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I DAILY 1 1. I RACING FORM ! t i W The only daily newspaper in existence devoted to the Handicap figures on all entries. No tips; just the mathemat- ▼ ]T thoroughbred horse and the running turf. All American ical calculations of experts. «*fc form charts by telegraph, with indexed entries. Com- No opinions; just the news of each day by wire. ♦ ▼ pact, correct, cleanly edited and printed. Publisher of a The index numbers are always correct. j a Monthly Form Book of the highest value to students of Daily Racing Form is a model of correct detail in newspa- ▲ ♦ racing. perdom. ♦ t x ? TERMS: 5 cents r er copy. .50 per month. T 7.00 per annum. X ▼ As plain enveloped letter; first-class mail. Single copies by mail, 6 cents. 9 Circulates in the United States, Canada. Mexico, Continental Europe, Great Britain, Cuba, the Philippines. ▼ ▲ On sale each day before noon in Chicago, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, Boston, Montreal, ▲ W Ottowa, Toronto, St. Louis, Cincinnati, Detroit, Pittsburgh, Louisville. Cleveland, Buffalo and points between, and W J ! shortly after noon in Kansas City and correspondingly distant points, - ♦ ===== ♦ ♦ F. H. BRUNELL, Editor. C. C. RILEY, Associate Editor ♦ X ==—=———————= — X t DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO., X ♦ 441 Plymouth Court, Chicago, Illinois •—::-»■» 74 Exchange Street, Buffalo, N. Y. ♦ ♦ ♦ : i J t ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ NOW READY VOLUME L, 1915 ANNUAL RACING FORM The International Authority on American Racing, Circulating in the United States. Cuba, Philippine Islands, Canada, Mexico, England, France, Germany, Austro-Hungaiy, Australia, India, Argentina, Chili, Peru, etc., etc. This Book Carries Indexes form charts af all recmzcd racing in the Catted States. Canada, Cuba, and Mexico, lias supplanted all ulliers Cat the i~i- of racing otlicials and is universally used liy jockey i lulis throughout the world. Compact, accurate, perfectly printed, with absolutely correct iin!e, on linen |iapcr, lettered, and hound in textMe leather. Contains. In sides chaits of all recognized racing on American tracks, the American and Canadian time records, scales of weights of various governing bodfc - and record of Jockey mounts in the United Mates, Canada. Mexico, and Cuha, for the year. THE SPECIAL ATTENTION Of STUDENTS OE EORM Is directed to the method of indexing the charts. The index shows each and every start of all horses that have raced, with firsts, seconds, third* and track conditions designated on the occisioa of each ; ■ and every start. By means Of this in« vation it is poasil I. for the ■set of the form book so instantly determine a horses ability to run OB any sort of tru k c nceiuiug which information is desired. Annual Racing Form has been oversold for the past few years and the attention of prospec- , tive purchasers of the 1915 edition is respectfully called to the desirability A of placing oiders early. PUBLISHED IN TWO VOLUMES PRICE, PER VOLUME, 0 Copies by mail must go as registered matter, with an extra charge of ten i cents for registration. Not responsible for books sent as regular mail. DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO., 441 PLYMOUTH COUHT CHICAGO, ILL. 4 74 EXCHANGE STREET :; BUFFALO, N. Y. Entries Wanted DERBY DAY, SEPT. 18 INTERSTATE FAIR South Bend, Ind. 1-2 Mile Run 00 1 Mile Run 150 1 1-16 Miles, GREAT SPRINGBR00K DERBY . 350 3-4 Mile Hurdle Race . 150 No entrance in runs outside of the Derby, five 5 per cent, deducted from all winners. THE GREAT SWEEPSTAKES for three - year - olds and upwards, 50. first money, 25: second, 5: third, 0. Six to enter and five to start. to nominate and additional to start. Entries Close September 17 at 4 p. m. for running races. American Association rules to govern. EPH. P. DAILEY M General Manager, South Bend, Ind. ; ■ , A i 4 ■ I! — —— ■■■■— — ■■ II— ■ I I H— — i S . THE Monthly Form Book . I i roajtslalt charts f all races run on recognized d tracki in North America, during the month of f I ;i st. u ill i" mi tale at mm today. PRICE .00 Single eopie* l.v m;ui will positively only i c ■ sent « registered ni.ui. with u extra charge of tea ■ ■cuts fur registration. N** rr mmUi for books ■3 sent as regular mail. DAILY RACING EORM PffBTTRHINr, •Pf .,- 441 Plymoi-th Court :: :: Mm O. Illume. 