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FIRST P.ACE— 5 12 Tiiilcngs. 2-year-o!ds. Maidens. Allowances. 11«18 1:00 2 117. i Index .urn- Hist Tim. iVLUdds Wt St % /i % Str Pin JocUeys Started Order of Finish THE CARMET, rh. fr, 2 107 By The Commoner — Salaire Haggard and Shannon. U Lexgton 5 i i i»7%fast ."I 1" 109 I I 2 V S"S it c.ose i R. Shooter, D. Williams, J.Bnnny .:ti".l Belmont 51 f si l:07%fast 7 100 M s S V "I C DiahnjonlO 1. Counsel, BdltbOIga, Marcuena 21403 Latonia 51 f 1:M hvy SI ISS 7 S E 2H l"- R Gooae 11 Mary H.. LtttleBbrger, B. Velvet 21991 Latonia 5-8 l3%alop fid M7| S " 7 ..; 5|W lAeenanll Disturber, Saviao, IMnniinaior VELDT, br. f, 2 107 By Transvaal — Miss Doylb P. J. Millett. I..,; .,,, la 5-8 lB slow lev ME r, 7 7 B» ::■ K Marttn n Mary Ks telle. Sun Maid. L.8tone . i , i . . , i . 8 l ii.i-.slow :. ; MR :; 44 4l. 5*1 K Martin 7 NellleWelles. Doliaa. I .it master 19842 Juarez 1 ! 47- ,fast IS MS I 7 «i «Ti It Feeney 7 Reptoa, Savlno, Little nines 19804 Juarez 1-2 48%faat 10 lol D r. *| a* c AY Cull 6 I. Patterson, I. it. nines. Lola 19760 Juarez 1 I 4-yast 5 97 4 6 7j 4C J Aetna B Savlno, Thrlnni Marie, Bnl.ifax BERNINI, ch. f. 2 107 By Puryear D. — Pourquoi W. A. Reid. ;• 1 . , :. 1 1:18 mud 21. kM 1 1 2 21 3*1 J Kederia s thar. McGee, Uoasack, Asp. Sam .. Lexgton ■• t 1 ■ taat .".4-5 110 1 7 f; 9 9 ■■• c Jonea 11 WaterK., UVdergrift, Marg.B. § J7 1. gton I s 1 :- fast 1-, 11J s .", 4 " . V c .tones 12 Trappoid, H. Thompson. Eulogy 22133 FortErie 5-8 l.-04%hvy 20 iih; 4 42 2» 4J A Scnngr 8 Margery, Mayme W., Uncle Will :.:»!". Hamton 5-8 lKB%alow 50 M S 7 S Tl S11 J Merys S Lit. Bigger, T, Tush, Prohibition COUNTESS WTLOT. ch. f, 2 107 Ey Peter Quince — Janet Gray J. Wilmot. u!:: s Latonia 5-8 1: 1 mud 11-5 111 E S 8 8 $:s C Gaits: 8 Paulson. Gypsy Blahr. Bernini Latonia S 1 "1 fast 170 103 4 11 3l 5" K Lupcille !» Franklin, John Jr.. BatlititH Pirsi start for the Following: SHINE, b. 1. 2 107 By Mizzen— Sparkle Esher L. S. Seligstein. JASPER, ch. c, 2 110 By Alvescot — Variona G. J. Long. KUFFAKER, b. c 2 110 Ey Dick Welles— Outwai W. F. Cisco. : I j : : 1 • : ]