25 20 8 8w 20552 MORPETH w S 135 1 2 4l 53 5 = C 5s J Smith W Obernesser 10 10 t 2 2w 21107 GRAY PLANET w 5 132 3 5 C G fi 5i fi M OConr A II Iligglnson 3 5 4 S fastWinner Time 405 = S Track fast Winner GarthWent Br g by Filigrane My Eleanor trained by L W Garth Went to post at 343 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third same STCCCO fenced well and followed the leaders until after talcing the last jump then came fast got up to win in the last ten yards DOROTHY WE15B ran well and outstayed THE AFRICAN latter tired right at the finish but would probably have won had his rider not made his effort too so Ibc others were beaten oil oilOverweights Overweights Dorothy Webb 2 pounds 21 f O A 1OCRTH RACE 34 Mile 90375 111 0 113 Oakville Handicap COO Added X mJtJml C 15yearolds and upward Canadianfoaled Net value to winner 570 second 100 third S50 Index Horses AWtPPSt Sir Fin Jockeys Owners O HOPS 20958 = SLIPPEIl DAY w 4 112 5 4 42058PTAKTABEAN I1 1 1s I1 J Metcalf J S Hendrlo 2 2J 1 12 2058PTAKTABEAN w 108 12 1 Si 12Si Ck 3J 2 t H Watts G Millar 10 10 10 4 2 20581 LADY CURZON W 105 3 2 6 21 2 3 AV Obert Brookdale Stable 421 12 21112 LINSIN w 112 1 6 621112ZREDDEST Snk 12Snk 5l C = 4i L McAtec C S Campbell tl S S 3 S5 21112ZREDDEST w 3 103 S 1 0 = S1 7i 5 t j Smyth D Raymond S 12 12 5 2 21153CORN BROOM WB 4 111 C S 71 7 4l CH A Collins J K 1 Ross f4 S S 3 S5 17015 MARION GAIETY wn 4 10O 2 5 521033GARTLEY 21 31 S1 7 = J Acton E Glassco S 15 15 G 3 21033GARTLEY w 3 107 11 3 5ii 5ii 5l 8 = A SchusrG Cornell 15 20 20 10 5 21112 PEPPER SAUCE w 3 10S 10 12 12 10 = 0 = 9 J CallahanC A Crew 8 12 32 G 1732SDAKK ROSALEEN w 4 flS 7 7 4H = 10JIO A Claver J E Seagi 20581 AM PHION w 4 110 1 11 11 = 12 II1 11J G Burns W Bennett 10 10 10 4 2 17337 = BEEHIVE BEEHiyE WB 4 120 3 10 10 = 11 = 12 12 W Stevsnll Giddings 6 15 13 o 2 fCouplcd in Lcttmg no separate place or show betting bettingTime fastWinner Time 23 43 113 Track fast Winner WhyteWent Br f by Martimas Blue Grouse trained by E Whyte Went to iHist at 418 At post 4 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving SLIPPER DAY sprinted into a long lead in the lirst eighth and keeping it won in a ranter TARTAREAN closed a big gap and wore the tiring LADY CURZON down in the last eighth Tlu lu tcr was probably short and tired badly in the homestretch LINSIN ran well REDDEST made un ground groundOverweights Overweights Amphion 1 pound 9lr v F1FTH KACE 1 116 Miles 85445 145 1 104 Hotel Royal Handicap JL JJ Added 3yciiroMs and upward Net value to winner 010 second 100 third S50 Index Horses AWtrPStU Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P S 21062 Elkins20938KING = BOB HENSLKY wi 4 100 5 3 li 1i 1 = 1 l A Neylon E 15 Elkins 20938KING HAMBURG wi 3 OS 6 1 11 3 4 2nk 2 A Claver ThorncliffeStable G S S 3 1 21088CELTO w 3 101 4 4 2 2 2 = 3 3 J Acton J S Tyrco 2A 5 5 S5 35 20579 IXDOLENCK wn 4 10S 3 2 3 5 3 4 4 U Shilling R J Austin zl 3 1 12 20954 PANDEAN w 5 115 2 5 C C G 5 = 5 = P GoldsfnL S T Thompson 2J 3 2 1 12 17771 BARNEGAT wn ETime 5 105 1 C 5 43 5J fi 6 J Metealf H E Watkins 10 12 12 3 32 Time 24 48 114 139 146 Track fast Winner Ch g by Rapid Water Mae Erwin trained by T Hodge Went to post at 440 At pont 4 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing BOIJ IIENSLEY outran the others to the lirst turn and setting a farft pace under slight restraint luially won casing up KING HAMBURG raced forwardlv and