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if ] [ . ■ : 11 : . , 1 * j 1 : . . Is ; ! a I . le ; , Jn p ; • r . . Z le ,_ ie Z lg sp sp , ie f 5 2 ar . 01 * fin , te on Ie er 1 an do ac im T 1 °P sn an M. M. 2 ,ee ,re Star :ar " ise I II. le rjr len Vale lIe lee lie tte nin r ilk Celto Ito Ik Jns PS n, l,.u ! w alk Shoes oes ,11 •Id r ss "s San „, Jr. lr Jr. Ir FIFTH RACE— 1 Mile and 20 Yards. All Ages. Selling. 17661— 1:44— 6— 30«. MABEL DULWEBER. ch. f . 3 104 By Transvaal— Lauretta Burke W. V. Walsh. 2391S Bowie lm20yl:45 fast 5 M2 12 2 2 2*1 2nk L Allen 14 Scorpii. Quien Sabe. Capt. Parr 23907 Bowie 11-16 1:52 mud 36-5 99 6 4 6 5 31 3= I Pargtonl Valas, Roval Meteor, Nora* 23SS6 Pimlico 3m70y 3:46%fast 34 302 3 2 2 2 3» 2« T Pargton 30 Dinah Do, D.ofDunbar, C.Haven 23760 Laurel 3m20y 1 :43andfast 43-30 307 8 5 3 4 41 57J J Pit/. 34 Norus. Pierrot. Capt. Parr 23722 Laurel lm20y l:46%slow 31-5 99 2 3 3 2 1= l5 J Pitz 8 Lord Marshall, Orperth, Batwa 23660 Laurel 1 1-36 l:54%hvy 31 100 2 3 2 2 23 2= L Mink 8 Task. Norus. Tamerlane 23612 Laurel lm20y 1:47 hvy 81 98 7 7 7 6 54 4«l I Hayes 3 Yodeles, Jesse Jr.. Norus 23512 Laurel 1 1-16 l:49%good 13-6 99 4 3 4 3 31 4J L Mink 10 Star Bird, Orotund, m. Warren 23480 Laurel 1 1-16 l:54%mud 27-20 100 3 2 3 3 35 31* W Lilley 0 Har. Junior, Mary.C.irl, Kneelet 23415 laurel .* Im70y l:46%good 131 301 3 5 5 3 4= 2= L Mink S All Smiles, Borax, Day Day LOUISE TR AVERS, b. f. 4 110 By McGee— Misa Canal* £. J. McGraw. 23912 Bowie lm20v l:45%fast 17-5 103 9 5 6 6 41 21 T Pargton32 Dinah Bo, Tactless, Castara 2SS77 Pimlico 1 1-16 l:47%f ast 12 97 3 5 7 6 51 43 T Pargtonll Cliff Edge. Afterglow, CarltonG. 23857 Pimlico 1 1-16 l:48%fast 22 103 2 9 31 8 8l 10"1T Pargtont:; Luther, Gallop, Afterglow 23834 Pimlico 3-4 1:14 fast fid 100 11 11 8 7= SJ M Garner 12 Prairie, Kootenay, Ahara 23816 Pimlico 3-4 l:13%fast 26 113 13 12 11 M SJR. McDottl4 Striker. Borax. Crossbun 23501 Laurel lm20y 1:52 hvy 33-5 103 5 6 5 4 5* 491 R McDott 7 Balfron, Carlton G.. TroTato 23478 Laurel 3-4 l:20%mud 41 104 3 4 5 11 1* R McDott 9 Springmass, Wodan. EthanAllen 23448 Laurel 1 l:49%mud 23-5 104 4 3 3 3 3l 4J L Mink 7 DinahDo. Carlaverock, Rlnetta 23398 Laurel 1 1-16 l:55%hvy 10 109 3 4 3 3 3= 3» R McDott 8 Carlton G., Yod?Ung, Son a da 23244 Wdbine 1 1-16 l:49%f ast 21-5 107 3 2 6 6 64 5* A Collins 7 H.s Brother. FirstStar. D.sPet 