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■ I • 1 . : I ■ ■ : • i j 1 : i HARBOR HILL STEEPLECHASE ENTRIES. A record entry has been received for the Harbor Hill Steeplechase for three-year-olds, which will bo the feature of the autumn meeting o! the Piping lock Racing Association. The added money * y this .vent, s mounting t" .n::.h»m». as well as the cup for the winner is donated by Clarence H. Mai k IJ and ihe leading cross country men of the country contend each yiar for the prize The entry Ifatl of twenty-nine for the coining race exceeds by three Ihe best previous recordl for the race, won by Miss Bmilv Bundolphs Bepentaul in 1912. of those entered Thomas Hitchcocks Hastier and George l . Wideners Btesidau an- Ihe onl.t ones that have shown form over the jumps, bill there are sonic fast bnrsej engaged, including Mrs. I Ambrose Clarks Bupica. The entries of owners and horses follow: Herbert I.. Pratt, Snperhamnn, Garter Buckle: J. i:. Davis. Ailed... While Metal. ilii : Mrs. M. E. Smith. Dollv Maddisou: W. M. Carler. Hydroplane; ire. iitrce .stable. Al Beeves: Deri. Bun StabTe. Ptolemy: Sortbwcod Stable. Chivalry, Bill Dudley: Samim! Willets. Florida: -l. M. Black. Carl; George 1. Widener, Elesplan: Thomas Hitchcock, Hustler. Welsh King: John Heard. Four Aces: I. G. Greener. Malabar: Edwanl M. Weld. Buffo: Oak Ridge Stable. M.v King; Mrs. J. L. Co le. Arrturns; F. i Condran, living Peeft: MUltown Stable. Amans; Shoshone Stable. Ben Dal.-: Robert L. Gerry, Texas Star: Edward F. Whitney. Gammon: Lewis Gnrth. Fakir: Ivan Fox. Bull Moos.-: Mrs. F. Ambus,. Clark. Bupica.