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WORK IN PROGRESS AT TIA JUANA. Plans for the launching ef a race meeting at Tia J nana. Lower California, under the rubs of the New-York Jockey Club, are taking definite form, Ac cording to Ccorgo Crowley, a local hotel man who has just returned from the scene of the new race track, a meeting will be held in San Krnncisco to bring together all the parties interested in the project and to perfect an organization and settle all details. Crowley declares that work .if construction is l e-ing rushed on the new track at Tia Juana. At liresent there arc seventy-rive scrapers and teams and Close to 400 men at work. The contractor h.-ts been offered a !*inus of .liOO if the track is completed in sixty days. If all goes well with the work tentative plans are to open a 100-day meeting on Christmas or New Years day. "The efforts to make Tia Juana a winter racing center is not a fly-by-night scheme to make a cleanup." explains Crowley. "We are endeavoiing to interest all substantial turfmen who have the interests of the thoroughbred at heart to join in the movement to launch the gam., on a sound, clean business basis. Alberto Madero has the concession from the Mexican government and the conditions are such that we can restore racing in the proper manner. "It is our plan to conduct the meeting under the rules of the New York Jockey Club and if |x ssible secure its officials to see that the races are run right. Tia Juana is located but fifteen miles from San Diego and it is only a short ride to get there. I spent a week or so there and everything is going along to get the track into shape. There are a number of horsemen already at Tia Juana and we expect plenty of horses when we announce our pians shortly. — Sat. Francisco Chronicle of October 15.