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3IXTH HACE 3 4 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling 00375 111 C I URANDYWINE ch h 6 110 By Stalwart Miss Canale J Wilkinson 21155 Conght 31 116 good C5 111 4 5 5 4s 2i J Acton S Deposit Betterton Kcdland 206 UlueHon 31 l15 fimid 71 103 4 420Y7G S G 22 1 F Cooper 10 Dicks Pot Al Court Sleuth 20Y7G Wdbino 31 114 fast 2 112 8 3 3 2 3U L McAtee V T Busybody DicksPet Vidct 20121 Wdbine 31 l13fast 2710 112 11 112t 11 U 5 li U Shilling 15 Kgmont Ida Claire Martian 2t K Piinlico 34 l14Vfgood2710 110 1 7 5 53 2J II Shilling 7 Marjorie A Cannock Sold Cap 20283 Pjnilieo 34 l15slow 2720 10S 5 52G213 G 2 21 23 R Shilling 0 Alhena Isidora Nellie C 2G213 IMmlico 31 111 fast 215 109 8 8201S7 G 5 52 52 W Ural 8 Coy Monty Fox Jim Basey 201S7 Pimlioo 31 l16mud 2710 115 5 5 2 23 lot K Shilling S Jim Basoy DrChartor Sleuth 0038 HdeGce 34 l13fast 165 9D 6 6MISS 5 4 33 I W Ural S Al Bloch Joe Finn L London LondonBy MISS GAYLE b f 4 100 By The Commoner Alpaca E W Moore 21206 Ilamton 51 f l061 fast 5 99 5 2 2 2 2n J Acton 11 Viley Iav Streak New Haven 203 LlueBon 31 l15inud 50 102 10 10207G9 10 S 7i 51 A Collins 10 Branilywine Dicks Pet AlCourt 207G9 Dorval 5 f lOSVsfa t 75 100 4 3 1 7 G2 L McAtee 11 Martre Blue Jay Ortyx 20615 Dorval CI f l07fast 3 100 G 1 1 22 G5 F Coleman 12 Sleuth Inqiilera Liura 20121 Wdbine 31 IMS fast ID 105 1 5 G IP ipi y Obert 1 Bramlywine Egnionr Ida Claire 17535 Douglas 34 113 fast 31 101 11 10 11 Hi 11 K Denny j2 Droll Coy Louise Paul G 5 42 491 E Denny G Casiiarina GipLove AVcllKnown AVcllKnownBy By Peep oDay Wantage Staton Goodwin 20r7 I atonia 3lllG5Shvy 1010 losi 9 9 9 Si 61 K Grillin If Freeman Sureget Katina 20873 Latonia 31 ll fast 19 109i 9 9 9 U S9 K Gritiin 9 ToryMaid DLarriek Korfhage 191CG NOrlns 34 113 fast 1 110 1 1 1 1s I3 W Warton 7 TBascy LMarsliall Kdcroseros i tW NOrlns 34 lllslow C5 106 1 17S 2 2 1 1 1 E Ambrose S LofSavoy llichwood M Declare 1Kr9 NOrlns 7S 12 fast 8 105 1 4 3 31 3J E Ambrose 7 UohcrtKiiy Yenghee LMarsliall 189S4 NOrlns 34 113 fast 8 103 1 2 4 3l 33 F Murphy 7 ITseeit Jim Basey OHagan 1S902 NOrlns 1 139 fast 21 100 5 5f 3 2 2 21 R Urquhrt S BCandle MKniter TBusyby TBusybyBy REFLECTION b f 3 103 By Star Shoot Refler Mrs A F Dayton 2J030 flonBht 01 f 109 good G G S 4J C Miller S Colors Lady London Kosemary 2l3fi3 IlluelJon 34 1 inS 13inud frnud 15 SG 7 2 2 52 7 i T Hayes 10 Bnimlywine Dicks Pet AlCourt 20765 Dorval 31 l14fast l14fast20C12 5 111 C C20C12 4 3 3 3 = 1 M M thews A N Akin Kin Del Celebrity 20C12 Dorval 34 l14fast 