finished gamely CELTO was much used iii following the pa larter INDOLENCE also tired BARNEGAT showed early Overweights Bob Hcnsley 1 iwund King Hauibure 2 SIXTH RACE 34 Mile 10375 111 0 113 Purse 500 3ycarolds and upward Selling Net value to winner S375 second S75 third S50 Index Horses AWtPPSt i y v Str Fin Jockeys Ownnrs o H p s 20343 = THE SPIRIT V 4 101 7 G Gwit C = 5 4s 1 A Collins X Macfarlane G S S S3i 20337VENETIA wit 3 100 C 7 7wn 3i l ° k 1 = 2 T Metcalf P Sheridan G S S 20943SIR BLAISE wn C 114 1 2 2wsj 41 35 2J 3 = E Haynes AV P Finu 444 S5 4 21055VIDET wsj 3 102 S 4 G Ci 3 4i L McAtce S Louis 10 12 12 5 2i 210E5 = ZIN DEL 1 2 33 5 J Acton AV H Frey 2 2 32 35 01 11 8l fi = C A SchuerL AV Garth S 40 15 6 6S 21155BETTERTON w 3 lOli 5 S S = 7 71 73 7 = C AranDunH Dots G 13 13 C 3 210551ENGIIEE WB 5 112 11 11 11 11 11 S3 J Morys J A Gibson 10 13 13 fi 3 19339 ASTROLOGER WB 0 105 12 1 7 7J Si 10 = ls J Starrett T J Elward 100 100 SO 10 5 18792 = JIM SAVAGE wn 3 100 10 10 10 10 9 = 10 E Taplin H G Bedwell 20 40 40 13 G 20940 CHUCKLES WB 5 103 4 5 21 41 S1 11 P Cooper J O Byrne 20 40 40 15 C Cat 20247 EMERALD GEM w 4 100 1 Left at the post AV Obert F J Coleman 4 7 3J S5 4 45 fastWinner Time 23 48 114 Track fast Winner BulcroftWent B f by Yankee Wcstein Lady trained by A Bulcroft Went to post at 511 At post 15 minutes Start poor ami slow Won driving second and third tho same THE SPIRIT began slowly but came through on the inside in tiie stretch and wearing VENETIV down got up to win in the iiual strides VENETIA raced into the lead on the last turn but swerved over to the inside in the last sixteenth and would hao won had she kept straight SIR BLAISE raced will but tired after moving up fast when entering the homestretch VIDET liuished fast Z1N DEL quit after netting bidScratched n fast early pace The winner was entered for 000 no bid Scratched 21054 = Dicks Pet 104 21007 Mss Waters 10 210S7Black Pine 112 2100Gordon 101 20014 Miss Brush S 21117 Inlan 100 21020BenCeI 14 2U031 Hildas Biother 105 Overweights 105Overweights Betterton 1J pounds T I 6 OfT SEVENTH RACE 1 18 Miles on Turf 90220 152 1 111 Purse 000 4ycar J JL l SiJ I olds and upward Selling Net value to winner 450 second 100 third 50 index Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S HOWDY wn S 114 S 4 1i 1 = H 1 AV AndressGallalicr Bros G5 GG 4 21092 XODIAC W 4 4101 101 6 62H58 3 4 2h 2 = 2 25 2 = E Forchd L AV Garth 12 12 4 2H58 WEYANOKE w WK s 5 112 4 S 8 8 S 3 3 = L IlartwellAV Smith 0772 21168 COGS w t 5 v12 1 120917COL 71 4i 4J 41 F Cooper AV Martin ess 0772ess 20917COL HOLLOWAY 0 117 7 1 i 7 fi1 5 = J Connors D J Scanlon 12 15 13 fi 21118 LIBERTY HALL 5 114 5 5 5i ru fii j CallahanC A Crew Crewi 12 20 20 G 20964 0964 = JOE STEIN w 7 7100 100 3 321092BULA 2 2ns i 4i Gh 7 71 76 A Collins E AV Moore 5 7 C 2J 1 21092BULA WELSH WB 5 112 2 1 fiu Ck 3i 8 S J Metcalf AV Carr 10 15 13 4 2 fastWinner Time 24 49 116 140 154 Track fast Winner GallaherWent B g by Ossary Signorina drained by J C Gallaher Went to post at 000 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ig HOWDY HOWDY sprinted to the front while rounding the first turn and easily held the race snfe or the remainder of the way KODIAC raced well and was bard ridden but could not improve his position n the last quarter AVEYANOKE closed a bg gap and finished fast COGS ran well BUL V WELSH Mowed speed but tired The winner was entered for 500 nu bid