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*yg» IF YOU USE A FORM BOOK "jM showing at a glance ALL starts of every horse racing this year, with designations covering FIRSTS, SECONDS and THIRDS, and Track Conditions on the occasion of Each and Every Start, will appeal to you as offering decided advantages over the system of indexing previously employed in any similar publication — and the price remains UNCHANGED, .00. Order the August book and judge for yourself the merits of this INDEX. MONTHLY RACING FORM is the be«t of ALL American chart books and has supplanted all others for the use of racing officials. It is accurate, l erfectly printed, covers all racing in the United States, Canada, Mexico and Cuba, and the INDEX is ABSOLUTELY CORRECT. Single copies by mail will POSITIVELY only be sent as Registered Mail, with an EXTRA CHARGE of TEN cents for registration. JtUandZVSZ DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. ¥J*£T£?. I DAILY RACSNG fORM | .. may be purchased at the following Hotels IP || and News-stands in BALTIMORE, MD.. 8:00 1! ► A. M. Day of Issue: it HOPS NEWSPAPER STAMP: ** Bsltiui i ■ and Hi LU y SI eeta. 4 * f Back numbers and Monthly Chart ► Bcoks. O ♦ EMERSON HOI EL: ♦ | Calvert and Baltimore Streots. it CASWELL HOTEL: O ► Baltimore and Hanorer street-. O i RCXNEB t HOTEL: i * * Liber v and v t ratoga Streets. O ► NEW HOWARD 11 1 1 LL: i Howard and Baltimore Streets. ► i* EDWABDS NEWS-STAND: f A n. rli an Building. 4 » ► WOBLD NEWS CO.: ► St. Paul and Payette Streets. O t BEITLEBS NEWS-STAND: O ► Baltimore ami Liberty Streets. 0 ► NOTnNAOEL XKVS STAND: O i Entsw and Baltimore .Streets. 0 GOLDBEBGER P.KOS. : o i Bstan and Fayette SUssls. o