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r 1 r " * . 1 ■ ! 1 : 1 I * ! - I ] : : : : : I - 1 £ I : •" S J j * - - - 2 - 2 2 2 I 2 * c Z • Z ~ £ £ S - D 2: 2: 2: S 2 2" 2 5 S ■?■ „ V *ii g * 2 % 5 ,- S I S„] £ S 2; V 2" £ B S Q E :.: r.:1, *T., 22 22 g 22 "- 21 2193 " _ SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-16 Mile*. 3-year-olda and upward. Selling. 1SS1I"— 1 :lS!i— 0 107. 1 REPUBLICAN, b, g, 6 . 114 By Stalwart— Miss Canale C. C. Smithaon. 2919 Bowie 1 1-lt; 1 :4S-»jfast 26-o 107 4 2 1 1 V- V A. Schugr U Lit. Nearer. Naii-hon. Ncphllns am Bowie lm70y l:45y3fast 37-20 112 6 G 3 3 3h ?R McDottll Nepbthvs. Lit. Nearer. AUSmiles ■H PMalic-8 1 l:41*sfast 36-j 114 4 3 11 !• 3 J A Schugr 9 Cannonade. Corsican. Surprising •-■3726 Laurel lm.Oy l:46 ?5slow 4 112 8 6 5 7 6 7 -»JA Collins H Yodeling, Searamoneh, Drvad rl Laurel lm70yl:47 slow 16 112 8 6 5 5 5J 5=i A Collins 10 Lahore. Scaramouch. Amaltl 22a. S Laurel 1 1-16 l:50%hvy 6 98 4 3 5 6 6 6"JJ McTagrt « Noureddin. Montresor. B Thistle ■Srolo Laurel lm20y 1 : 43%goodl9-20 113 6 6 6 7 7« 71-- J Pltz 8 Noureddin, Day Dav Pardner a n Laurel 1 1-16 !■■* mud 21-5 99 1 3 3 1 lj 1* A Collins 0 Spearhead. Pullux, "Lahore tHl. JV1"*. 11-1« l-53%hvy 17-20 108 3 11 1 1» 1*J W Lilley 4 Borgo, Harry Lauder, Gloaming 23261 H.deGce lm70yl:44 fast 4J 108 1 3 2 3 1 1* T McTagt 9 Eagle, Squeeler Jesse jru,u,m" 23039 H.deGce lm70yl:46%fast 11-10 109 5 4 3 3 2"» lo j,- Cooper 11 Borax. Eagle. Jesse Jr and£and£Fm+ ch. g. 4 112 By Peter Quince— BeniU Brush J. W. Hednok. Jr. -•£!: £n,!co : 1:1- fast 19 !5 ! ! ? « 2*1 2and W Hinphy 8 S.W.Jnson, Sprising. Cannon*. I SKI Pimlico 1 3-16 2:01»5fast 89-10 103 7 2 2 2 2-" 25 M Mthews 8 Yodeling. Hedge 1-ertr tor 33843 PlmllCO lm70y l:4«1sfast 6J 108 2 2 2 2 3-» 3 J M MthewslS Alhena, Gallop, Jawbone ± £EB aure -1 y6. HL fast 23. S i 4 1 4 6* «4i M MthewslO Volant. Stonehenge. Ambr.-semV am Laurel 3-4 l:18%hvy 6-4 107 5 3 2 2J 2* L Mink 7 H.Bther, D.ofDnbar. BliatWi 35 -me lm*i0y 1:47 hvy 3ti Wl 7 2 3 2 2» 2 L Mink S Yodeling Marshon, King Box 23493 Laurel 3-4 l:21%hvy 26-6 112 4 3 2 21 1* M Mthews 8 Lily Orme. Videt Alhena 23333 H.deGce lm70yl:44Vfcfast 7 106 1 2 2 2 3" 3*1 J Pitz 10 Eaglet Ambroa Jawiwn 23172 H.deGce lm70yl:45 good 5 102 2 2 1 1 11 12* P c 9K, SnG. MKrlncle o §e lm0nl , , I l:4,%Ias! ?r a2I I I i X l* 11 J McTagrt 6 Borax/Brian Boru Rusfla 228SO Belmont 1 l-« 1:53 15 95889 fast 9 9 9ml. Mink 9 Daingerneld Amalfl Guv Fisher 22694 Belmont 11-16 1:49 fast 3-3 103 1 1 1 1 2» 2J L. Mink 4 OSnllivan. Easter Star. Napier HR?1!?* b- «"• 8, . . «? By Star Shoot— Last Hesort W. J. Speirs, -;:oli S°"!e x l:H%fast ,„ 31 „, 99 T - 7 - • 9 « 9* iM Garner 10 Fagle. Lahore. Puilnv zSSiT*""*. ll:41%fast 13 99 3 5 4 5 6 «" M Garner S Eagle. Noureddin, Sandman II mZLlUZS £*£ i!ZJLS 4 7 ■ 5 61-f Callahan 7 Buck horn, B.Bay, Serinlei.,1. nt -, Laur,eI, ln£y 1* *S I"?"? 4 3 ! " 31i31 M Buxton 5 Jesse Jr.. Ambrose. Pardner SS? gSf . , **Q ify?** i"6 16° - x x !" 1* J Loftus « Huguenot, Beethoven, Sandow SlandSLS row I- 2* J J Sl 3« Mr J Tker 7 Huguenot, R. Maiden. Abscond, r S - S*VleGcie,1?7,0.yJ:4l,!ast H 7°5 ? ; X X x 21 c; Ryne 6 Hedge. Pardner. Cliff Field 25! Se moni X l"*1i l:4"%fast S-a 102 13 3 2 1* 1» M Garner 4 Yodeles. Borgo. Napier o*i50mon! 7-8 l:|5%fast 6 103 4 4 3 4 6J V 3 E Martin » Bine Thistle. T. as Steel. Pullnv. aSSSSS* JHT« I SJIii 4 4 4,0iK Martin 1 Harry Shaw. Friar Rock t Ma id J.Z.*and Saratoga 1 1:41 fast 6 181 7 7 7 7 7 t*J E Martin 7 Grumpy, Montresor. S MMeekin STONEHENGE. b. g, 4 110 By Hastings— Linda Stone W. Vale. i252?W,« lm?J l*4!*!*- ?,1-3 n- 1 1 •* » 10" 8»| T Par gton; 1 Nepbthvs. Ut.Nearer llSmiies .-••P"*1"0 JJiJiiSS * !2 - - - " » •-,, C Turner 10 An!l, Black Coniean :,Y "" :" ll-Sl-OWast 21-o 14© :: 1 l 1 ft 7 d Byrne .; Black Broom. B.Thlstle Yodefcs •8817 PlmllCO 1 1-8 l::.4V5fast 9 1M 4 112 2J 2i L Mink s Spearhead. B.Thitle 1! Broom L3.M Lau.v 11-16 1:48 fast I « I M 8 2= * R McDottlO Volant. Ambrose. Br. Cunar, 1, .0.., Laurel 11-4 2:10 slow • 22-o 11S 811 1 1- 9 W Lill-y • Menlo Park. Hester. T. Hancck r "J.;,. t*U. ■?* :r.Trsooc .l7"3 !H 2 12 3 J*-*:** ?; Forehd 8 Armament. Robinetta, King B«.v SSSS* 1 £2 J :"*f °«dlrln 1,:! 1111 T- 1- W Lilh-y 7 Harry Lauder. Napier. -!..!.. H.deGce lm70jl :44*~fast 7 88818 9 9 6 6 «« J McTngrtlO Eagle. Anibrwe. Ben y,.iii.-e oI??:HYS * * * ,..,. 106 By Iaidor— Kaiest J. J. Moran. -:r*l £ovv?e 1 1-". .4.,tast B 8N :. 6 1 :: 3| H .I MoCakeyS itepnblican. I.. Nearer., 552 222S lm0 J:5?5 !P m - 7 7 :: 9 lh J HeCafceyll Little Nearer. All Smiles. N..rus ""S!m-CO , «iJ:S«and5 H-J5 S 4 3 ■ * SJ McCahey S Cliff Field. Lit. Nearer. Ambrose £aSF Ic,° Jmony :l2%fasI 7*H 108 8 *■ 5 3 4i 671 J McCahey 8 Stalwrtllelen. Bnrwood. Scorpii SSSJ! lm20yl:42 last 19-5 107 111 1 li D J McCahev S Camellia. Dinah Do. Task Eg 5 ?e.ce imil445asi ?5 108 6 8 5 4 4" m L McAfee IO Eagle. Ambrose. Ben Onince SSS,iS2ila,2!?:2u52 J? 10i f S 6 6 7"1* Si J McCahey y Republican. Eagle. T|ll7l -io 5*deG ;e lm.0yl:47%mud 12 98 5 3 3 4 3J 3» J McCahey « Borgo. AmbroseT Lazuli ;.:?-! Belmont 1 l:41%fast 1-2 102 4 3 3 2 1* 1J J McCahey 5 Jesse Jr., Shyness. MarylandGirl H? ?elm2nt* 61 r J-Sk?8* 30 HI 5 3 3 31 31 J McCahey 7 Y.Notions. SirW. Johnson, Boras ££2 «Iuedut J 7:4?!rlasi 4* " 5 6 5 4 2S 1* J McCahey 8 Alhena. D.Duenner. Ray oLigbt 21.66 Belmont 1 l:41%fast 12 fl 21 M 3 33J McCahey 3 Blue Thistle. Reybourn *00*P* b- c« 8 99 Bv Transvaal— Miss McLaughUn W. P. Reed. £2Si-OW.!e , , ,H:4,ud ? 1"S " 6 * « « •"•*• F Moore t, Celto. Nausho!.. Vcnetia rr*.:A S-"J-CO ;:4?%£ast 7"4 HfM 6 5 « 6» r,«*i! Turner 13 Luther. Gallop. Afterglow £52 Plml,c,° l"1! ::45ast *■. 1"8 B 6 4 2Dk 2i M "arner 8 Stalwart Helen. Scorpii. Borav :il Laure lm,0y l:f7%hvy 44-S - 99 2 3 2 3 2* 1J J CallahanlO All Smiles. Marshon. Stal. Helen E2J225 *"* J:2JS?,,t rAdn0 f 5 B * :*h »*i* ■*• II King Box, S. Helen. D:,rtw..rlh £B»; "—| Im70y l:46%slow 10J 188 9 8 7 8 7*. 6- L Mink 10 Yodeling. Scaramouch. Dryad -,o-1HJaure lm,,03i,1:4Z„;slow V- H 6 7 7 8 s i 9* Hayes IO Lahore. Scaramouch, Amain SSJfiSS*. iflSji 87 11Q 7 7 6 ■" 5J*T Uk 9 Suintendent. B.Carder. K.Allen wLwinfht 1fSSli:iL J?ff A. **H 8 8 7 * « 5=*J Syth » Redland. Loehiel. Corsican 22436 Windsor lm70yl:44%fast 19-10 99 1 8 S 8 5 3-J it McDott. 8 4lifr Edge. I.chiel. Luther 1?.ai**T0?TH,c?-.-*f; L« . ., - 1 J* By Stalwart— Domino Noire E. Wayland. -.91.. bowie 1 1-lh 1:IS*Jfast 41-.. Ho f, :: 4 7 9 8«» R Hargtn 9 Repiihli.-iu I N.-irer nish.m *S!|™ ,**-*il*fi iast, lty ffi ! 5 3 " ri1" ! Mink S ShClalre. OrpeVth. Jawbone •islli 1,m,4 ,:Ji25a8! l-.S 3 4 X -1 2 -J L Mink 10 Hndas Brother. Star Bird. Task samftZu IS : :MaFt ,f *S 4 7 8 8* 4i- L Mink 11 King Box. Stal. Helen. Burwood SSTtZS £andl*23£3. 3lo « J£ 3 2 ** 2 14 1S L Mir,k S Marshon. Balfron. Carlton G. SSarSS i1 Vo6 l:?vy «39 1OT • * 2 3 42 4slLMink fi Koy.M-teor. CarltonG.. HisNibs SSa ff UreI, ""J-fLiH 91rl»107 111 3 2« 1" L Mink 7 Luther. K.Kringle. Sigma Alpha g»g«S , -nM:4HaSJ i* I09 1 5 6 6 7 7*» J Callahan 7 N. Light. St. Lazerian. Singletoe £«■ T°Va JmiSy l:4iJast : 106 1 1 1 1 8*1 7«J J Callahan 8 H. Lander. D.s Pet. R. Lang.lon 22S.l9 Dorval lm70y l:46*4fast 3 111 2 1 1 1 1» ]*J J Callahan S J.Dbold. Sepdess, J.H. Hhton TSuJtL r* ,8i ■ , . . •t0° By Puryear D.— Olathe R. B. Stelle. %22a%2Z£ M« i ;"?ifaSti „.» Cl ?7 3 I - :: 4 4 4 F H-lins-n S Norus. M.nlo Iark. Armam. ..t £S? S"W,e i1 i Vnlb V,.mud 2 - W S 3 ■ J 1* «1 * McDott! *J R. Meteor. M. Dnlweber. Norus 5S. v-m -C° S2S ;:46%Sast 43"5 £ ■ 5 •» 5 »2 9l: ! McAtee K. Afterglow TaWarrl r S2ilmiSQ •WSJflf-a HfJ ! J ? * 4"K McDott S Jem. Duke of Dunbar. Al.lonos iSSi Vtuie 6 7:4? Eood I9. ]0° 1° 4 - 4 *» «-i J McTagrtlO Scorpii. Christoohine. D.s Pet ?pl5aure £S£!2! 7vy ?;4 W7 f 4 4 ""k »"i J Smyth I Yodeles. Jesse Jr.. Norus lmatf?£!i myV hv-£ I06 4 ! 4 ! 3 o 3*- J Smyth ■ Corsicau. RoyalMet. or. H.Junior 233 Laurel lm20y 1:42 good 44 108 9 1110 9 9« 7» T Haves 11 Eagle Scorn: Volant ai™ fc2,:andX2 SIS M 2 5 7 7,,J Ca,lal,an » K™* BoTtPrperthaKatcK. oto,S.S- iV« ffSt XT0 H I I I ? 6, 6" R Jarboe « Bu™ Aronnd. Redland. Martian oof?? S ueSon* J H ,1:5?lolv 9| 303 5 2 2 1 1» 1| J Callahan 7 Polly H.. Marshon. Egmont 22677 BlueBon. 1 1-8 l:: 4%fast 36 107 5 11 1 1 Ill Callahan S G.M.Miller, S.ofLove. H.Lau.I-r SH„LIAM T HNS0N. ch. ». 4 112 By Iaidor-La Tosca LL W. Anderson. 5££22T£ lu"*¥2andZi i*J£ I f ! ,: c:,,u,!™f • ■¥»and nJjtSSr. Nans:..,, -PSPmico Vf tSi ?4TiSl J ! ." S 9 f Schugr S B.Quinc-e. Surprising. Cl !■ I SStTSry *iJ:« LaSt Jo 3,£ I 2 ! 3 9 - A Schug-rlO Ambrose, King Box. Hedge nJCa-. ti?.-S ?VV ??-,a?l J 4 5 5* 43iJ Pit** S Squeeler, Pullux. Dryad SS*??,? " -S Jas* J5-0;1 2 I * 9 73 T McTagt 13 Noureddin, Hmiliation. Marj.A. b!!-!*.L 119 8 3 5 6i 7*»JC Bgame 11 Silica. Hnmillation. Scaramouch £55 ««ct«--CO gdeG c« Ji JiHSES1 ° 110 8 8 7 51 53i c Bgame 10 Isirose. Naushon. Gino S7£5fmon! 9 J :.asJ J 1-0 4 2 2 2* 2= C Bgame 7 Yank. Notions. Nephihys. Borax Sata-SKi HJi1:?LJa8i J. i? ! 5 ! S 1*.C B,jran,e 14 Sant0- Cbesterton. Carlton a B**lmont 3-4 20 112 4 Sg l:12%Jast 4 5 5*, 8»JO Bgame 8 T. as Steel. He Will, Sarsenet 3?» Ta™a!o i3;4 H2»and2 5 * 4 J , 6 4 lh S C ■*» 6 Minstrel, Hiker. Grapeshol 21131 Jamaica 1 1-16 1:49 fast 4 112 1 1 1 2 41 6«1R Troxler 5 Camellia. Valentine. Gold.Prlme P01*7.L.Y H." b f * 103 Br Heno— Polly W. CahiU. :°"!e 1 Ur :48Hust 5L1H :; • ! • s I" W McDott n Republican. L. Nearer. Naa-hon HVSSSA 521 2" SI**] H " "" w McDottll iSSSSl Ut.Nearer. AUSmiles oww- "/;5,d 1,171S YSandS* ?2;a,1!4 Z ? ; 5 E?E«i C***a««BS Around. BcOuA Martian 2Si.«2°n- JSSSJal.lS 8. I 4 3 i:"2* E Ambrose 7 Valas. Marshon. Egmont 55«Slye?on* W V3Xand* -T20 J2 H J " 4 4 4M A Schugr *. Buzz Around. Egmont. S.andCnp Sff if™**** 1 IS l:37%slow 3J 104 3 4 4 4 4=» 3=i J McTagTt .". Lahore, Shvness. W.s Wonder ".o?«-caoga Hi;:-£low ?T2 S 3 ? 3 2 2= 3* J McTagrt J Lahore, Amalfi. Marshon rttS a!22? «*a SH2 f3 "g III l I l l McTa«rt ** Amalfi. Marshon. Easter Star i Aqued ct 1 1-16 l:i %fast 10 9. 6 a o 5 5 5« J McTagrt 5 BayberryCandle. Transit. Lahore