23082 Wdbine 1 1-16 l:46%fast fid 102 10 10 11 12 101 11»*1C Hirst 12 Egmont, Astrologer. Fly Homo C0CK9PTJR, b. h, 6 115 By Broomstick — Semper Victoire E. Utter back. 20885 Mboro 1 1-16 l:62%f ast 21 135 510U Bauer 8 L.Eglnd, C.Howay, C.F.Gnger 20856 Mboro 7-8 1:29 fast 2 113 33J J Bauer 6 I,. England. Pharaoh, Petehi* 20736 Mboro 1 1-16 l:53%good 4-5 112 2» R Pickett 8 M.Sherd. P.Piper, U.Hutchison 20337 Pimlico 1 1-16 1:49 good 6 106 4 5 5 2 510 57 A Schugr 7 Orperth, Christophine, B. Around 20268 Pimlico lm60yl:48 slop 61-20 106 5 5 5 3 3» 2* A Schufgr S Orperth, JoeDeibold, R-Langdou 20208 Pimlico Im70yl:47%good23-10 117 7 7 3 1 Ill* A Schufgr S» El Oro, Richwood. Abbotstord 20146 Pimlico lm70yl:46 fast 8 115 8 6 5 8 10* 8,;J J McCaheyl2 Lazuli, Lit.England, Abbotstord 19998 Bosvie 1 1-4 2:12%fast 15 112 1 1 1 1 11 11 A Schuter « Paton. Baingerfield. BillieBaker 19958 Bowie 1 1-8 l:57%fast 9-10 334 3 3 3 4 5= 6»J T McTagt ti BeauPere, Cogs, Henry Hchison 19918 Bowie 1 1-16 1:53 good 6-5 113 1 1 1 1 1»1 1= T McTagt 8 Cogs, Love Day. Ravenal TROVATO, oh. «r, 5 115 By The Scribe— Dreamy Eyes E. Hen. 23926 Bowie 1 l-S 1:57 fast 13-3 130 6 2 2 2 31 5«J J Butwell 8 Orperth, Babv Sister, Beau Per* SSM Bowie 3 1-36 LSOfast 235 132 36 6 4 4 6* 54i J Butwell 1« Orperth, Peacock, Delia Mack 23S77 Pimli -o 1 1-16 3 :47%fast 22 301 4 4 4 2 3 6=1 J McTagrtll Cliff Edge, Afterglow, CaritouG. 23S12 Pimlico 3m70y 3:46%fast fid 98 10 1110 9 Sl 7" P Lowder 13 Alhena. Gallop. Ben Quince 23792 Iaurel 1 1-16 l:50%hvy 37-5 111 113 4 6n* 8=7 J Butwell 9 Kris Kringle, The Rump. Luther 23727 Laurel 11-4 2:10 slow 31-20 106 13 3 4 71 71«iF Cooper 9 Menlo Park, Stanehenge, Hester 23661 Laurel 1 1-4 2:15 hvy 13-10 109 3 2 1 1 1* 2* J McTagrt 7 Robinetta. Toml-Iancock, Napier 23592 Laurel 1 1-2 2:43 hvy 9-5 100 4 1 1 1 U 21 T Hayes S Billie Baker, T.Hancock, Napier 23501 Laurel lm20y 1:52 hvy 81-10 105 6 3 4 5 3l 3*1 J Pitz 7 Balfron, Carlton G., L. Travera 23483 Laurel 1 1-16 l:56%mud 181 107 4 4 4 3 3* 3=1 T Hayes 7 Yodeling, Balfron, Dicks Pet 23393 Laurel 1 1-16 1:56 hvy 7-4 103 2 2 2 2 l1! li R McDott 7 Canto, TomHancock, Abbotsford 23287 Mt-Royal lm20yl:41%fast 21 310 5 3 3 2«» 2= I Deavpt 11 Fastoso, VadayJr., L.Spirituelle 23192 Mt.Roy1 1 1-16 l:48%fast 2 109 8 « 5 4*2! W Young 8 Zodiac. C.F.Grainger. P. Dumas SIGMA ALPHA, b. g. 5 107 By Bannockbnrn— Anna Lyle P. J. Miles. 