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CANADIAN RACING DATES NEXT YEAR. Dates apportioned the organization composing the Canadian Racing Associations fi.r 1015 ale "made public. Following the usual custom of our northern neighbors, the racing campaign of the year will begin at Woodbine Iark. Toronto, May 22! and terminate at the same place September 25. the dates allowed Ix-ing: Ontario Jockey Club. Toronto. May 22 to Mav 20. Dorval Jockey Tub. Montreal. May ::i to June ,. Montreal Jockey Club Montreal. June !s to tomt 15. Connaught Park Jockey Club. Ottawa, June Id to June 23. Hamilton Jockev Club. Hamilton, June 25 lo July 2. Niagara Racing Association. Fort Erie, July 3 to July 10. Windsor Jockey Club. Windsor, July 1 1 to Julv 21. Hamilton Jockev Club, Hamilton. Julv 24 f July :;i. Niagara Racing Association. Fort Erie. August 4 to August 11. Windsor Jockey Club. Windsor. August 14 to August 21. Connaiight Park Jockey Club. Ottawa. August 24 to August ;n. Montreal Jockey Club. Montreal. Septeuili-r 2 to Septemlier 0. Dorval Jockey Club. Montreal, September 10 to September 17. Ontario Jockev Club. Toronto, September 18 t September 2.i.