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; 1 ZALI THE BRIGHT STAR AT MOUNT ROYAL. Montreal. Que.. S"ptember 21.— The special offering of the Back River Jockey Club Tot tie- third day of it- meeting at Mniinl Royal this afternoon v a- a setting handi.-ap. which was won by Kali, owned by A. L. Taylor. Zali went to the front after making the fir-t turn and was rated aloug to win by a narrow margin from Euterpe, the first choice. A ln-avy shower during the early morning accounted foi a redaction in the field-. Tin- handicap was reduced to Ive starters through withdrawals. Jockey Wolstenbolm wa- suspended for the rest of the meeting for rough rieling on Myeena.- iu the third race when he cut over sharply in front of the others. Tin- mare Dixie showed improvement in her condition todav. Tin- body "f the iat.- chailes i.y, na, who was killed at the- loral station, wa- shipped to his holm- in Dallas, Texas, for Interment. Lyons prior to his d.-ath was valet far jockey Chncr ami prev-ious to that was a rider himself.