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THIRTY LEADING AMERICAN JOCKEYS. Last, week brought J. Callahans turn to shine ami. with ten winning mounts, be figured as the leader roc the week. Next to him came T. McTag- gar; with the- good score of eight. B. Martin coming next with seven. The riding records of the thirty leaders, to and including last Saturday, were: Jockey. Mts. 1st. Id. 3d. Dap. P.C.L.W. Garner. M tHl 133 Hf2 7s :::!* .21 ] Met ahey. J 41S 7!t M til 197 .lit :? Hutwell. J SIS 78 M is 185 .J.", :: I.illev. W 504 71 7ii » :: 380 .1" 1 McTaggart, i". ..::u7 71 54 2«i 1..C .23 S Pickens. A :! ; 71 44 47 lits .20 0 Gentry, I .".:.4 89 To r.i; 3th .13 - Buxton. M 41" i.7 b.i 06 22.1 .Hi 0 Cootier, 1 tit; •"•; 4.i I7.i .P. 2 Taplin. K :;:;., M 54 44 1"! .19 4 Turner, C : ."u 82 15 58 Ml .17 1 Low dor. P 4ti.» Ii2 72 7S 2." 7 .13 o Cense. K ::."i2 80 ."ii 50 1S!» .17 2 Molt. A ." 1K 59 7n 7.". 314 .11 2 Acton. J 518 57 83 SM .11 :: McTaggart, J. -.42.". : : 57 84 348 .1:: 5 Pod. !•: :; m; 53 -.4 41 188 .17 2 Rice. T :!4t .".2 47 4s 183 .15 1 Man in. i: .",4:t 52 ::.. 44 21 s jr. 7 Metcalf. J ::7o 45 37 53 215 .12 n Robinson, k :;44 44 r»i 47, 185 .13 l Kederia, J 2:::: 44 38 88 117 .P. 2 Me Ie.-mott. B. .287 41 :;4 41 14S .18 .". UcCabe. J 365 43 4:: ;: 2::tt .12 l Callahan. J 22." 4:: 28 2 i 134 .19 10 Schittinger. A. ..:;.» 4.i :::» 30 1«7 .14 :; McAtee. L 387 42 ." .l 42 P.4 .12 o Smyth. J ::.T7 41 52 43 221 .11 r, Ural, W 341 40 4:: 46 212 .12 1 Doyle, w 2..1 40 48 :;:; OB .16 i