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SECOND RACE 1 11C 51cs 3ycirolds and upward Allowances S5 15 1 MSf 1 104 6CHXMER K r 3 102 Bv McGnn Intriguo N llacfarlane 21204 Hainton 34 114 fast 115 112 4i 34 P lackKoii II Com nwnsla AVodan Sir L Joe J9 ConKht ll4rslowc 96 96Will 3 3i J Afton li 1C PimliurK HofOaU FounFay Will BIueBon 1 l42 low 17 9 21 3i R MeDott Bnsliy Head Cirbldf Shyness 0 4S AVdbine 34 llSfast fid 109 109W78 fi i F Jacksjon 13 Maxim Belle SirLJoe JelTerson W78 Lflxcton lm70yl4C fast 23 108 108MARTIAN 4 4s K Pool S Typ First Fiddle Knflet KnfletBy MARTIAN br g 4 107 1071W By Bowlini Brook Mary I Grand T J Bird 1W I BIueBon 1 l40fast 41 107 3 4s M Mtliewsll Cnttyhunk Bushy Head Jabot 2045 BIueBon 1 l4Ifast 19 101 3 Si M Mthews 7 Stalinelen ISusbyHead Harbard 20 20r r AVdbine 34 113 fast 8 107 f1 ts AV Obert 10 Kneonv The Snirit GHnt 20424 AVdbine 34 l13Vffast fid llfi 41 G Burns 15 Bnuidywine I mont Ida Claire 17418 AVdbine 1 l40good 111 101 9s 9JJ Camplinllll Inkle t Astrologer PrlvetPetal 37374 AVdbine 1 116 lWfcfa t 2 110 110Z 4 = 3 1 Metcalf r Privet Petal FountFay Aprlsa 3C225 Z FortErie 1 l41mud 21 102 3nk sj j Metcalf 7 Polly 01 Paintbrush Recoil RecoilBy KAZAN ZA T 1 b n a 113 By Filiprane Sauteuso C J Odell 21 US Conght 3i 3C C Miller S RI hn d RlKitherdoss B Pore 21091 Co ConKht IRht ll4tfast 102 4 4 J C Miller f Sunsot A N Akin Redland 1032 Co IKht 1 1S 1 r1CVfgood 10 101 n 712 C Miller S F nrwk Jabot Mud Sill a924 Bh oBon 1 MOfast fld 101 9 10 L Hartwollll Cuttyhirik Bushy Head Talmt 20SCG Bh eBon 1 l404ffast 44 1011 7s 711 14 Hartwell S Ida Ohiin Fly Home Anxiety 20C1C Dorval Im70y l4Cfast 15 107 C 7 ° 3M Mthews FIv IJome S of Iove Celehrlty 2030S Pimlico ll42fast 20 IOC C C C Miller C OMuid Tamerlane LSlrtuclle MOVING PICTURE b m 5 105 By Ogdea Linda Lee Thorncliffe Stable 21114 Conght 34 l14ROOd 4 94 2 5 51C3SO 5 510 J Callahan 5 Pan Zareta South Maid B Bay 1C3SO Consht 1 l42fast 135 99 8 10 10 101G495 82 0 A Claver 10 Stout Heart Harbard Sundbac 1G495 Windsor 34 l16hvy 2 104 1 5 51G222 5 3 i A Claver G Aandcrgrift Miramichl HShaw 1G222 FortErie 1 11G 153 mud 710 103 354 3541C153 21 21 AV Obert 5 Harbard Indolence Good Day 1C153 FortKrie Im70yl42fast S5 101 4 4 3 315SS3 3 21 E Ambrose 4 Privet Petal Martian Beehive 15SS3 Hainton 31113 fast 21 97 1 4 415SOO 4 3 = 1 J Metcalf 4 P Zarcta Nightstick S MaiC 15SOO Ham ton 31 l12fast 20 99J 7 7 7SAROLTA G2 63 A Claver S Back ISay Pan Zarcta Elwah SAROLTA br m 5 100 By Bassetlaw Jai Alai C K Millar 21202 Hamton 1 11C l49fast 10 95 7 5 4 420S93 31 GJ U MeDott 11 Moss Fox MofFrome GarisliSun 20S93 l5lueBon 1 l43slow IS 105 3 3 2 220S20 5n 120iG Grant 12 Louise Travers Bogart B Belle 20S20 BIueBon 7S l29fast 20 109 10 8 7 S2 10 G Grant 15 L Spendthrift CBroom RIost 20 13 Dorval 3i l14fast 13 103 13 13 13 13 A Schugri Ksmont Irisli Heart Mazurka 20550 Wdbine Im20y l45ysfast 48 IOC 5 3 3 3204S7 21 2n C Grant S SofLove Celebrity Abbotsford 204S7 AVdbine 34 l17Vislow 175 117 7 4 4SHREAVSBURY 51J 7 P Goldsfn S Meissen CaperSauce IrishHeart IrishHeartBy SHREAVSBURY b c 3 98 9820S90 By Ossary Latona A R Bresler 20S90 BIueBon 78 130 slow 10 108 5 4 5 5i 5 = 1 M McDottl2 Paul Gaines AVodan lUiffo 20133 HdeGce Gl f lOS islow 41 104 6 5 5 7lk3J Dreyer S High Tide Danish Girl Vaza 20079 HdeGce Gl f 107 fast 50 101 9 9 9 913 AV MeDott 9 Sherwood Monty Fox WaterLily 20042 HdeGce 34 l14fast C 101 10 9 4i 31 R McDottlS Breakers Royalty Slumberer 20025 HdeGce 34 l13 fast 9 101 8 C CSTANLEY Suit 4 R McDottll Sleuth Silver Moon Free Trado TradoBy STANLEY S blk g 7 107 By Jack Point My Gem L Desforges 21117 Conght 34 l15ROOd 30 102 9 8 II3 lO R McDottll Stellata Jose Zarate Meelicka 21057 Conght 1 11C 155 mud 12 107 2 S 11 1120S25 10s S iT Parutonll Bean Pere CORS Durin 20S25 BIueBon 1 l41fast fid 110 C 1 2 11 11JC VanDunll Penalty J II HouKliton El wall 20611 Dorval 1 116 lCOfast 20 114 312 312IGOG2 31 9luiC VanDunlO I Sister Shepherdess Penalty IGOG2 FortErie 1 11G l4Cfast 16 112 2 1 1 32 3 C Vanlunl2 SngMald Bushyllead SonnvBoy 15474 FortErie Im70yl42fast 40 IOC 5 7 8 81539C 8 8211C VanDun S SunQueen LncBen D Dead wood 1539C FortErie 34 l14fast 30 108 7 9 9KING 9 914 C AanDun 9 Joe Knicht Cecil Arran KING COTTON b g 4 100 100210S7 By Filigrane Lady Augusta S Doyle 210S7 Congbt 34 l14fast 30 107 1 9 9 918iI Clancy 1 Black Pine Subject Aprlsa 21031 Consht Itn20y l4Cgood CO 101 10 11 11 1120S90 11 II13 J Clancy 11 Liberty Hall Ford Mai Galaxy 20S90 BIueBon 78 130 slow fid 113 10 12 12 12 11 J Clancy 12 Paul Gaines AVodan RulTo 20715 Dorval 34 l15fast CO 105 C 11 1120C47 10 7113J Clancy 15 Slumberer Wodan Paul Gaines 20C47 Dorval Im70y l47fast CO 103 10 5 12 12 1214 J Clancy 12 TheRuuip Autumn LouTravern