23933 Bowie 1 1-16 l:55%hvy 23 104 6 6 5 6 21 3i B Graves 6 Task, Surpassing, B. of Dunbar 23906 Bowie lm20y l:47%mud 5 MS 10 10 9 6 5J 5"i R McDottl2 Peg. Lily Orme. Casaba 23880 Pimlico 1 1-16 1:48 fast 329 98 9 9 8 8 810 611 E Graves 9 Gallop, Joe Finn, Supreme 23S28 Pimlico lm70v 1:47 fast 65 95 13 13 13 12 12l 12* Graves 13 Captain Parr, LilyOrme. Pierrot 23790 Laurel 1 1-16 3:49%hvy 18 98 10 10 8 5 6s 3» R McDottlO Wodan, Orperth, Rich. Langdon 23640 Laurel lm20y l:45%slow 47 107 8 8 8 8 8 8lilE Graves 8 Men.Park, Mr.Sniggs. M. Warren 23512 Laurel 1 1-36 l:49%good 29 104 9 9 9 8 9 9» E Graves 10 Star Bird, Orotnnd. M. Warren 234% Laurel 1 1-16 l:59%hvy 36-5 100 7 5 3 3 3s 2s R McDott 7 Borax, Watertown, Menlo Park 23470 Laurel lm70y 1:54 hvy 30 105 7 5 4 6 61S 41* E Graves 7 Dartwortb. Luther, Kris Kriughj 23211 Wdbine lm70y l:45%fast 116 98 7 7 6 5 54 3B1 E Graves 7 Star Gift, Egmont, Yadopeep 22963 Dorval 1 1-16 l:46%fast 38 108 5 3 5 3 7* 7"1E Graves 8 Singletoe, Wevanoke, Pat. Regan 22849 Dorval 11-16 1:49 slow 9 109 8 5 5 4 4» 4*1 E Haynes 8 Regular, L.VanZndt. Astrologer 22774 BlueBon. 1 l:42%mud 64 100 2 6 7 7 4* 3* E Graves 9 Gallop, Kinmundy, The Usher CASTARA, ch. f, 4 107 By Anneath II.— Caste G. C. Brenton. 23912 Bowie lm20y l:45%fast 53 103 8 2 2 2 2" 41$ c Watson 12 Binah Do, Lou.Travers, Tactless 22737 Timium Ab5-8 58 fast 4 112 3=1 A Mthews S Skeets, St. Helene. Bulgar 20912 Mboro 61 f l:24%fast 8-3 111 241 R Troxler 0 Norus. Barette. Ella Grane 20859 Mboro 51 f l:09%fast 3 112 6* A Pickens 7 St. Helene. Bulgar, Faithful 8MM Mboro 7-8 1 :30%good 2 110 n3 R Troxler 9 Peacock, Ella Grane, LAiglon 20737 Mboro 61 f 1:25 good 3 110 541 A Pickens 7 Regular, Peacock, Moncreif 20478 Electric 1 1-16 l:54%good 0 109 Pi A Pickens 7 Battery. MissSherwood, E.Crane 20294 Pimlico 3-4 l:14%fast 60 104 5 3 5 4nt 78i 88 Buxton 10 York Lad, Reflection, Al Block 20234 Pimlico 8-1 l:14Vfcfast 17 106 8 6 7 75 773 H Lafferty 9 Richwood, M. Sherwood, Alhena 20001 Bowie 61 f l:08%fast 10 106 4 2 2 1» Is J McTagtll Blue Jay, Americns, Free Trade EARL OF SAVOY, ch g. 8 107 By Ornament— Lady Saroy J. O. Talbott. 2S910 Bowie 11:45 fast 14 111 8 5 4 5 5= 5=1 F Hopkins 10 D.ofDbar. Claverock, Kworthy "3900 Bowie 1 1-16 3 :50Vfcf ast fid 109 11 5 5 7 6 7F HopkinslG Orperth. Peacock, Delia Mack 23792 Laurel 1 1-16 l:50%hvy 27 104 3 4 4 6 81 9=* T Hayes 9 Kris Kringle, The Rump. Luther 23470 Laurel lm70y 1:54 hvy 21 330 5 2 3 4 5»1 6161J Butwell 7 Dart worth, Luther, Kris Kringle 23420 Laurel 1 1-8 l:54%good 131 306 5 4 4 3 31 5« C Turner 7 Stonehenge. Har.Lander. Napier 23397 Laurel 1 3-16 l:53%hvy 4 108 2 2 2 2 5« 5" McTagt 0 Balfron, Robinetta. Orperth 23312 H.deGce lm70yl :44%fast 7 109 7 8 30 7 11» 33131C Turner 13 Gloaming, Guy Fisher. Volant 23237 H.deGce lm70yl:45%fast 30 332 30 4 6 3 21 2s C Turner 13 Hedge, Borax, Tamerlane 23136 H.deGce lm70yl :49%mud 4 109 4 6 6 6 71 91S T McTagrtlO Bryad. Balfron, His Nibs 229S6 H.deGce lm70yl :44%fast 60 109 2 7 7 8 8 8== F Hopkins 8 Lady Teresa, Amalfl, Eagle HIKER, b. f. 3 106 By Peep oDay— Nellie Bly R. Pending. 22914 Bowie 7-8 1 :27%fast 121 107 4 8 9 9 71 69 J McKverl:; Patience. LilyOrme, R.Langdon 23J-96 Bowie 7-8 l:27%fast 8 106 5 9 7 8 7l 59J J McKver17 Pontefraet. E. Allen, R.Langdon 88B8 Pimlico 3-4 l:34%fast 31-5 108 31 9 7 6 I1 M Buxton 15 Anxiety, Pntagenet. J.H.Hrell 23867 Pimlico 3-4 l:14%fast 20 103 11 10 4 3= 3=J C Turner 14 Aldebaran. L. London. Striker 23841 Pimlico 1 3:42%fast 34-5 338 4 2 2 1 2s 24 J McCaheyl4 St. Lazerian. Kopje, MenloPark 23795 Laurel 51 f 1 :08 good 46-5 103 7 3 4 4n* 4J. J McCaheyW Outlook, Silver Moon, Viley 23744 Laurel 3-4 1:14 fast 44-5 106 1 8 7 8= 751 J McCahey! 4 Striker, Pontefraet. Outlook 23329 H.deGce 3-4 1:13 fast 12 97 10 12 11 8»* 5T1 A Collins 13 Noureddin, Hmiliation. Marj.A 23168 H.deGce 3-4 l:14%good 9 110 9 9 8 101 96J J McCabe 13 Chesterton. M.Warren. D. Fish 23083 H.deGce 3-4 1:14 fast 15 107 6 6 9 71 5s L McAtee 14 Sarsenet, Striker, Scallywag °°999 H.deGce 3-4 l:13%fast 40 100 7 7 6 Sl S*I L McAtee 11 Squeeler, Marporie A., DinahDo 21881 Aqueduct 5-8 1:01 fast 11-5 103 5 4 3 21 2l J McCahey 10 Elensinia. Grapeshot, Devil Fish 21574 Aqueduct 6-8 1:00 good 18-45 97 4 3 3 31 3T J McKver 7 U. Jimmie, Noureddin, Patricks 21447 Aqueduct 3-4 l:15%slow 18-5 98 6 3 3 2* 2* J McKrer S TinkleBell. GlltEdge. HiUStreaui KINMUNDY, b. h, 5 115 By Hermis— Countess Pepper G. B. Cochran. 