32 107 1 12033G 2 1 lil I2 M Mthevsl4 Schnapps Jos Karate Jefferson 2033G Piinlico 31 l13good 10 103 2 5 5 G2 o C Miller 0 BriarPatli MrtiuCasca Pharaoh PharaohBy GORDON br c 4 110 By Martinet Suave S Bruce 21090 ConKlit 5i f 109 fast 3i 110 5 4 4 21 22 L McAtee l Viley Immieta Uncle Dick 21010 ConBht 31 l17slow 95 101 7 7203IW 5 3 l k I3 F Cooper 10 King Itadford J Karate BPerc 203IW Jiluclion 34 110 mud 2G5 113 1 1r 3 3 3U 2h J Grotii 10 Golden Plume BlueWing Anavri r Dorval 31113 fa t 75 110 3 3 2 2i 2 J Metcalf 10 Kilday Freda Johnson Al ConrI Dorval 34 115 fast 3 111 3 3200SC 4 4 31 3 = J Mctcalf S Ilts of Oak Kts Differ Linsin 200SC Dorval 34 114 fast 4 113 4 3 2 ink i j Mctcalf 11 TSpirit EyeWhite TGovernor 20570 Wdbine 34 114 fast fid 112 2 2 2 5i 75 J Mctcalf IS TBusybody DieksPot Bwiue BwiueBy DICKS PET b f 4 105 1052KCI By Batts Kitty Bolle Brooks 0 E Pons 2KCI Coirht 51 f 112 mud 2 109 7 72oiV 7 G 41 23 J Connors 8 GoldCap Miss Chaucer Imjnieta 2oiV IlueHon 31 lirifcimid 3910 109 5 52C91 3 3 4 2l J Connors 10 Brandy wine Al Court Sleuth 2C91 Bluellon 31 lM fast 2S5 IOC 10 10wni3 10 S 4 2J1 L McAtee BriarPath Sleuth MamaTohnsor wni3 Dorval Ini70y l7fast 10 110 7 7 720r7 1111 51 S Davis 7 Cuttyhunk Tltnmp JlLHtoa 20r7 Wdbinu 31 111 fast 14 109 1 5 4 3i 21 F Murphy IS TlSusybody Brandywhio ViileJ 20155 Wdbine 31 lll fast 115 105 8 3 lot li F Murphy S Gordon Mama Johnson JoeFinn LA UK A br f 4 Bv Woolsthorpe Incendiary H G Bed well 20SW3 RlucUidi 31 l14fast 22 107 1 y 3 71 9 K Taplin is Broonisedgc TheSpIrit K Worth 207 20719 D Diirval 34 l14fast 2 105 5 3 34 4 G n J A Claver 12 Anavri lii iiieta Sniders Best 20G13 Dorval 5 51 f l07fast S 109 1 4 4 6i 321 fi Taplin 2 Sleuth Impiieta Al Court 20234 Piinlico 34 IMlfast 32 111 2 38 3820UW 3899 K Taplin Kichwood M Sherwood Alhena 20UW HdeGeo fX f 1OS good 20 105 5 3 5 91 11 1 H Taplin 12 Col Cook Yorkvllle York I id 2 K S5 HdcGcu 51 f l07fast 20 10S 1 3 34 34199SS 4 51 GJ K Taplin 14 Canto Silver Moon Stonehenge 199SS Howie 51 f lOSfast 1S5 107 5 45 45LUCKY 1 5 S8i 13 Ambrosel2 Faitliful Patrick S Anicricus AnicricusBy LUCKY GEORGE b g 6 112 By Macco Presentation C B Marlman 21158 Conght Im20y lUHfgood 21 101 1 G 4 4 2i 21 W W Men 3 LSplrituelle W vnnokc Kilday 20 2 ConKht Iiu70y IMGfast 12 104 S 4 3 I 3 22 21 W A Men S Supreme Hula Welsh Ford Mai 21011 Conght 1 116 152 slow 20 104 3333 3333207S5 3 3 I 22 W W Mcn 8 Kaincoat The iruinp Kildny 207S5 Dorval 1 144 fast 4 112 5 4 4 4 42076G 33 11 W Obert 10 Bogart Spohn O Tis True 2076G Dorval 1 l43fast 4 114 7 4 4 4 52 3 = J W Obert 10 