Douglas Park Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1915-09-22


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DOUGLAS PARK FORM CHART. LOUISVILLE. KY.. TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 21. 1915. PongUa Park. Second day. Doaarlaa Park Jockey rluli. Autnmu Meeting of - day*. Weather clear. Preafdiug Si ward, R C. Hopper. PreaMing Jodge, X". 11. Shefley. Starter., Harry Morrlaaajy. Racing se. retarj W. H Pean • . Racing att rt« 1 - 15 p. in. Chicago time 2:15 p. m.. Indlcal - apawentlce aUowaace. n»ji pr FIRST RACE 3-4 Mile. 2»»77". 1:10% 100. 0800 Added. :: v.-n-..Id- and up 5 e3 jl O "i arard. Selling. Xel ralae p winner I5«i; aecoad, 38; third, *7i. Index II AWtllSi % 1. :-, SrrFia Jockeya Ownera Bejntr. Odda Strl 20/i3 xi XKION i.onsi: xv :: !"■" I- i -"■ ■ 1" S Garner M C Moore 1460 WO 18088 CHARM ELSE wa t ill 1 1 I 2*1 J Metcalf J W Goldblatt 605-100 20S33 11 RI.OXC wb 7 lit 112 12 l- v * F Keogh XV .1 Weber 1535-100 22S12cAUi:ii: ORME w •". H " it S li 4» :l1 i ll si. urns BJ OConnell 72S 108 23069 1 oi.l.K wa 4 4 ■: ■■: . 8» 4L :■■_ !■ Robins*nW Gerat L955 108 229-13 Miss FIELDER wb :: l"s :, p. :.n 5* S] t H Stirling i-A 1 Weir 310-100 2297a CARDIGAN wb " 1"" 6 11 S 7; 71 7J I Murphy G R Seam 285 100 21269-iKlsi! OENMAN m: 7 11+ :• 6 81 s- i: 81 R Gooae .1 II Mead 3290-100 22974 IM. M I I A! w I H»i - 2 li -"i1 8» .1 Sloan C A Matlock t3950-100 i:2974 RROOMSE1K1E wa 4 111 s s p. 9J 10 i--; C x - imnl. Desforgea 1460-lir ftin*FREEMAN m 3 1O4110 7 :" 1- Ll IIs B Ot 1 t: • Long 21463 ORANGE wa 4 11! 7 :• " 1!: 12 1- E Pool L J Uioxvn | IMntuel field. lime. 243-,. 48J-,. 1:18%. Track frood. 12 mntnela paid. Marion lioosby. 831.20 atralg bt, place. 88.80 ahow; Charmcnae. 88.40 place . .-" «ho» Furlong, sp.J" -h..«. Rqnivaleul booking odds Marion Gooaby. 1400 to 100 gUaight. 71" to 1"" place, 340 in l"«i ahow; Charim i---. ..." in 100 place. Ji- t. 1"" ahow: Furlong. .:■" to H" ahow. Winner Br. . bj MarathonPheenle Fickle trained by W. Ierklna. IVeal tn post al 2:10. At 1 1 4 minatea. Start u: 1 and alow. Won driving; aecond and third the rame. MARION UOOSBV. ahoxx ng ranch speed and -!i ridden, moved in., the lend at naee and in--l CHARMECSE -at.- tbronshoul the last eighth. 1 HAKXIKI SI. ran well and tinish.-.l fast. FURLONG -!•-.-.! .1 sap and aaa going taatest at the end. xn-s FIELDER and CARDIGAN tired. •] he ■• nii.-i wa* euten d f r 8500: no bid. 11 ,•.!:- reeman. 11 ponnda. fj »_ 1 P P SECOND RACE 5-8 Mile. 8622 58% - 113. 8008 Added. 2-year-etds. Maidens, ZOlOO Fllliea. BelUag. Sel ralne ! ■ winner 00: aeeand, 8138; third, S74. . ;.; - .vwiilSt ; • 1 stiiin Jockeya Owwera Bajnlv. Odda stri 2025 i.xir. VANDEUGRIFTn 103 i; 6 Is II 11 • Ked ria .1 W Schorr 345 160 230ifi MARi xlll.i 1. « 88 112 73 i - II Stearns N K Dortch 763 H 1 2170. i.. 1NJ w 1"7 8 2 L Gentry -1 B Reepesa _4n-p., 23023 EMILY R. wn 101*12 S » ■ ; E Martin PJ MHIett 2433 LOO 2302J WINNIE « lAV w 1031 * **Otl : ":oley 560 Im 2"i440 DOLINA w 10411 1 I: li 71 «! I ■ i»tt 0 .1 Long 585 LOO 2230-* I xl 1 MILDRED w 1"! 