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— 01 — in: ia — ar - :.: ~Z •; — j ™ i, g %% % ~* i* ™ lag. - !,, I j. — ~ . _• ■ • ■ ■ • • • 2" K - s, ;. i1 the [- A = £ £ "-, 5; ■ ** fj ~* — 5 . ■ 3- " u l" ,, n h B no e 4 _ /. " 2! 2! ■ 21 " 2, 5- • - Z l- 2 . 1. I. . l« = 2 4 A iy v 2 : - ::- • D 2 J | 2 ,.. J A _ - ::- 4 ii- 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 S ne 2 the he . | s D. 11 h ,v i J i i, ■ CONNAUGHT PARK FORM CHART. OTTAWA. 0NT.. TUESDAY. AUGUST 31. 1915. -Seventh and la-, day. Coaaaaghl Park Jockey Club. Auttiam Meeting of 7 day-. 22 Inioks on. 1 Weather clear. Presiding steward. Jo-cpii v. Murphy. Presiding Jadge, Fraada Nei-on. starter, a. B. Dade. Bae- Secretary, Sheridan Clark. Baeiag -ta:-;s at 2::;i p. m. Chieaga time 1:36 p. 111.1. W indicate- whip. S spur-. B l.iiuk.i- 11-. in.- in parentheses Following the diataan of eaeh race indicate index auaabar, Brack record, age of borse i weight carried. "Indicate- apprentice tillowance. f* 1 f ITKST BACK 1 Mile. 16847—1:41 -8 110. Pane 3566. 3-ynr-oMa and upward. 24 Ql 7 Canadian foaled. Selling. Net value to winner 8350j -e.-oinl. 3166; third. -S5l . index Hor7e« AWtPISt H Vjj ?i Str Fin Jockeys Owners II C P g 22546 1:.MI;K Wl 5 105 I ii .". ::- ."• 2* l~ F Cooper A T Stewart M M 5 2 1; :. H2549MAUIN GAIETY wa 4 107 I 2 I* l 1- 1" . .1 CaBahanE Glaaaco I » 7-3 I3-M6-31 I 22500* ; A w :: 141 :! 41 54 ,; :;J :;- -1 htarya G Cornell 0 7 7 2 1 33646*AMPHION w 4 166 8 4 I 1* ."... I1 4" K AmbroaeW Bennett I E 5 2 1-8 22549 I.AHY SIlirilltH T w 3 104 7 S :! 4 4| 5" •" J Acton N Mactarlane in 28 28 Ii :: 22546*11. OF w 4 HHi [ • « | | 7:1 «c J Clancy S Doyle 26 10 M 13 I .22546 KKl POST w ■". 36 a :: -- 2*13* .- 7" A Claver W T Treahoime Z % 0 2 4-5 22546--IT KITAX LASS w 5 88 2 8 8*« 6* 7" B I A Merger P tJorman 15 15 15 S 2J Time. 25%. 51%, 1:20%. 1:50%. Track heavy. Winner — B. -. by KscIaaMtloa — Myra Morella trained by W. s. Trevey. Went to post at 2:3.:. At posl 2 minutes. Start goad and slow. Won easily: second ami third driv- KX.MKIt began slowly and was outrun for the lirst Ive-eighths, then moved up with a rush and easily ci-iiosed of MABION GAIETY in the 1i11.1l eighth. The latter showed iimeh th - most early speed, but tired badly in the final quarter. GABTLEY lini-hed with a rush. AM PHI ON closed a sap and linisiied fast. AlY MTNUiTlltHT tired. BED POST quit. The winner was entered for 3486; ao bid. Scratched -22560 Prince Bhnperd, los: 22540 Iri-ii Heart, 163. Overweights Oartley, 2 poands; Pake of Cheater, I: Bed Post. 1. OOvO/ SECOND BACK— 3-4 Mile. 18014—1:13% ! 113. Parse 3366. 2 o!.K andjdSO andVJ Handicap. Nt value to winner; second. 0": thiid. 0. .nilex Ib.ises AWtlPSt j % % Str Fill Jockeys Owners H C 1 S 22567 -Ii II. ITK w B HN I 1 J 1Jt 1". 