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FOURTH RACE 58 Mile Spring Brewery Stakes 2yearolds Allowances 3200 T Hf 2 100 100RGE GEORGE RGE SMITH blk c 2 123 12320U9 By Out of Reach Consuelo II E McBride 20U9 9 BIueBon 5S l01muil 12 123 1 12057S 1 3 3 24 I3 G Burns 4 Golden List Bluine Blue Cin 2057S S CinS AVdbine 5S l01fast 34 123 1 12042C 3 3 23 I1 G Burns fi Pcsp Sight lollte Hegina 2042C C HeginaC AVdbine 4 41 f 55fast 320 117 1 11 I2 I3 G Burns 4 T Klward BsFirst B Simmons 20155 Pimlico 12 4Sfast 120 112 1 1200S2 200S2 HdeGce 41 f C345fast 910 10S V 20015 HdeGce 12 47fast 115 107 2 2BLTTME 2 2 int v 1 uutweit 7 servia Anita Edith Baumann BaumannBy BLTTME ch f 2 115 115230S9 By Broomstick Blue Girl A B Stelle 230S9 ConKht r S l01fast 21 112 1 1 1 11 I1 J Acton 4 Pesky King Neptune Candle 21027 Conght 5S l01good SG 111 2 1 1 I4 1 J Acton 7 OcoanPncc PliiltTnsrar KSight 20959 BIueBon uS l01mud 4 113 3 320S23 2 2 32 3 = J Smyth 4 GcoSmith GoldenList BlueCap 20S23 BluoBon 5S l02fast 145 IOS 10 5 9 Si C5 J Groth K Tom Elward Casco lolite 20321 AVdbine 41 f G5fast 8310 110 3 32033S 1 2 2l lh M Mthews 0 Pesky Casco Tush Tush 2033S Pimlico 41 f 66good 15 114 4 4202C3 2 2 31 G1 L Hartwell S Glomor Golden List Divan 202C3 Pimlico 41 t ECslop sj jn 5 5REGINA 2 2 22 Il E Taplin 9 Glomer KingTuscan Cincinnati REGINA b f 2 118 By Broomstick Queen of Hearts L S Thompson 20933 Jamaica 51 f l07fast 93 94 4 42a7S 1 1 I2 I1 J Morys fi Fernrock Success Sun God 2a7S AVdbinn 5S l01fast 3720 120 4 2 1 11 4 = 1 G Garner fi George Smith P Sight lolite 203S6 Belmont 4J f st 53slop 25 111 1 1 I3 1 J Groth 4 Smoothbore MPnzzle CuddlelJn 20010 HdeGce 12 47fast 45 101 5 52000S 1112 1X M Buxton i Celandria Pleione Golden List 2000S HdeGce 12 4Sfast 95 IOS 1 2 33 21 M Buxton 9 Bambi Casco Celandria CelandriaBy MILESTONE b g 2 108 By Star Shoot Auvcrgne R J Austin 21201 Hamton 5S l00fast 12 108 1 120G90 2 2 2i 2 = J Smyth 11 Pesky KingXcntuiie EarlvSMit 20G90 Dorval 12 4Sfast 710 102 4 8 G2 I4 E Ambrose S Q Apple S Maggie C Morgan 20549 AVdbine 41 f G5fast 37 10 S 8 7 GI 43J E Ambrose S Candle Alfadir Letfetti 20454 AVdbine 41 f G5 fast 151 109 10 9 7 S1 915 E Ambrosell lolite Peep Sight Casco 20277 Pimlico 41 f 57 slow 158 107 9 9PESKY 9 9 9 913 B Ambrose King Neptune Plumose Tlajan PESKY br f 2 115 21201 Hamton 5S l00fast S5 108 2 2210S9 210S9 Conght 5S l01fast 2 108 4 420G14 20G14 Dorval 5S l00fast 115 IOS 1 120G21 20G21 Wdbine 41 f 55fast 720 112 5 20158 Pimlico 12 4Sfast 1320 114 3 3200S4 1 = I2 E Taplin 5 Anita R AVater SemStalwart 200S4 HdeGce 12 4S fast 3 110 2 C3 1 E Taplin Ormes Head Tiajan Cinnitl 20058 HdeGce 12 4Sfast 115 91 2 I2 I3 P Louder 4 GoldenList lolite Gentlewoman GentlewomanBy PEEP SIGHT b c 2 IOC IOC20G14 By Peep oDay My Gyps R Davics 20G14 Dorval uS l00fast 75 101 2 Ink 3J A Claver 4 King Neptune Pesky GohlList 20578 AVdbJne 5S l01fast 12 IOS C 42 2l A Claver Geo Smith lolite Regina 20454 AVdbine 41 f 55 fast 15 112 3 3TAKA 11 21 A Claver 11 lolite Casco Caudlo CaudloBy TAKA b f 2 108 By Broomstick Rose of Dawn L S Thompson 21221 Hamton 5S l02fast S5 105 7 720S29 S3 I2 AV Ural 7 Ilaria PeggyOBriin TushTiish 20S29 Belmont 41 f st 53 fast 20 105 7 5l SSJ J Morys 9 Lit Dipper M Puzzle Feminist