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SECOND RACE 1 Mile 3yearolds and upward Fillies Marcs and Geldings Selling 50370 OROTUND ch f 4 107 By Hippodrome Olevia R 0 Miller 21127 Jamaica 34 l13 fast 7 103 G 42 gj y Lillcy 7 Presumption Hurakau Coy 20793 Belmont G f lL 0fast 12 09 G G20G56 21 I1 W Lillcy S U Shore E Uryson IJcetltovcn 20G56 Belmont 1 l41fast 1S5 102 6 3 320CG4 21 2 VW Ural S KoLlght Robinetta DDenner 20CG4 Belmont 1 140 good 10 102 1 2 220X 2 31 W Ural 5 W Shoes Dr Duenncr Jawbone 20X Pimlico Im70yl45 ifast 23 101 5 C CiOlOS G5 71 A Schugr 7 Amalti Spearhead Carlton G iOlOS HdeGce ImTOylMGVcgood 95 05 G 2 I 25 L McAtee S OKripp DrDner Chrtophine J0072 HdeGce Im70yl44fast 7 105 5 11 111S1C4 5l 4 A Schuterl2 Buzz Around Al Bloch Cogs 1S1C4 ILdeGce lm70yl4Gfast 4 103 4 3 31SI23 Ink oh j Smyth 11 Jim Basey Goldy Petelus 1SI23 IIdeGce Im70yl47 slow 7 100 C C 2 31 ° Ii Shilling 7 StarGlft BAround TBusybody TBusybodyBy BLACKTHORN b g 3 99 By Broomstick Margorique M A Colton 21117 Jamaica 34 l13fast 7 102 3 3iOJSO 4 = 47J W Lllley i Talicarrier True as Steel Andes iOJSO I itonla 31 114 slow 2S5 S3 1 Il I3 M Garner 7 COnne LPchita Oonnlivery 20971 Latonia 34 llChvy Sl10 95 3 31 Eh M Garner 9 Talebearer Oakland Wild Bear Latonia 34 111 fast IS 93 Ii IiJ fi G J II Stearns C Mars Cassidy ilex Amazon J Iitonia 34 l12fast 34 103J 5 3 4s I Stirling ToryMaid DLarrick Korfhage 21703 Douglas 34 114 good 445 102 5 4 3s M Garner 11 Amazon Maznik Busy Edith 20403 Douglas InYTOy l48mud 10 S7J 3 2 C 4s 11 Urquhrt 7 Bonanza JUeanlon Thtreader ThtreaderBy PENALTY br f 4 105 105IOST By Marathon Hiss Lida C W Gasser IOST Bluebon J l41fast 22 Id 15 C CSU724 3l I1 K Ihiynes II JllIIoughion Ehvah SofLove SU724 Dorval Im70y l4Sfast 32 102 7 9 92WU1 3J 2l E Hayncs 12 Dnrin Lucky George Ajax 2WU1 Dorval 1 11C lGOfast 3 112 0 8 C 3S D Boland 10 BSister Shepherdess KdaJson 10204 Churchill 1 11C 148 fast 2320 101 8 7 71 CJ Ii Ott 10 Birka Marshon OSnllivan 20274 Churchill 1 11C l4Sslow S710 103 2 5 4h 45 E Pool 10 Requirant Iniiiression Loveland 19471 Juarez 1 l3Jfast 4 98 G C CNOUREDDIN 4X 45 A Mott S Pay Streak Art Rick Choctaw ChoctawBy NOUREDDIN br g 3 98 By Ogden Frances McClelland R T Wilson 21014 Jamaica 31 l13good 12 10S 1 1209CC 4 44J J McCahcy Spring lioard StarGift IlShaw 209CC Jamaica 34 114 fast 2J 107 7 ri lii iiyrnc 7 Duke of Diinbnr Vaza Ahara 2 77S Belmont 31 st l10fast 40 130 4 G C JW Ural 5 S McMcekin TopIIat AExpress 20103 HdeGce uj f l07fast 12 102 9 91C272 C 43 W Ural 10 Polarius Singsong M McOiggle 1C272 Saratoga 34 l12fast 12 110 G G1G220 G fi11 J McCahey 5 IlighNoon DlsSliore Tby Jury 1G220 Saratoga 24 l13slov 10 107 10 101C03G G2 9 9Ji Ji M Buxton 10 Garbage RoyMartyr DlstSlmre 1C03G Saratoga 34 l12fast 9 107 5 33 Z J Mcihey 5 Garbngn Comely Brooiuleaf 1SOG5 Saratoga fJ f 107 fast 10 107 8 G 5 i J McCahey 8 T by Jury Lady Barbary Sollj SolljBy MISS BARN HARBOR b f 4 100 By Potter Floss S J C Ellis 20li Mboro 78 l2Sfast u 100 10020S12 IJ C Wliymk i Petelus Thrill Ossary llaid 20S12 Mboro M f 110 goods ill 3s J Bauer 7 Silver Moon Ilcdse Rose Booth 20731 Mhoro 5J f l09V good 45 105 1051999G I2 W lioyle 0 Oxer Stroino Klsowhere 1999G Bowie 7S li fast 15 105 5 r 5 = 2 J McTagt i Alltloch KtixzArouiuI Ito Light 19920 Bowie 7S 123 fast 8 10 fi 4 G 4 i D Steward 8 UustBraFs Phnrnnli Fitzgerald 19404 XOrlns 31 l13good 115 104 r riaC2 41 41 J Smyth 11 Serenata Sumio Joe I iaC2 NOrlns fl f 107 fast 3i 10510 10510NEPHTHYS G1 55j E Pool 11 J B Ilarrell Sunget Arccne ArccneBy NEPHTHYS ch f 3 9G By Isidor Kaiest J J Moran 21131 Jamaica 1 1lfi 149 fast 135 ICO 5 5ii017 5 4ci J McCahey r laincllia Valentine Gold Prime ii017 Jamaica 51 f l K5good 4 105 4 420M77 3 I2 J McCnhcy 10 CyMtrriclc Wwidfalr Northlight 20M77 Jamaica 34 l14fast G 107 7 3J Zi J McCahey 11 Valentine DofDimljar Un Bill 20025 HdeGce 34 lirfast 100 101 4 92 11 J McKver 11 Sleuth Silver Moon Free Trade 0014 IIdeGce fit f l07ifast 150 99 G G 4 ° J McKever 5 Marjorie A Alhena Uelleetion