1- J Smyth it B Btelle S-5 2J 2J 7-M..ut 22168*ROSE WATER w M4 S 1 E ■" 4 2*1 A SchwgrW P Beed 17 7 2 ■■■• 22683 GREENWOOD m M ! ! I] -• :• :; A Claver G H Marhnan IS 28 31 I ■■ - 22411 ANITA w 128 1 : 2a PJ 8* l1 -I Callahan H G Bedwell 8-5 8-6 7-5 2-6 onl 22507 GENTLEWOMAN w Uni 2 .. 4- ::". S S I Acton Ottawa Staid- C I I 8-5 2 • Time, 25, 51%. 1:20%. Track heavy. Winner -B. ur. by Broomstick -Iota I trained by C. J. Casey. Went to post at 3:06. At post 1 minute. Start ir.Mi.l and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. IOLITE, shuttled back at the start, went around the leader- with a ru-h and. ha I lag saved ground 0B the stretch turn, wa- drawing away at the end. ItllSK WATEB began -lowly and was taken to the oatslde on stret.-h turn, then tini-lu d fast. G BEEN WOOD set the early pace, but was qaittiag at the liui-h. ANITA found her wefajht too much in the going. Scratched— 22367 WU1 Cash, .is. Overweighti — Greenwood, 1 pound. « « l * b 1 1" 1 1 1 Ii 1 » KAiK About 2 Miles. 16712— 3:48H — 3 14o. i Steeplechase. Purse 3800. £ J X. 3-year-olds and upward. S. Uin-. Net value to witnier 3350; second. jlOUj third. s:.o. "iedex Horsea AWtlTSi :: o 0 12 Kin Joek.-y- Own, is 0 11 C p s 22548 THE AFB1CAN w 6 141 i 2 ■■ 2| l*a 1* I ". M CConrF Mnrphy 8-5 6-5 4-6 1-2 out 22482 Hi:. IIOLZBEBG w . 138 3 I 4,; :J :■■ 21 2 B Scully J .1 Mulhall 38 40 48 In a 22502 -F. A. STONE w-4 133 . 7 B» :.■ P»P 3 ■ F WilliamsL W" Garth I S -". 1-53-6 22548-KKOi: wa 7 141 i 5 _- 4 I- I1- I G I-ows.r A .1 Reinbardt 2 :; :: 6-5 1-2 38648 JOE GAIETY w 6 146 5 ii - P ■■- :."• :.-.! Smith -i W" Hammond 18 18 M :: I 21924 LILY IAXTON w 7 137 117 7 7 0-" ii ;" 8 Higgina M O iau 28 31 31 8 :; 22502 T NT ON JACK w 7 138 - ■■ P 1 8s 7 7 .1 Bunnell U P Sherman 20 38 ;;» 1 1 Time. 3:55%. Track heavy. Winner — B. g. by Ui.k Weile- Lunette ittained by T. Murphy i. Went to post at :!:2s. At pod 1 minute. Start goad and slow. Won handily: second and third drivlag. THE AlTtlCAN. best as a Jumper, wa- saved for the tirst turn of the field, then took an eaaj had after taking the tenth fence, but was mildly shaken up near the end. Dlt. HOI.Z- BBBG ran well up :il the way and ootgaawd F. A. STONE foa aeeaad place. The bitter closed a big gap, but tired in the tinal strides. FROG pulled up lame. The winner was entered for : bid. Scratched -22552. Kunw ay. 133. Overweighta— jog Gaiety, l pound: Lily lai..n. 1. W 4. O fe t FOURTH RACE- 1 Mile and 20 Yards. 16383 1:44 4 161. Pane 3866. 3-year- O an* aw "Ida and upward. Setting. Net vain, to winner 3336; aeeaad, 3166; third. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt H % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners 0 H C P S 3S668MABSHON w 5 113 I 8 § 8 2» I1 i A SchagrR A White Z " i 8-5 1-6 33863* ASTBOLOGEB wu o 110 ■:. I in l11. 3* ::» • W WartonT .1 Elward 8 12 12 I 2 S8836*KINM NI Y wa 5 162 7 1 JA p 1*121 3* -I Cfauaey G B Cochran 18 38 -" 8 :: 22572*1.! /./. ABOCNIl we. 4 Kin 4 7 I1 4. C- " I* B McIott.I Arthur 8 7 7 3 3-2 22571; star ill LOVE a •". oi 8 2 •"- 4* l. C : E Porehd L W Garth 8 8 8 3 8-5 22572-T.ia TIIEL w r. 7 108 B 1 8* 5* -". i* 8* F Cooper II G Bedwell 2 4 I 8-5 3-5 22413 HICKS PET w 4 .107 I 8 ".