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DOUGLAS PARKS INAUGURAL HANDICAP. r Louisville. Ky„ Angnst 31. — Kb olH■nill stake ! toe at the coming meeting at Dnaglna lark. •nhieh hegln* "i, Monday, September 1". Is the laausoraj Handicap, with ,000 added, for throe-rear-otds ami over at one mile and a sixteenth. This stent was tirst run in the fall of 1913 at t |i..,i.|is Put* and III.- I u o v.-i r ol.l llll H.nal i | I. uk. enrryHug t"- i uds, with « Van Diwen ap. . I ,,.m.I iii, winner, with Kletmrne seeond and Ho-I ■ J sell third. lUuse behind the three place horses! ll ; ! t i | . I ■ J ll being Flora Finn, Gaybird. Bucknom, Any Port, ti Solar Star. Swaiinanea. Foundation and Benanet. Floral Park ran the distance in 1:45%. Last year ■ V the winner of this race was the live-year-old Buck- ti born, carrying U:j pounds, with It. loose in the ■ | on saddle. Winning Witch finished second and John hi Juiid third. Those behind the three placed horses « were Prince Hermts. Waterbass, Doaerail. Dr. a Samuel and Leo Skolnv. Bitckhorns time was ; I 1:45%. a There arc twenty -eight nominations in this event b this year. Asnong the entries of special note are ! h John Gund, winner of the Latonis Derby of 1913; he h ! oi tor Samuel, winner of the Canadian Derby the ■ a same year: Buckhorn. a previous winner of this . n stake: Waterbhwanm. winner of the Canadian I erby l this year; Row ell. winner of the l.atonia Derby ■ c in l!»i:;. and the two stars of the all-aged di- t i~b n of the present year. Hodge and Prince ■ I Mi llermis. n in. In full they ate: IS. I.. Baker A Co- John liind. br. e. 4. bv O Iii;. olmy My Gyps; Doctor Samuel, br. x. 4. bv « I.imi Mawr l.aidella. K. IS. Bradleys Black Toney. hlk. c, 4. by Peter • s Pan — Belgravla : Bradleys Choice, ch. *c. 4, by ■ ii Ciiuard- Sweet Alice. ■ J. N. Camdens One Step. ch. f. :.. by Oddfellow ■ u Bewitcher; Brlngburst. br. z. 4, by Plaudit — . I • sweet Mnrjomm. Corrlgnn - MeKlnneys Ghetto Girl, b. f. ::. by Ben Brush —Debacle. JJ J. W. Uoldblatl s Transit, ch. I. 4. by Trans M vaal — Besignation. * .1. 0. Greeners Bayberry Candle, eh. f, 4. bj Cunard- Tower of Candles. M. B. G ruber" 8 Little Nephew. 1 . . 4. by Incle — Miss Kranville; Little Sntag, b. c, :;. by MeGee — Inten lew. A. B. Hancocks Einbrblder.v, ch. f, :;. by Celt Network. .1. B Hawkins and C ..s Hank oDay. br. ti. ::. I l, Peeo oDiu Flic Belle. « R. J. Mackenzies Bnckborn, b. li. B, bj Broom- P stick -Thirty-third. Estate ol .1. B. Hagjrtas Manager Waite, ch. e. Ii ;:. by Watercress l.a vetoganza. Thomas C. McDowells Star Jasmine, br. in. I., s by Ogden — Star Cat; Watei blossom, b. f. .".. bj Waterboy— Bassetlng. L. Marions Prime Hennis. ch. h. .".. by llermis to Crimea. I F. s-halh rs Greville, b. c, .".. by Waterboy— a a Irish Song. I John W. Schorrs Ed. Crump, ch. e. ::. by Peep . ll oImj E valine; Llndenthal. b. z. .;. by star shoot I -lymlall. or J. Lmeusetters Grover Hughes, ch. i. T, by : Handsel Stamen. J. T. Weavers Howell, ch. in. •" . by Ort Wells « — Responsive. " W. J. Webi rs Hodge, eh. v. 4. by Ivan the • c Terrible-Nannie Hodge. Weber A Wards Solar Star. ch. h. •.. by Star ■ h Shoot— Sardine. ■ 1. D. Weirs Rhtgling. b. in. o. by Fatherless v v. — Ninone. T. I w. G. Yankes wiliiite. br. g, 8, by Radford— - u Determination. I W. J. Youngs Water Witch, b. I. ::. by Water- t cress— Miss Crittenden. Trainer Pete Coyae is dae to arrive within the , J next twenty-four hears with eleven hois.-, which , J be has been racing or their owner. George J. Long, • at Saratoga. They will be stabled anon arrival j .it Churchill Downs, where Mr. Lonj: has in train- v lag, at iresent. Bfteen yearlings. This will make . -! twenty -six horses the Louisville turfman will have in training here and he has eleven other yearlings srill at Bashfi rd Manor Farm. Some of the hitter cllcction he may decide to dispose of in the tall yearling sales. Ibises of Mr. Iaiiiks baeeding ;yc much songul for bv racing men. as few of the t 11. number he ha- bred have failed to turn out to j l e good winners on the turf. •lames Osliorne, one of the assistants to starter i Harry Morrisaey, on the Kentucky Circuit tracks, t has arrived here from northern Canada, where be s has been Kevlng as starter at the various meetings i there. Osborne will remain here until just before l the meeting begins at Lexington and will set up n at both Churchill Down- and Douglas lark a 1 starting hairier for the scholin; of horses. lb- would not this early set up the device al the , Downs, as the fall Meeting there does net begin t until Wednesday. September 20. hut he was re t oiiesic] to put the uisiUine up there by W. C. I Clancy, who has charge of the extensive raeiBg e string of Corrigan and McKlnney. osrwne is one. . ;j of inn hesl bands In lae business al schooling borseM .im.i uiil have olcni.i «l mil. to do -ix-rc m ltd . line mini I. .Millions meeting begins. i r i the in-1 lime in ■ number ol years the local ti ■ V ti ■ | on hi « a ; I a b ! h he h ■ a . n l ■ c t ■ I Mi n in. O « • s ■ ii ■ ■ u . I • JJ M * — : i i tracks will have for racing here the siriir. of homes s i owned by Charles Watkins of Petersburg. 111. . i Watkins js known to racing by the performance of f two members of his stable when racing flourished I the big Chicago tracks, those two noted horses s | being Little Grove and Peter HcCae. The latter r was one of the sensathiis of the turf when In- tirst t made his appearance on the traek as a two-year- I ild. lie was entered against all the stars of that t | Bge then raeiBg at Chicago and he opened in the e | betting at a hundred to Even after he had been backed i!i vvn by some followers to sixty to one. was still given little consideration by the hook makers, but they awoke to the fact that the real I | money as being bet on the c .It. when hs following i- slill backed him. even when his odds was "j , cur down as short as eight to one. Never will 1 | these who saw that race forget the way Peter ■ . Cue. which they called the bush colt, w on by V ic than a doxen lengths, and it was not until the ,v , races f .r i wo vi a r olds lengthened our on the Chi ," j Cngo tracks and he was asked to pick up Mgh Ii weight, thai he was beaten at all. From that any. whenever Watkins sends anything to the races, his stable is always closely watched ami while he may have no Peter Mi Cue to race in Kentucky, he would doubtless not be coming to blue irrass land unless he thinks he has sontetbing that can show its Is lo the cracks of the Kentucky turf. Few-buses, as two-year-olds, have possessed the speed Peter MeCne had anil he reproduced that speed in one Instance at least when he sent to the races the flying ferns Trick, which holds the record of live- ■ eights of a mile in 58, made at Oakland in BM,