74 Exchange Street : : :: Buffalo, N. Y. S . I . i d of f i c ■ ■ ■3 The American Racing Manual FOR 1915 An Excellent and Low-priced Book of 416 Pages It holds information for people interested in racing contained in no other publication. It is simply a mine of records. AMONG ITS FEATURES ABE: Method for Calculating Pari-Mutuel Prices with i Example*. I Record for 1914 of Every Horse that Baced in , • North America During the Year. Record Price* in the lnri-.Mutuels. BBcUab Racing Records to Date. Three Handicap System* with Examples. Record* of All Distances of the Tracks of the United States. Canasta ami Mexico. America! Yearling Sales in l.ilt. American Racing Records at All Distances. Canadian Racing Record*. 1 Engl fob Racing Records, i Australiaa Racing Records. , The Great Money Winners of the American and English Turf. Tabulation of Winning Two-Year-Olds of 1914 I , Arranged Coder Their Respective Sires. Oasciall ami Location of Racing Organizations of • the United States. Canada and Mexico. List of Horses Thai Have Sold for Great Prices. The Leading Winning Two-Year-Olds Since 1870. Remarkable Feats of Jockeysblp. i Leading American Sires Since 1870. Twenty Leading Sires of 1914. Table of Coin para tive Speed of the Tracks it Vari"iis Distances. The Scales of Weights of the Jockey Club. Kentucky State Racing Commission. Western Jockey I riuh. Pacific Jockey Club. Canadian Racing Associa- i tions. Jockey Club Juares. American Turf Asso- , Ciatl n. Mexican Jockey Club, and of England. Tabic of Speed of All Tracks. The English Betting Rule?. | The First. Second and Third Horses. Jockeys, , Weights, Values and Times of American Stakes. Winner* of All Stakes of 1914. Racing Statistics of 1914. Horse! Disqualified in 1914. Dead Heats in 1914. Horses Which Died In 1914. Horses Bill lp in 1914. Winners of Important Races of England, France and Australia. Records of Miles Run in 1:39 or Better. Etc.. Etc. PRICES: Paper Bound 50 Cents | Leather Bound 75 Cents Single copies must be sent ns registered man, with an extra charge of lea cents for registration. . Not responsible for books sent as regular mail. Willi this eminently handy l*x k in his pocket any admirer of racing can readily answer almost any query thai may came up concerning factn ,f racing in the past. Its equal has never been printed and, considering the topics it covers, it is an extremely : low-priced book. •DAILY RAC1NC FORM FltBT ISHTNG CO. 441 Plymouth Court :: :: CUoaffa, Illinois, 74 Exchange Struct :: :: Buffulu. N. Y. TELEPHONES : Automatic 82-756. Harrison 1314, 1315, 1316. All Departments. OWEN II. f AY LIVERY CO. AUTOMOBILE LIVERY AND GARAGE. 435 Plymouth Court, Chicago. Ill SKIRTS made of your own material. WILSON, 1418 Stevens Building, Chicago Telephone: RANDOLPH 3219. i I , • 1 i , I , SUNNYSIDE HOTEL Magnolia Springs, Baldwin County :: Alabama. W. H. H. HARDING, Proprietor. In the heart of the Ponce dc Leon country, between Mobile Bay and the Gulf of Mexico. Op*n all the year round. Eir.e fishing. The Spring* fur-. nish a certain cure for kidney diseases. RATES: 5 PER WEEK. - • i I i , | , The finest Resort Hotel in the World HAS BEEN BUILT AT SUNSET MOUNTAIN. ASHEVILLL; N. C. ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF. OPEN ALL THE YEAR. An old-fashioned Inn: walls fire feet thick of granite boulders. Water from slopes of highest mountain east of the Bockies. Finest golf links in the South. Write for rates and literature. GROVE PARK INN, Suniftt Mountain Anhevillo North Carolina. New Book Now on Sale. Get a copy if you want to get a line on the live ones at all leading tracks. 25 cents at all news-stands. IOLITE 5-2 WON was yesterday** Form Special. Daily lost. New Service WON. WEDNESDAYS FORM SPECIAL: No. 711. TNE STANDARD TURF GUIDE, CHICAGO | . NATIONAL RAGING REVIEW TODAY SPECIAL: Texas. Mansion. Mansion, Swallow. Yesterday* special hast. Room 446. 321 South La Salle Street. Chicago. 111. KING BOX. 2C-1. also CORSICAN, 4-1, WON. were. Monday* winners on rating*. Try them Ml on .i few races*. TODAYS BEST: Ire 70. Book C16. Send fcr our XX SPECIAL SEPTEMBER 11. THE AMERICAN THOROUGHBRED. J Baltimore Buildinr :: r: Cbicacv III. IOLITE 5-2 WON •ma yesterday"* Free special: TODAY S: firt-y-Tuisday-Go-Oti Be Mail |l mm I. ii Satin, lav:. ISM I ■* ku. THE TUBE REPORTER. Room 509, 22 West Quinuy Street, Chicago. Illinois.