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: i i s i . i f I s | r t I t | e | I | i- "j , 1 | ■ . V ,v , ," j Ii i I r o 1 v r at ., c 1 I J I 1 c ]. . i f s » t 1 1 i 1 o of t I r I 1 • i , I 1 Ii j I s s 1 i "1 t i 1 . . a j 1 , 1 I 1 ; • OTTAWAS MEETING CLOSES LARGE ATTENDANCE CHEERS THE FINISHES OF AN AFTERNOON OF GOOD RACING. Marshon Again an Easy Winner and Gains a New Owner — The African Proves Best in the Steeplechase. Ottawa. Int.. AagBSl 31. The raeiBg on the final day of the fall meeting at Coonaughi Park was run over a heavy and drying out track and pro duced several upsets. The usual "aid of seven races was offered for derision and a dash under selling conditions, which engaged sonic of the best plants the coarse, was awarded the position usually given over lo a slake feature. In this race B. A. Whites Marshon was returned an easy winner over Astrologer and Kiiimiitnlv . The winner outclassed his opponents in the vroiii. moved up easily when called on. passed the leaders and drew away into a long bail. The race resulted in Manamas becom in;; the property of Sam Lowh*. Marshon uCCOBBted for the closing race of yesterdays card and the viable was then forced to stand an advance of ."MIC to retain the horse. Louis was responsible for the bid and today he advanced him from .ftilhl lo .f: . at which Bgare Mr. White let him go. A huge and enthusiastic crowd took advantage the Baal opportunity of witnessing racing here tlii--. year. Despite the fact that the majority of the winners were returned by wide margins, the racing was interesting throughout the afternoon. Ideal Weather prevailed. A steeple* -base for three year-olds and over al ab ut Iwo miles resulted in a splendid race, in which The African, ridden by M. OConnor, was returned the winuer over Dr. Hohmerg and l- A. sun-. flu- African was decidedly best and o9t- jumped his opposition from the Start, but vva shaken up near the end when he Commenced to show sius of BBUBBg. Jockey Warring tBB, Who was recently forced lo euncel his engagements owing to being struck in the eye by a lb ing clod of mud, was able to resume riding today. The exodus for Montreal began this eventing when spi eial train consisting of ten ears left i- r Blue Bonnets. This shipment will be followed by others tomorrow. Al! the big stables at present quartered at the course will go to Blue Bonnets II. 1;. BeilweHs Runway was scratched from the Jumping race toda.v for lack 01 a rider. Butiw.iy repor ed to have schooled much better than his stable companion, Early Light, for which an ofTer of |1,009 was refused recently. All of tl flicials of the meeting. Including Judges Nelson and Murphy, starter Hade and bet retar.v McLennan, departed for Montreal following the running r the last race. Sheridan Clark will be unable to leave for at least another day because of the mess o! business. News was received today that W. M. Murray ha-1 been appointed starter of the coming meeting of the Mount Royal Jockey Club. Harvi v Boyle today purchased Be ween Is from A. C. Pratt for B999, Mr. Pratt disposed of the horse 011 account of the bad disposition that the plater recently developed. Boyle will campaign him throughout the remainder of the Canadian cir-il cuit. Bussell McDcrnioir the Voting apprentice with the ■table of a. 1;. Bresler, carried off the riding honors of the meeting. Peter Sheridan departed for New York last evening on a business triii. While away he will look OWer some . I" the yearlings to be put up 1 auction during the course id the next week or so. A large number of the followers of the n it at present here will leave for New York this evening lo take in the Belmont Park meeting,