5 ! : I* " 3 " R ins"nW Straus 2*10-100 2:3i"b P-- MIKKI.E a 90 • ! : W y- v " T Henry M B Grnber t5315 100 H - BLANIl w 1"1 :• I" 111 8" ■ J • -1 Acton A D Cella 13780-100 23C.32-: ! RYMI Dr - - I" t S* W 1"- 1-.- .1 Sloan •: Watta 22907 OLIVE MeGEE w l«U 7 8 12 12 ; ": Jones W B Dnke 20I7* 1 ITTLE MOTHER m .U " 7 8* Hi i K LapailleJ Churchill Uutoel 11 Id linn-. 24!.. 48- s. 1:02. Track ?ood. sj in 1: : 1 ..-: - paid. Lady Vanrtersrift. .90 atraight, 83.70 dace. 82.80 - ow; Margaret 1:.. 86.80 place, 84 7" -!.-.« ■ « »« hi s :...:i -I. .u Equivalent booking odda Lad] Vaadergrlft. :;4". lo ICO Mrjlght, 83 to 100 place, I" to I"" ahow; Mar- i; 280 n i"11 place. 135 t.. 1"" allow; Owana, so ... phi -h,.,. Winner Ch. f. bx Star Shoni Unora trainetl by .1. F. Schorr. ...,t to poat al - Al peat 1 minute. Start g d and Plow. Won driving; -.••-. ,1. 1 and tiiii.i the LADY VANDERGRIFT aared mnch gronad on the stretch nun and stood the 8aal drire gamely. xi i;.. ki:i 1 - nt :m1 from Interferenre noot after the -tan ami cloned .1 gap. OWAXA tired in the i, • ,,.,it;. EMILY 1: Bnlaheo close up. LAD MILDRED tired. Inil.lN.x waa forced wide. The win-1 ► wa- entered fot 8 .o"- no hid. Overweights Margaret 1: . 1 ponnd; Owana, 3; Emily R. lj; Winnie fPDay, 2!; Mlaa Bland, ;. ] . dm ,..-. 1 : Lltth Mother, 1 Doiina. 3 try -u pyr £* THIRD RACE 3-4 Mile. 30773 — 1:10% 3 108. 8000 Added. :; . .11 old- and up-£l J. OU ward. BettaBg. Net value to winner 1300; aecond, |130; third. 874, ;,„!,. v 11 . xxxliSt :, ■■ ". sn-1 in Jockeya Ownera Rojnli 0,1,1- sn-i 23818 LIBERATOR a 3 105 7 : l» i I !• K Martin i ■ M Doaell 100 1. .. •■•al7 OAKLAND wb « ill i 1 Mnrph x : Ianke :i*i Inn •~2«42*xvni I I 1 ROWN w :; UK i • El iHieJ Livingston fW ion 028 Rl X KTItoRN mh :: I«i5 - - M Garner M A Colton •;; ion 12942 m ■•/ wa :; 100 v* i oL 5* 0. F Judy 8 M Henderson 23050 LAI KROSE .r. 7 nr.i :: 7 7- ■ . - 8" T Henry 1: P Dtckinaoa BIS MO t2i«13 ; xiutio wa 8 ill 8 8 81 b i. V 1: G • •: Arvln 22942 SWEETHI xi;i si i.. 3 I". 1 -, s Kj 1. ConnellyM 8 Threlkeld 1 » 23022 AFRK X REA1 WB 3 In:. ! HI In |. 8* .1 x. ton W I. Lewla 80765 l « 20492 ST. LEO n 8 108 i | . N HI f Herbert B I Guthrie 38685 Inn Time, 23,. 48. 1:18. Track rood. • ni pin paid. Liberator, 85.211 straight, .*::. no plaii*. $■:."" ahow; Oakland, 823 I" place, sp ihi ahow; White Croat n. 84 :" -ho« . i-:.|uiaii-ni laMiklng .d.i- Ll Iterator. 100 to I"" straight, mi to 10" place, 50 to hmi ahon, Oakland 1 1 70 lo HNi pin -. :...ii 1.. 1 on vi,.. White Crown, 115 lo IOO show. XX inner 1I1 j;. h. Ilaniul.-- Coiiuteaa lima trained Lv ■ Denny. Went lu poal al 3 20. xt poal J. mlnnlea. Btart I and alow. W aally; aecond and third drh 11- LIBERATOR look 1 long lead after going Ibe drat ipiartei and a s b la rkler pleased OAKLAND 1 i.-.-.i well up ihrouglaiul. WHITE CROWN waa gaining fast al the end. BLACKTHORN showed peed. MAXXIE waa never dangerous. The winner v .- .nt.-nd 1..1 BlkN; m. hid S.ralelml lUliVHH Kddlc PellliiK. ln:i; L».".irj2 Mini. It. laihiniks. UNi. 20 "I pT rj K01 Kill RACE 3-4 Mile. 2i 77:. 