Irish Heart Bogart Font 20721 Dorval Iin70y l4Sfast 10 101 2232 3 2 I2 04 J Dodd 12 Durin Penalty Ajax 2073 Delnder GI f 130 hvy 4 114 5 1 1ASTROLOGER 1 lit A Walsh 8 Dixie Tiger Jim P Dumas DumasBv ASTROLOGER blk h C 110 Bv Star Shoot Creraorne T J Elward 21226 llaiutou 34 lll fast 30 105 1 1ni 7 9 10 9 J Starrett 12 The Spirit Venetia Sir Blalse 193X9 Havana ni f l12slow 40 113 10 12 12 1233 F Teahan 12 DrKLSnser Snip KHarwood 19 10 Havana 51 f 114 Uhvy S 112 2 5 S S23 C Jones 8 SonBov F Hudson Yel Eyes ISSOO CharKn 31 l17J6mud 115 117 5 4 3 2i 3 J Hanover 7 Jo Knight Amoret Toddling lS6Sfl Charlcn 34 117 mud 3 117 9 9 7 51 51 J Hanoverlo LAiglon Chilla Toddling 1SGVJ Charlcn 34 llGslow 165 117 S 4 5 41 32 J HanovorlJ Fred Levy York Lad B Collin VAN BU ch li 7 110 By Chuctanunda Molly Brant N R Sutherland I7S15 Hillenst 61 f l24fast 12 115 7 4 5 4i 4s I Goines 8 Quecd Barette Dieic Javkson 1779 Hillcrcst A 158 l00fast 12 118 fi 5 52 5C I Goines 7 Little Jake S of Rocks NeviKe 177511 Ilillerest Ab5S 100 fast 10 117 4 4 33 I Goines S Miss Felix Ill Dick ScarLettcr 17727 Hillcrrst 01 f 121 fast 20 11 5 3 3 3i 481 I Goines Marty Lou AVavering Autumn 17701 Hlllcrest GI f l21fafit 20 117 G 5 G 8 S9 I Goines S FMonroe IDumas LoKcaldy 17611 Ilillerest AI5S 101 fast S 11G 7 7BLACK 5 7 = 5s I Goines 10 Little Jake UnDick Imprudent BLACK PINE blk h 5 115 115210S7 v By Rock Sand Black Poplar AV L Crosby 210S7 fougbt 31 111 fast 5 115 2 2IS 55 2 I5 N Kennedy 1 Subject Aprisa Wodau IS IV ndcGce Ini70yl17 fast 4 110 9 91X430 3 2 2 47 E Ambrose 0 Dakota Frontier Dane Master 1X430 II dcCTcc 31 115 good 10 112 9 G 9 93 SE Ambrose in AVoldship MartinCasca Dakota 15112 Ilamton 34 l13 fast 12 11312 10 11 lli nil j Ainbrosl2 Paiiilbrush Capt Ben Inkle 15005 IJkllne A hi 3S 22GJ4fast 152 152JIM 3 Mr GEClk 4 Willing Geo Eno Gilbert JIM L ch g 7 102 By Ben Strome Blue Jacket W J Molllmurrty 15011 Conght 51flOSfast 12 109 7 7HlSl 5 G 73 7 G Gould S IMrka Sackcloth MeCnary H HlSl Sl Conght 5A f l12fcslow 15 10110 10110UMlConght 9 8 G2 58i K Ambrosell Mordccai MJohnson Thcsieres 1IM1 UMlConght Thcsieres1IM1 Conght Al Ab 2 402imid 20 135 5 2 Refused S Wilson 7 Gun Cotton Bigot The African Iii07 AfricanIii07 Conght Ab 2 35d fast 20 135 7 7 Refused S Wilson Luckola Velsini 1ortarllngton 1ortarllngtonAlso Also eligible lo start in order named should any of above be scratched scratchedVILEY VILEY br K O 107 By Marta Santa Maid of Fortune MrsJPhilliDO 120f MrsJPhilliDO120f Hamton 51 f lOSj fast 21 107 3 I 11 MrsJPhilliDOI 1 I1 1 F Cooper 11 Miss Gayle PayStreak X NHaven