- V 7- X« 7* F. Amhroa K Cms 8 8 8 2] 8-C 22483 -SI PBEME a 4 100 :: :. 3* 3» 6 8 8 J Morys W I". Tarns, n 21 3 2 4-62-5 Tin,.-. 25%. 52%, 1:20%. 1:48%. 1:51. Track heavy. Winner B. g, by Manthnn— Edna Shannon trained by B. A. White.. Went lo post at 3:55, At post I niiiiute. Start gaud and slow. Won easily: secoad ami third drivlag. MABSHON wa- away slowly, but moved up with a rask "it tlie outside on the far turn and raced iato I long lead in the Bnal eighth. ASTBOLOGEB was a forward contender throughout and made a ganw hni-1 IWII MM -hi.w.d -peed and took the lead on the liaekstretefa. out wa- ihivhtg hard to outstay BUZZ ABOUND at the ead. The Utter Balshed last. KITPBEME wa- on the Inside for the iii-i half and ipiit badly. Th. winner, entered fw 00, wa- bid up to -ssimi and -•!d to s. Loata. Overweights Astrologer. 2 | oonds: Kinmnndy. :;. 6£*6~*y FIFTH KACK 5 1-2 Furlongs. 10843— 10% 3—115. Parse Sinn. All Au-es. JL1 JL *f s. Tin-. Not value t.. wiu.iei s.aui. - , .iid. .s7n: third. 366. Index Horses AWtPISt % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners 0 II C P 8 22349 BBICKLEY w 4 112 13 R 6* 1" 1" B M.-Dotts Laada 15 28 8 3 8-2 33876 KNIGHTS DIPFEB w « 118 S •: ■". I1 3* -"• A Claver ThornclifTeStable 8-5 3] Sj 8-5 3-8 22524SIU BAYMOND w 7 112 I I S* B] t. 3* W War ton W B Hums I 8 I 2 1 22484 i;. w 4 105 8 2 l» 3" 2» !"■ F Cooper H 4 Bedwell 8-5 3 3 I S-5 224554.MAi. JOHNSON w :. I0H 8 I 2» J •"•• ■" A Nerg. r Clinton Stable l M M I 8-5 22524 BEFLECTION wn 3 in:. 2 i 8*1 71 71 C Miller A F Dayton 8 I E ! I 22347 Miss liAYLB wa 4 105 3 7 4- ii 8k t .1 CaUahanC A Cnn 3 5 5 * l 22523. MM L. w 7 lo7 7 s 71 s s s c ArahroaeA Brent lo 28 SI 8 I Tin..-. 25%, 50. 1:12%. Track heavy. Winner— B. •-. by Ort Well- The SeoM tnined by W« A. Bnrttschell. Weill to post at i.x:. M post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second ami third the nine. BBICKLEY was away poorly ami outpaced early, but slipped throngb oa the Inside on the stret.-h tan and. folshing fast, outstayed KNIGHTS DIFFEB at the end. KNIGHTS DIFFEB made a wide stretch turn and also finished fast, but eoiil.i BOl quite gel up. SIK KAYMONTl was in .lose .pi.irters for the tirs; naif and came fast when .year. LAIBA. MAMA JOHNSON and MISS GAYLE showed speed, hill UUit. The winner Was entered for 3500: no bid. S.rat.l.e.l Llssl . y, 110: 224.:5 Celebrity. Hi". O a" gC* O /i SIXTH KACK 5 1-2 Furlongs. 10645- 1:06% :: 115. i Purse 00. .".-year-old- and and Jjy JjC upward. Sellin-. Net value to winner 00; second, S7": third. 330. Index Hor-es AWtlPSt % %■ % Str lin Jo. U i - Owners O HOPS 22550 si.Misii.i.A wa 8 H2 7 j _•- i- |» |aa B Haynes G Caywood 2] 21 2 1 1-2 22596-TNuITi:TA « 5 HW 8 S 7 7- ::! . B AmbroaeJ Polk 2 :;.. 