1:10% :; iiki. 1 Puree 8700. All Ages. Oil I linn. Iii up. Net .iiu. 1., « inner 8590; aecond, 00; third, *•«". Indea Hat awiiIsi ■_ % si Era Jeckeyi OwaaiB i;.piiv. sirt 2juiiioi;i e " ■ i ins i i :t« :i- j1 Ti w AndresHiiaiiuiier itios vTw 100 22668 I. im: wa 8 110 1 :: 1- l | 1*| 2 B Pool .1 N Camden 60-100 230511! xo 1 u I 88 2 i iii.:1. m Garner i A Colton 335 rnn 23027 oil I Kl.l.o a I 103 I I J : r- I .1 Metcall 1 XX Goldblatt 975-100 rime, 23. 47»%. I:ia%. Track good. 82 -nniini- pa hi, Vogue, atralgbt, 83.00 place; Luke, 82.00 place. No anon mutaeta -old EqnlvaJenl booking odda Vogue, 7:i" to 100 atraighl 80 lo "hi place; Luke, ::n to Mm place XX i r B. I. b] Peep oDaj lure Itu-sell train. d by .1. 1 .1 llah.-t 1 . Went to po-i ai 3:52. xi 1 minutes, start i I iimi -I « w Irlving; aecoad aad third Ihe -am,-. VOGUE waa bard ridden ihn.iu-ii the last eighth, gained steadily and -h«."k LUKE off in Hie l.,-t Miinij yard* I.I Ki: ahowed the aaoal apeed, but was thing faal in Ihe stretch. HAXOVIA from a -!..« beg In. tliii-h.-.i fast. OTHELLO tired QverxxeiKlil- Othello. _ 1 1. ninds. fck O T FT 4J FIFTH RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. 11018 1:08—2 117. 1 8800 Added. 2-year-olds. AJ f i eJO Selling. .-i i in. 10 w i ti 11. 1 8B0B; 8180; third, 870. lades Horses AWtPPSt % k % StrFln Jockeya own, rs L.|iiiv. Odds strt 88888»IAYM ASTER H WIS I :* 1 P [» K UipailleA l:~ :T,i,lon ;:::»i "iTT, KOBSSllAKRY GARDNER « 1031 7 ". .. 2 1 2J :: A M..11 M C M. 710 Mhi 23023 SAVING xvu Hn; ij ; fa :: ::- V h Stirling i lam. 1670-100 22877 REACT* SHOP « l"s 1 :i 1,1. .1, |k 1 x Vndreaaaallaher Bros 130-101 21338 MIKE XII I.LEN « 102 M 8 ::. 8» . 1: Pool .1 Markleln Z1341 INFIDEL II. u it 1111 S in s 8* gi aa |- Robins n Gate wood A Buckner S245 Km 22910 1. 01 isi skim; a, .inn s J* 71 ;n ,1, r Henrj J 8 Hawklna 513 loo 23052 CORA O. « 100 8 I l» r B1 8* W W TlorMImm A Levy 11495 urn 22840-oi.h CHARTER a 108 8 18 :i :t !• :i ll Stearna J N Staeblrr 81481 IMPRESSIVE w 85 i 11 Pulled up. .M Garner .1 1. Holland 1 . 100 pick WEST w MSI 2 Fell. D Connelly W ll Crawford 2131lMi:intV xx it His 112 Fell, B Ott T .1 Long 880-lon 22U10 llli:i. xia MARIE x 108 I I Fell. C Jones s .xi Henderson "475-lou xiniiiel held. Time, 23V. 48-,. 1:01 N. 1:00%. Track Rood. 82 mutnela paid, Iaymaater, held. 870.80 straight, |13.20 place, .2o show; Harry Gardner "» place, ;."" ahow: Savlao, 88.18 show. Equivalent booking udds Paymaster, ;7i" to i« straight, 808 to Kmi place, :;i" In 100 shea llarrx Gardner, _.".» to lno place, 200 t.. I"" -h,,u . Savlno, ::n:. 1., 100 show. Winner Br. -. bj Galveston Nun trained by W. II. Snearley. Went in i»-i ai 1:23L At poal :. aalnatea. start uo...i and alow, xx.ui enatty; se.- 1 and third driving. PAYMASTER, luckj lu escaprog Interference, showed mock -peed ami xx,.n all the xa li.xuifi GARDNER auffered from Interference and nntshed faat, SAVING als,, aaaTered from Inter lereii.e ami rail xxell. B I i X I IX SHOP xxas inn Into by HICK WEST al the atari and axxn.v coKx o. tired. IMPRESSIVE was pulled op. THELMA MARIE was crowded, causing her to fall ami tin others tell over her. The xx inner xxas entered fof 8380; no hid. Overweights Harrj Gardner, .". pounds; Beautj s:...p. i: xiik.- Mullen, I; Can O. 2: Dick XX . si. 1 - 2 0 1 P.O SIXTH HACK 1 1-16 Miles. 