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FIFTH RACE — 1 3-4 Miles, Durham Cup. 3-year-olds and upward. Canadian-foaled. Allowances. 4MT74— 3-flB— 4— -in. FAIR MONTAGUE, b. c. 3 115 By Stanhope II.— Meadowley C. Millar. 23080 Wdblne 1 1-4 2:05%fast 21 SE 8 8 8 8 5 -IT Haves 8 Rancher, Barnegat. Tacticii 22452 Windsor 3-4 1:lS«i,mud 7 1 14 4 444 4**A Mott 4 Slipper Day. Armine. Gartley 21875 Hamton 3-4 l:15*4alop 5 HO 7 E 6 fi4 SI J Metcalf 7 II. Dame. Tartarean. Gartley 21779 Hamton 1 l:41*4fast C 109 1 5 4 4 # ::2 H Watts 8 H. Dame. Lady Curzon. Ampbloa 21642 Windsor ll:44*islop 10J 112 7 7 7 7 5* 414SH Watts 7 II. Dame, L. Curzon. D.Roaaleea 21525 FortErie 2-4 1 :15**slow 63-10 109 7 6 4 45 II H Watts 7 Sea Lord. Slipper Day, II. of Oak 21314 Hamton 1 1-8 l:54!/5fast 1-2 112 4 3 4 3 35 34 11 Watts b Tartarean. L. Curzon. PepSaace PRINCE PHILSTHORPE, br. g, 6 110 By Woolsthorpe— Lady Philura Wheat City Stable , - Wdblne I l:42*4faat 15 l«S 7 7 8 I : ::", T CummgslO Corn Broom. Rustling. Moss Fox 22771 BlueBon. 1 3-4 :::m5siop 3 in:: 3 :. 3 :: 2 2* T Cmamga :i Rancher, Hearts of Oak 22721 BlueBon. 11-8 1*66 fast 23 115 4 S s 6 r.« 3* I Caaamgs S Splatter, Hamp. Dame, C.Brooai 22566 ConRht 1 l:42sfast 7 118 2 4 4 4 411 4" ! Goldstn 5 Splutter. Hamp. Dame, Sea Lord 22500 Conght 3-4 l :l6Vfcslow 7 109 5 ti 6 SI 44 W Warton 7 Splutter, Irish Heart, M .Gaiety 2213! Windsor 7-S l:27*ifast 12 113 9 10 9 9 41 98 J Metcalf 10 Mar. Gaiety, Splutter. Mona C. LADY CURZON. b. f, 3 112 By Plaudit— The Belle of Mayfair Brookdale Stable 1 23078 Wdbine 1 1-4 2 96*4fast 13 5 122 12 2 2 2s 2-1 ]• Goldstn «i Splatter, U.BassettlL, P.Mover 22412 Windsor 1 l:494»fast IS i M6 I 5 E S 5 5 ■.. L Geatry b Slipper Day. Sea Lord. Red Fire 22Kt FortErie 3-4 1:17 hvy 33-20 10; E 4 4 4" 4-1 • Cooper M Slip. Bay, Mar. Gaiety, MoesPox 22105 FortErie 1 l:45%hvy 11-M 1M 1111 21 2*J F Cooper B Tartarean. Sea Lord. Aatphioa 21779 Hamton 1 l:41.-,last 4-5 107 2 4 3 3 9 2" M earner 8 11. Dame, F. Moatagae, Amphi.n 21612 Windsor 1 l:44%slop 4-6 106 2 3 2 2 2* 2* M Garner 7 II. Dame. D.Ros.ileen. P.Mfagiie 21311 Hamton 1 1-8 1 :64V5fast 3 102J 2 111 lJ Za J Metcalf i Tartarean. F. Montague, I.Sau.e HAMPTON DAME. b. f. 3 109 By Inferno— Royal Dame E. J. Davies. 22896 Dorval 3-4 1:14 fast S| MS 7 4 7 4". 1" A Claver s H.BaaacttlL. C. Broom. MonaG. 22721 BlueBon. 11-8 1*5 fast 6 107 2 7 2 2 2* 2. A Claver s Splutter, P. PbBsthpe. C.Bl 11 22625 Conght lm20y 1:59 hvy 2 99 S 3 1 3 S» 7"! A Claver 8 Egassat, Boxer, L. oKiikcahlv 225S6 Conght 1 l:42* 4fast 41 113 111 1 ! 2- A Claver 5 Splatter, S.Lard, Pr.PbUstboriH! 22509 Conght 3 4 l:16/5slow 2 19 7 4 3 6l "61" A Claver 7 Splatter, Irish Heart. If. Gaiety 2.112 Windsor 1 1:404-. fast 43-10111 744 6 9 9 = .A Claver 0 Slipper Day. Sea Lord, Red Fire 21875 Hamton 3-4 l:15%8lop 7-10 112 4 4 5 3h 1" A Claver 7 Tartarean, F. Montague. Gnrtlov 21779 Hamton 1 lillHfast 3 103 3 1 1 1 1! l1 A Claver G L. Curzon. P, Montague. Amphion GARISH SUN, b. c, 3 112 By Stanhope II. — Ganymede C. Millar. 23081 Wdblne 1 l:42*4fast 11 KB 19 10 M S 8* 9- T Hayes HMBroom, RastUag, l.l,l-tli..r|.e 22.wO Windsor J-4 l:M%hvy 7 111 7 7 7 C« f ■ A Mott ! Red Fire, MonaG.. Hcclthupeid 22160 FortErie 1 l:43%slow 3 104 7 7 7 3 l1 l4 A Mott !1 Pcelthuperd. RedPost. Gartley 21948 Hamton 1 1-16 l:51%slow 3 104 2 5 5 2 2s 1| T Haves S LastSpark. Offertorv. Hep. Sauce 21S79 Hamton 1 1-8 1 :37°*slop 8 90 11 1 2 C 8J 9"..T Hayes 12S.ofI.ove. HahvSister, Abhotsford 21813 Hamton 1 1-16 l:48%fast 30 90 8 6 2 1 S* 5" T Hayes 12 Flv Home. Hrickley. Flitaway