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[ • i I I ] • PREPARING BRISKLY AT NEW ORLEANS. That there will be no catering to the pWJMC class of people iu the coining race meeting of the Business t Mens Racing Association was evidenced yesterday n when formal announcement was made that the price v of admission to the grounds for men will lie two is i dollars and for women one dollar. Tlie free list, as c last winter, will be absolutely suspended. No mill- 1 .►rs. whether accompanied by parents or not. will v be admitted to the grounds, and the same attention a to details that marked last winters meeting and v which caused, at its close, to l c carried to the north « the ro| ort that it was the best policed meeting ever t held in the states, will be maintained. I While the general admission will give all privi- r leges, every part of the grounds will be policed and • whatever betting is allowed will be made merely v an incideut to the racing. After a conference held yesterday between Mana- ger Murphy and A. B. Wheeler. Jr.. the Louisiana Jockey Club agreed to paint the grandstand and pad- J dock "iu oil and the work will be started in the next ■ few .lays so that the grcuuds will soon be one of • the show places of the south. . It was said to have been an old trick in the . civil war when the rival trenches were close to- J gether. to draw the rifle fire of the enemy by , placing a cap on a bayonet and holding it above the :, trench. Mr. Murphy used these tactics yesterday j when he wired to Joe McLennan at Laurel, Md., i asking him what in his opini n would be the iium- ber of -horses necessary to take care of here from that seetiou. . | The answer shot the cap off the bayonet. It read: j "Impossible to say on such short notice, but feel j positive that the owners of 400 horses will want to j race from this section alone." j On top of that in the late mail came a letter j from Jack Campbell at Latouia asking in addition | ti what he has sent stalls for J. B. Rcspess, A. W. Hoots. Jack Weaver. J. H. Nicliols. T. M. Irvin, W. i H. Frey. W. R. Sallee and W. Covington. i Mr. Murphy at once took the matter tip with •■ President Rennysoii and from now on there will be s s.jne busy times at the fair grounds, building ne»v ] stalls to take care of the extraordinary demand. i What the Business Mens Racing Association is facing now is the problem that the hotel men and owners of boarding houses in the city will have to face at no distant date. Inless all signs fail, New-Orleans will In- call.-d on t- take care of more people this winter than ever in its history. — New Orleans Picayune of October 10.