2"777 1:43%— 3— OS. Im-.- -in in. :: ,,,„• „|,1- and up. i J X ej %J ward. BHIfctg. Net value to winner 8490; aecpnd. |100; third. 880. Imiex Horses AWIIISI ■ ,Snlin Jockeya Oxxners Ei|iilv. Odds Sir t 23028 II STICK GOKBEL iv 4 1 07 I J !"• J- 1- I". I: T Heniv .1 I 111. -r n*T]i»t 23075*1 x MODE wb :. 108 i i •", 8» ..- 2 2sl v MeehanT P Hayes . , in,, 22980 oitoi. is xv.: 188 E B 8 8 .; i | 3 ■ .1 Metcalf B Bateman v.; 1110 23050 OENGRO w 3 109 ! I i; I":1 -:1 B K Pool M A Cotton 0IG 1, 2307r. TRAXSPORTTION xv t 100 I I I I I- 8« .- F RoblnanJ !• Gaffney in pm 23024 XX xMiKK w 8 108 I 1 B S| 8 8 8 D Connelly C 10 Hamilton , i-KNi l-in.e. 24.%, 49. 1:15. 1:41%, 1:47. Track good. 82 mu 1- paid. Justice Goebel, if.".. 1" atraigkt. 84.10 place, 82.80 ahow; I.a Mode x7 I" ida.e #lM» -h..x : ohohi-. s:;.:,n -li,.xx. Equivalent booking odds Justice Goebel. 17" to 100 -tnii-iit. 108 t Km rriace in to MM -li..x ■ la Mode. 270 to inn place, i"" t i"" ahow; Ohotes, "■" to imi -h..x. Winner R, .-. bj McGee xi igo trained h.x J. 1 nenaatterl. Went to post al 4:58. Al poal i minute. Btarl good aad -low. Won eaaily; secaaM ami third driving. .IISTICK GOKBEL disposed nf DENGRO in the lir-t three-qnartera and held j. MODE -ale i" the Bnal drive, i.x MODE made 1 game effort, bnl tired Bear the end and barely -axed second place 01:01. 1 s came with a rush in tin- Last armrter. DENGRO tired badly. The winner was entered for •St"": no hid. Scratched 22406,Coppertown, 104. Overweights I.a .Mnile. 2 pouni.s: Oholns. .-.. «V * 3 1 L2 SKVKNTH HACK 11-8 Miles. 1 4.",S7 -1:51 I !"!.. *•."" A .1. 3 .v-ar old- and 4 0 JLUU upxvar.l. SeRtog. Net jiiltte to xx inner SI7": -e.-oml. 8118; third. 888. Index Horses AWtllSl , . % Sirlin Jockeya Oxxners Eipiiv. odd- sirl 2l323 "KKNO xx :. lo" i i .: -j. S- :- 1" It rr.iuhrt.l ll.,K:ni 1415-HW 22978HI 1A STAR xv . . MM ! .", :,: Bj :: :: 2 H Stearna J C Milam 510-loo 23074COMM Al KKIIA xx 1: :: 08 8 :: I* I 8 »i ":i C Hunt W .1 Weber a. Km 23054*1. ADY PANCHITA xv S inu I _ I- M I* I- t- T Henry .1 Lmenaetter 175 100 22841 *F. A. WK1CI.I-: xx :t 88 ". I ::; V B] :•« B» K LapailleJ M Oood« -7n m, 23075 ANN IOKT w 7 ins .. 11 «; 8 4 C 8 l Stirling E E McCargo 1780 lou Time. 24-»5. 49, 1:15. 1:41, 1:53%. Track good. muliiei- paid, Ken.. 830.30 atralgbt, si:.. in phi,,-, si; in show; Ohra Slur. 88.20 place 8100 ahow 1 ..niinanretia. .00 -how. BqutTaleal 1 king odda Reno, 1418 urn atralgbt. OSfi lo nm place l2" to l" » -;.,,xx • Otea Star :;i" to 1"" place. 14.". to 100 ahow; Oomaaaaretta, Kai t,. kmi show Winner B. m, h.x Heno xix Bnela trained by J. Hogan. Went to poal al 5:27. xt poal 1 minnte. Start had and -h.x. . xx -a-ih ; aeeand ami third drhing RENO, after racing close an u- the -tail, wore LADY PANCHITA down in the atretch ami ontstuved OLGA STAR. The latter cloaed a gap with a rush and finished gamelv. coxixi xi 1:1: 1 1 , iini-lie,i 1 ,-t under urging. l.xDV PANCHITA tired badly. I-. A. WEIGLK was always outpaced. The wl -r xxa- . n tered Im- S..IHI: no hid.

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Local Identifier: drf1915092201_3_1
Library of Congress Record: