Bowie Entries and Past Performances for Saturday, November 20, Daily Racing Form, 1915-11-20


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Bowie Entries ail Past Performances far Saturday, November 20. WEATHER CLEAR. TRACK SLOW. o -© The figures under the heading "Rec." in the i I entries below show the best time of each horse I the distance, since January 1. 1911, no matter Iat where it finished. In cases where record was made on other than a fast or good track, abbrs-I viations show track conditions, o o Racing starts at I :4.1 p. iu. Chicaso time. 12:45. • Kims well in mud. ©Superior mud runner. Mt maidens. * Apprentice allowance. First Race — 3-4 Mile. :: ear-olds ami upward. Selling. Track reeord: 2TM97 -1:1.!— 4- 112. Iud. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Han. 23923 SW-iiiiisilla 112 1:12% «! 114x72.". 2374«i Coinmensia MS 1 :13% ■• 100x720 23807* .liui Basev 103 1 : 1 1 S, 7 100® 720 239t 4* J. B. Harrell 109 1 :14*r. :: 104x71". 23j*m! Meaty Fox 9141:13% 7 114X716 2.i922; Iie.1u.lion 109 1:13% 0 108x71.1 2.i9 »4 Minstrel Ms 1:13 V- 3 103x7l."» 23994* l .n«lon 110 1:12% 5 109X713 2.38. J* lari«.r Boy 110 1 :12% 7 l»i«.®71.1 23844* Rul.icon II 113 1:12% 0 100x710 2S4MM Colors 9*1:12% 4 108X710 2.3922* Sir Blaise 107 1:11% 0 1 Oil ©703 22712" B;» lie 87 1:10 3 98. .703 20939 Yellow Flow.r . . .Hl2 1:18 3 100x090 22737* First Tronip 100 1:10% 5 103. .090 2MB? Baby Cole iMi . . . 110 1 :13% .". 100. .07.1 Sempsilla is coming to himself. Coinmensia would win if at her liest. Second Race— 3-4 Mile. All Ages. Selling. Track record: 23897—1 -.13—4—112. 1 23910" Prairie 99 1:13 4 110X723 L:aG9: Naiishon 110 1:12% 7 115X720 23»l«;i* ITflirr 89 1:13 ■• 110X720 l2393S»* Pay Streak Ill 1:11% 7 105X715 23910* Gloaming 1111:14 3 108x715 2*73*1 Impressive M 1:1* 2 88x715 22*3* Ahara 98 1:13% 3 114.. 715 23802* Marjorie A Iff 1:1* 7 10.1X71.1 23921-= Broom Corn 107 1:15/-. 2 92x710 23910* Betwccu Is 112 1:13% 3 105. .710 23843* Volant 109 1:13 *f. .-.108x710 238»i2 Bilamoiir 100 1:12% 0 115.. 705 2BM Chanlcuse MS 1:17% 3 Id X 793 23676 Viguola 10.3 1:15% 3 ]OttX Ml Contenders appear evenly matched. Third Race— 7-8 Mile. Chesapeake Handicap. 2 year -olds. Track record : 19838— 1 -.27% -0—105. 23854 King Neptune .... 120X725 23921i Sprint 112X720 i23909i Daddys Choice ... 100X720 23909- Candle 1O9X720 23909 Tiajau 105 x 715 2392l3t Bigtodo 101X710 23903 It Black Coffee 100x710 23*00 i Dancer 102.. 705 tF. E. Brown entry. King Neptune outclasses his opposition and should concede weight. Fourth Race — 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Prince George Handicap. All Ages. Track record: 23899— 1:45%— 3 — 103. Iml. Horse. t. Bee. A.Wt.Han. 23890 Harry Shaw 109 1:43% 4 11l@74i 23H90* Holiday 98 1:43% 4 108x73.1 1239171 Ragle 07 1:44% 3 100x735 23*1 i- Lahore Ion 1:43% 7 li*©7::.1 23917 Tactics in7 1 : 44 0 90x730 23905 Celto 3 107 725 23S70I- Pandean Q ] :; .725 23*174 »d Broom 102 1:47% 3 95 .705 :.l. O. entry. Harry Shaw is especially well served in the mud. Fifth Race— 1 Mile and 20 Yards. All Ages. Selling. Track record: 17001 — 1:44—0—100. 23918=* Mabel Dulwelier ..107 1:43% 3 104x725 23912" Louise Travers 100 1:45% 4 110X720 20885 Cockspur 10*1:44% 0 1150715 23920 Trovato 110 1:42 5 115x715 2::933-* Sigma Alpha 107 1 :48%s 6 107x715 23912* astara 103 1 :40% 4 107 X 715 2.5910* Karl of Savoy 102 1:42% 5 107X710 23914 Hiker 3 106X710 23925= Kinmnndy 107 1:45% 5 115x710 23922* Frontier 1*7 1:48%S 4 110X710 2.3924* Cliff Edge 1 10 1 :44 9 1 13 X 705 23991* Durin 108 1:43% 4 110x705 23914* Lady Spirituelle .105 1:42% 3 101x705 23926* Hykl I14 1:50%m 4 113X705 23923* Knergelic .". 104 X 700 23915 Stentor 100 1:47 0 112X7O0 23828 Henry Hutchison ..109 1:41% S 112©0!H 23918- Cogs 112 1:42 5 110X090 23915* Lynn 2 80X090 23912 Star Bird 9S 1:43 «f. I 109. .090 Maliel Dulwelier is right on edge and runs well in the mud. Sixth Race— 1 1-2 Miles, -.year-olds and upward. Selling. 23*13* RINGLING 1l 7 2:34% 5 107X725 22913** Billie Baker 104 2:34-. 5 107x715 23920* « Beau Pere 4 102x710 2.3920=* Baby Sister 4 102x710 23913 Yodeles 3 107X710 23925=* Brian Bora 3 97x705 23918 Singletoe 3 99 x 705 2."B»25* Cordie F 105 2:38% 5 99X090 Itingling outclasses her company, route and soft going are to her liking. Seventh Race — 1 1-16 Miles. 3 year-olds ami upward. Selling. Track record: 23919— 1 :48%— 0—107. 23919 Kepuhlican Ill 1:47 I 114©725 23872- Ben Quince 109 1 :40% 4 112x720 23917 Ileybmirn MS 1:42% 8 115x715 23899* Stonelieuge 107 1 :40V-, 4 110x715 23919 Nephtlivs 107 1:50 3 100X710 23905* Burwood 102 1 :48s 3 99X 710 23919 Dartworth 102 1:45% 7 100X710 23924= Valas 93 1 :48s 3 100 X 710 23919 Sir William Johnson! 12 1:50% 4 112.. 705 23919 Polly H 105 1:40 4 103x703 Republican has regained his good form and should easily repeat last win.

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Local Identifier: drf1915112001_2_4
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