Haven JlWiO Conght 51 f l0i fast 2 ICG 2 II 1112 NHavenII I2 I2 F Coleman 0 Gordon Impiieta Uncle Dick J0913 UIueHon 51 f lOSslow 1S5 103 2 112 5J J Connors 7 Sir Blalse The Spirit Deposit XISC2 BlueBon 3 3207GJ 34 lllfast 7710 105 1 1 11 1 1s 2 2fc J Connors 11 TheBnsybody CBroom Galaxy J0761 Dorval 51 f l07fast 35 109 1 1 1 1J 22 J Connors S Hearlhstone Miss Jeau Single J0720 Dorvnl 51 f l07fast 35 109 1 1 11 1 I2 2n F Cooper S Bird Man Hearthstone Dryud 20045 HdeGce 5 f l07Vfast 25 107 1 15S 1 1 li li W Lllley 0 Scorpii Inlan Sunuo 20006 HdeGce 5 5CHUCKLES 5S l00fast 4 100 1 1g 1 1 I1 2 w Lilley 7 Acton Briar Path Dinah Do DoBy CHUCKLES p2121G ch p 5 105 By Chilton Charite J 0 Byrne 2121G Ilamton 3 34 lll fast 40 Itti 5 248 11 F Cooper 12 The Spirit Venetia Sir Blaise 2 j9fi IlueI5on 3 3IWir 31 l16J Slow 23 HI 2 2 2 3i 78J A Schugr ij York Lad Gold Cap Ada Anne IWir Dorval 5 51 f l07fast 15 115 12 12i 12 12 lOUl J Mctealf 12 Sleuth Iiiqnleti Laura JiW 12 HdeGce i ii4fast 10 112 G G LauraG G 711 53 E Haynes Tliesleres UiieleBen XewIIaven 19S91 Howie 5 5liiXTiS 51 f lllslow 2i 112 3 C 10 13 13HJM Buxton IS Colors Toddling Blue Jay liiXTiS Bovlc 3 31S57S 31 lI4fast 115 110 5 4 3 3i 2J K Ambrosei New Haven Joe Knight Laura 1S57S Charlcn 51 f lOS fast G 115 G C 7 7 S61J McTagt Gabrio Viley Gold Cap CapBy YORK LAD br h C 110 1102UW By Yorkshire Lad Addie A Newell 2UW Ilamton d f lOGfast 10 115 9 10 9 Oil 99i J Melcalf 11 Viley Miss Gayle Pay Streak 1 90 ontht 0 f 109 fast 3 109 3 32MWS 5 S S2 7i L Hart well Viley Gordon Impiieta 2MWS IonKht 31 117 slow 41 11G 5 520MI 1 1 1 = 2h J Mctealf S Gold Cap Klchwcjod Egmont 20MI KluoIIon 31 l101feslow 145 111 3 32fSC3 3 3 22 1U L llartwelli Gold Caj Ada Anne Kiehwood 2fSC3 rhiHon 34 l14fast 10 113 7 7iOSl G G GI G = l A KchuBrl Broonisedgo TinSpirit 1C Worth iOSl HluoHiiii 51 f l07fast 114 115 4 42057G 7 G G G1 J Metalf 11 Kin Del ICfwessa Squeeler 2057G Wdblne 31 114 fast IC5 111 7 7MARCOV1L 5 8 7i 62J R Shilling 13 TVIJnsyhody DicksPet Bwine MARCOV1L b g G 107 10717W9 By Cesarion Lady Black M Lcroy 17W9 Wdbine 3J l13Vfast G 105 3 2 G S2 923 C VanDun Sir Lanncclot Stirolta C Sauce 11711 Woodbine 21 l14fast 7 111 3 311RJ3 1 1 I3 I2 Obert f Ca Sauce M of Frome Sarolta 11RJ3 Woodbine 34 l15srast 115 105 1 1K 1 1 li Ih Obert 11 Caper Sauce Bursar Marybud K 749 Conn glit 55 f 110 hvy 4 I02 5 51PIS9 3 4 4i 9 lSkirvin 12 MJohnson Henpeck GeoKarme 1PIS9 Windsor 34 l13 ifast 12 112 i 1 1 1J 2i C Peak 0 C Sauce M of Frome Hnvrnek 10 Fort Erie 34 l145fast 7 9S 4 236 G12U Callahan G C Sauce Kocksprlng Rustling