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KCNTUCKY ASSOCIATION INCORPORATED EIGHTH RENEWAL RENEWALBREEDERS BREEDERS FUTURITY 2500 Added TO BE RUN AT AUTUMN MEETING 1917 Entries Close Thursday July 1 1915 THE BREEDERS FUTURITY FUTURITYfor for twoyearolds foals of 1915 5 to accompany the nomination 10 payable January 1 1916 20 payable January 1 1917 30 payable July 1 1917 150 addi ¬ tional to start 2500 added The nominator of the first second and third horses to receive 300 200 and 100 respectively of the added money The stakes to be divided 70 per cent to the winner 20 per cent to the second 10 per cent to the third fourth horse to save his stake Weights Colts 118 IDS fillies and geldings 115 Ibs A winner of two stakes of the value of 1500 each or one of 3000 to carry 5 Ibs extra maidens allowed 5 Ibs IbsFUTURITY FUTURITY COURSE about 170 feet iess than six furlongs ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO GARRET D WILSON SECRETARY LEXINGTON KY LAST THURSDAY THURSDAYanother another of my jjood things went over which I knew WINNERSthat WINNERS all alxiut and it won easily Name of h rse was that were reported in Hook No 12 VIDET 201 IHeil with tills pai or or I could not say the abovo ACIS 635100 DR LARRICK As in previous case I am snrry that my connections 505100 CARDOME EXPECTATION do not permit me to mention name of horse horseI STAR J71CO GROSVENOR 890100 I know of a horse which is expected to lie cut ACTRESS LA MODE FOUNTAIN FAY Cl loose in June 2 If ORLIN KRIPP 52 TOP 0 TH MORNING 31 a steeplechase on Tuesday you SUNSET 51 TARTAR wiS fol know anything about racing you know the best 52 Some 5 coups occur in steeplechase races I can not say cents How can you afford to bo without tit much excepting that the result will prove that I Standard Nothing like it for riving yon a line on know all about the details Telegraph 5 tomorrow tl i horses at all leading tracks We report fewer Monday which subscription includes the horse men ¬ liuses and more winners than any other publication in also get a Kree Special each day under code tioned alwvo and also one on Wednesday at llamil tim which did nothing in its last race owing to the in the Racing Form We had three winners out of faulty riding of tin jockey Neither one of these last four starters If your newsdealer does not horses I understand can be favorite or second In mile the Slandard send your subscription direct choice on account of previous races I consider ti ollice 1 per month 2i cents per copy copyYesterdays both horses equally good investments and feel posi ¬ Yesterdays Komi Special lost lostMONDAYS tive they will convince you as to the strength of the MONDAYS FORM SPECIAL people behind me Telegraph your subscription by June SPECIALJune Apple 2G542835 2G542835NOTICE Post ill or Western Union More of the same kind will follow later Address A C ELY ELYChillis NOTICE All who received our last two horses Chillis Building 110 V 34th St New York N Y on our new service please remit at once as we hare to settle at once before we get anv more THE BEST BESTwinning THE Room GUIDERoom 403 STANDARD 22 West Quincy Street TUJRF Chicago GUIDE Illinois winning racing proposition in America if you have THE TURF REPORTER REPORTERRoom ftO cash capital and will make two or three i Room 509 22 West Qnincy Street Chicago Illinois IllinoisMONDAYS straight hots daily from now until November 1 MONDAYS FORM SPECIAL SPECIALTuesday Send me six selfaddressed stamped envelopes and Tuesday Green YottOnPaVan Book 551 I will prove it before you invest another cent Ad ¬ dress R W GOODWIN caro NATIONAL RACING REVIEW REVIEWMONDAYS 1417 West Market St LOUISVILLE KY KYLATONIA MONDAYS SPECIAL SPECIALNew New York Major Maroon Canary CanaryOccasional LATONIA RACES RACESJ Occasional and Special both lost lostRoom Room 44G 321 South La Sallo Street Chicago 111 111Saturdays J T SCHKEIKEPt SCHKEIKEPtAMERICAS Saturdays Specials gave a winner and n third AMERICAS PREMIER CLOCKER Try next Saturdays for 1 telegram prepaid Mon ¬ days Special CC15 Book 207 Remember he stable money is bet on those I give CC15L2C BB58 DD68 CC15 L2C BBS H2 S53 MGC DD71 J C Welch M63 You can employ me for for remaining seven days DD81 S54 SG3 M7 NG2 CC33 THE AMERICAN of this meeting Telegraph remittance or remit bv THOROUGHBRED Baltimore express order in letter I wire one or two horses Bldff Chicago 111 111SUBSCRIBE daily at 11 a m mNo SUBSCRIBE FOR DAILY RACING FORM No 4 NORTH BURTON COVINGTON KY TERMS FORMTERMS 5 Cents Per Copy VOLUME II of ANNUAL RACING FORM FORMis 150 Per Month 1700 Per Annum As plain enveloped letter firstclass mail is now on sale at Single mailSingle copies by mail six cents DAILY RACING FORM offices DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO 441 Plymouth Court Chicago Illinois 441 Plymouth Court Chicago Illinois 74 Exchange Street Buffalo N Y 74 Exchange Street Buffalo N Y