3] 8-5 J-5 22596 MINSTBEL wn 3 162 10 l 1"| 2" -".:: B McDottW B Mitchell 3-2 21 21 1 2-5 22432 km. IK a •: HHi 9 i 0 ::" I1 1*1 J st.rr.ti T .1 Elward 8 25 25 8 I 22570 BEA1 MT BELLE wa 4 103 1 :• : - 8" 8 5* .1 Acton B 11 St. lb I 12 12 I 2 22524 I. AMI", S TAIL « I 167 " 1 " 8* 5] 8 W W" MeaB Manl.y lo 15 li ii : 22523 PAMPINEA at 5 MM 1 8 3* :, 7 7- F Cooper .i C Fletcher b "m 38 18 ■"• 22523 AIMER LESLIE wn ■• 100. 2 8 v ," rij %n Claver G McSweeney : M 8 I 200183 ANTTSl-TT H w .". 166 8 7 «.- 8"* 9* 9,s K WeathyG P Sic rnfan 38 1» 25 W ■ 22483 NTHEBN LIGHT wa .: 102 3 K HI M 1" 10 1 1 I. W P Beed 28 18 M 8 1 Time, 24. 51%. 1:04%. 1:12%. Track heavy. Winner Ch. g. by Senipronius T.-n-illa Ittained by S. Caywood I. Wcni to |Ni-t at 1:5:1. At p. -t I minute-. Start u I and shiw. Wo i driving; -.-.-.. ail and third the name. SEMP8ILLA, ■ rapid beginner, forced -i ta-t early race and. having saved ground oa the turn-. ■■! a rood stretch lead. Iml wa- iloinp hi- le-t at tl ■• end to outstay IXQlIETA. The bitter was in Te-e quarters for the firsl half, but worked her way up and va- rearing tin- winner down. MINSTKKI. -i.e.,, | the most earl speed, but wa- tiring at the end. KOPJE ran well. I.KAIMONT BELLE Blade ■i|i inroad. The winner sras ntere«l foi s.i... no t.i.i. Scratched 22432 Fair Helen. PiO; 22435 Nigadoo, lo7: 22381 Freda Johnson. 103: 21879 Mnnhral. 107. livifH"iii!,t- I. .mil.- Tail. 2 ml-. OOAO P£ SKVKN4H KAIK 1 Mile and 20 Yards. 10363 1:44 I 164.1 Purse 06. .".year 53 010 "id- and upward. Sellin.. Nei vain.- to winner s:::i: -. e..u.l. 8166; thiid. 336. Tndei Horses A Wt PP. St ■. % :-, Str Fin Jockeys Owners o H C P S 22550 EOMONT w :: 98 8 5 l- l- 1- I1 P..i CallahanOttawa Stahh 113 1 6-5 22538 BONER wa 3 164 1 I •- c 2*121 2" -I Smyth l Baymond I ::• 3-3 4-5 22and26*L O KKCALDT wn I 87 3 ! s 7. t - ::■ ll McDottS Louis 8 N M I 3-2 22 181 a :: M I 1 " "• S* "•- 1 I J Acton R B Btelle :: 3 :: 1 I-:: 22505 HIT:i" a 1162 8 8 7- 7 8* 8» "•- B Haynes Mrs E Freeman 8 1" 10 3 3-2 22663 SINGLETOE .i: I M -: "■" P I- 8* E Porehd A A Gregg 8 15 IS 8 3 32S4M:HAMPTON DAME wl •• 7 8 3* ." 3k 3* 7- A Claver B -I Darin 1 2 2 1 1-2 S2665 FBONTIBB wi 1 13 ; | ., | 1 % .1 Morya .1 1" Strode M 38 21 I 1 Time 25%. 51%. 1:19. 1:48. 1:50. Track heavy. Winaer— Br. g. by Plaudit — Nettje Dntchnaan trained bj K. J. Bait. Went to jiost at :.:2i . At t.o-i l niinnte. start road and -low. Woa easily: second and third drivlag. KG MONT outran ll hers t.. the bi-i turn and. raems Iato a cnnd lead, easily stayed la In the end. I. UNIT; ran well, bill wa- lore. . I l«i .- -re. ine .-.pealed i ii I ill .1 .in , and .am.- wid- en III- -I. .1.1. i hi m. ii:n iiMKKCAl.HY i I..-., i ■ Me gap after beins hadlj nntpaeed hi Ihe la-t Inn. l..s ran u. II SINGLETOE ami HAMPTON HWII! I lnd. The winner u..- eolewl tor 8400; ao bid. Overweight* Laird uKirkealdy, •. pound-; Hampton Dame, :;: Darin, l.