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THIRD RACE— 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. 20775 1:10%- 5—108. CONNING TOWER, br. g. 3 104 By Yankee— Okitau Mrs. J. Shilling. ■ 1 exgton : 1 l:!_-fi-t 19 38 M7 2 1 1 1*1 2". A Mott 5 Hanovi.-i. Lou Blue Ghetto Girl ! 22911 Lexgton 3 I l:12%fast 11-6 104 l 1 2 2* 1- A Mott ~ Iron Mask. B. Tone- M. Thorpe . 22809 Lexgton " I I:i24-,fast 9-10 95 1 1 1 l1! 2» K Lapaille 9 Man. Waite. G.Hughes, Grumpy 0T.-G Saratoga 3 I l:14*4good 3J 12s 2 111- 1- M Garner G Grumpy, Leo Skolny, Aldebaran •2448 Saratoga I i" -ast 6 112 2 1 1 2 j 5*1 J Kederis 5 Tin Grader, Holiday, Thornhlll -,■ ■• ■ 7 s 1 :.7isgood 20 MS 2121 9 2» K LapaRle :i Leochares. TnornblU, Reyboun 1 ED HOWARD, b. g. 3 104 By Cesarion — line of Life J. Livingston. ■0,1 Dougla ■ 1 ! 13 fast 7 lit MS I 1 1 ll il K Lapaille 7 M. Cassidy, T.Norman, EdlthW. I.. -t,.n 1 i.-iast t 103 1 3 1 r 1- . Kederis -t Othello, Hawthorn. BobHensley ; ■ 1.. , too :■ ! 1 :i.---fast 9 t |A8 1 3 3 2- 2»J A Mott •" Huntress. Droll. Dttnltrl Wind 01 : " -.Miiid 7-8 M 2 1 1 1«* 2" B McDott 4 Sir Edgar, Ormolu, Othello 249 Windsor 3 I l:13%fast 12 Mat 3 7, 7j r.3 I , A Mott 7 Venetla. Kewessa, itliello FOR FAIR. b. c. 3 107 Bv Fair Play— Fairy G. M. Miller. Churchill ; 1 I 05%fasl f 1.1 117 IS IS IS 10 93 9»» W War* ton 10 Regret, Pebbles, Sharpsfa . 1. N.Orlna 1 1 16 l:lt -fast S-6 104 2 4 4 3 11 1" B Pool "• Resign, .lu t Bed. lodge Wright S. Orlns 7-8 i:24--,fust 11 10 110 4 3 3 2 2; i W War ton 4 Resign, Manioc. Hernert Temple ; § N Orlns 1 l:38Hfast 4 97 1 •". 3 3 V V W l.ill.v ; Bay.Candle, Indolence. C.Buford . - N Orlns 1 l:42%hvy 1 107 2 3 3 2 2*1 1" W Warton 4 H.Temple, BreoaaFlewer, I May THARTIER. blk. h, 6 114 By Hurst Park— Belle Diablo C. A. Sniet. Saratoga ow 7 99 I 4 4 4 ■■: M Garner 1 Fenmouse, Bar, Mars Cassidy 97.7 Saratoga 3 1 1:13 fast 20 123 10 ]n in 19 I • v .1 oBnll Con. Tower, Corsica n. Palanquin 1 lt. ina 3 I l:12%fast 23 10 113 E 7 S 41 4i W J OBn 9 Channeuae, H.ODay, Ros.Hooae 20919 Latonia 3 1 1:14 mud sj 114 4 G 4 2- MW J OBn ti Dr.Larriek, Car.Ornte, B. Heart •,7-. Douglas 3 I 1 12 faat 4 114 10 10 9 9 PjC Ganz 11 B.andSaddle. M.Cassidy. D.Cnoea ■ Douglaa I 1 1:12 fast s-5 112 I 2 2 :» 1- c Qgsja ti Useelt, Sosius, Miss Thorpe