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t 11. j i t s i l n 1 , t t I e . ;j . i GWYN TOMPKINS LATEST ACHIEVEMENT. I New York. August 31.— Wetdship, w inner ! tie ree cross-country handicap stakes at Saratoga this year and the oalj horse thai has accomplished that feat, is witb.ut doubt one of the Banal and 1 most ImitosiBg looking jumpers shown in this country for many years. He is a rich chestnut of nearly solid color, standing sixteen hands two and a half inches high ami now. in racing condition, weighs l.L"T. pounds. lb- w .ii his race "f Saturdav easily and was not at ill distressed at the finish, tjvvyn 1 Tompkins, who shared with his highly-prised rhargt. Weldsblp. the honor of taking down all the cross j comtry stakes al Saratoga fT the first time in 1 their history, was naturally proud of being tin- only trainer who had captured all these stakes with one horse, but he had another reason tor beiuc gratified over Weldships victory. At bis farm. Glen Burnie. :jW Wtcrrentcm. Va.. he has the sire of WeMahlp. Seahorse ll . which, although he has had limited i pp ■! tunltle hi i .• do. .-.t i.r ..! hi great geld Ing. s,.ii good lumpers as 10.1 Sail s..., ,,1 ,:., 1 lad, and oil ,-is. 1