23925 Bowie 1 1-8 1 :5S%f ast 13 112 4 1 1 3 l* Sl J Metcalf S Tamerlane, B. Boru, Cuttyhunk 23707 Mt.Roy1 1 3-36 3:56 hvy 4 ll« 7 6 4 9l JJ J Clancy 11 Bloom. Posey. Cisko, Rose Oneil 23068 Mt.Roy1 lm20yl:50 hvy 8 103 1 3 4 51 541 J Clancy 8 McClintock. Felina. Euterpe 23648 Mt.Rovl llMjl 88 mud 3 109 5 69 81 4" J Clancy 11 Frontier, Petit Bleu, Hyki 23606 Mt.Roy1 lm70yl:46 fast 4 312 31 3 2 3l 5=1 J 4Iancy ir, The Isher. Burin. Endurance 232S8 Mt.Rovl 1 1-16 l:47%fast 21 105 I 4 5 5 3l J Clancy ." C.McFerran, Zodiac, Fr.Johnsnu 23225 Mt.Itoyl 1 1-16 1:49 fast 3-2 110 7 7 5 7 1" I Clancy 7 L. Incence, N.Muchacho, E Boy 23M2 Mt.Roy1 1 1-16 l:48%fast 6 107 4 4 4 21 6 J Clancy 8 Abbotsrord, Fr. Johnson. Minda 23 i66 Mt.Roy1 1 1-16 l:49%fast 6 301 1 10 8 5l 661. J Clancy 10 Wevanoke, P. Regan. L.V.Zandt 22933 Dorval lm70y l:43%fast 30 106 5 4 4 4 41 4»1 3 Clancy 7 Yadopeep. Joe Beibold. Orperth 22859 Dorval lm70y l:46andfast 11 108 6 5 8 5 4= 64i J Clancy 8 Dartworth. J.Deibold. Sbepdess FRONTIER, b. r, 4 110 By Ogden— Star of the West J. U. Strode. 23922 Bowie 3-4 1:15 fast fid 102 10 10 13 32s IS.A Xerger 14 .ld Cap, Joy. Deduction 2G6S6 Mt.Royal 3-4 l:19%hvy 5 114 6 5 3* 2= W Young IO W. Baths. Ischeahihble. Autumn -",;18 Mt.Roy1 lm20yl:50 mud 5 313 2 2 3 31 3 W Young 3! Petit Bleu. Hvki, Kinmnndv 23602 Mt.Royal 5-S 1 :01%fast 4 333 9 I 61 531 W Young 12 Tsehgabibble. Tankard. Gil Rose 2 !2S3 Mt.Royal 5-S 1 :00%fast 6 117 5 7 S 3= W Rosen s Parlor Boy. L. Capricious, Nils 23.21 Mt.Royal 5-8 1:01 fast 3 113 I 6 4h ::= W Young S H.Stream. Bromi, Rav R. Miller 25101 Mt.Royal 3-4 1 :14%fast 8 112 I 5 6i 6*1 W Young 9 Jessnp Burn. Mazurka. Fastoso 2304S Dorval 51 f 1 :06%fast 19 112 6 8 8 8 8**fW Pral t Jim I... Montv Fox. Hearthstone 22S93 Dorval f.l f l:06%fast 81 IM 7 7 8 81 7» W Schorn B Fastoso. I.adv London. Jim L. 22848 Dorval 51 f 3 :07%slow 47-10 130 7 5 2 31 31 E Ambrose S Kopje. Fredajohnson. W. .-Baths CLIFF EDGE. b. h. 8 113 Bv Clifford— Aranza II. R. E. Watkina. 23924 Bowie 1 1-16 l:49=f,fast 39-5 99 fi 1 1 2 31 C- T Hayes S Norus. Menlo Park, Valas 23900 Bowie 1 3-36 1 :50Mifast 31-30 110 12 7 8 8 S1 STJ T Hayes 1« Orperth. Peacock, Delia Mack 1 23877 Pimlico 1 1-16 l:47?sfast 57-10 97 2 3 3 4 2h li T Hayes 11 Afterglow. CarltonG.. L.Traversi 23*57 Pimlico 1 1-16 l:4S7sfast 50 300 8 5 4 3 3l 4-J T Hayes 12. Luther. Gallop, Afterglow M 23843 Pimlico lm70y l:46%fast 23 103 12 10 12 13 13 33-s W Wrard 13 Alhena. Gallop. Ben Quince ■ 23790 Laurel 1 1-16 l:49%hvy 55 114 7 7 7 7 7J 7 » T Rice 10 Wodan. Orperth, Sigma Alpha ■ 23747 Laurel lm20y l:42%fast 19 110 10 9 8 7 91 Sl R McDott 14 Alhena. Singletoe, Dicks Pet J 23613 Laurel 1 1-16 l:51%hvy 35 102 6 S 8 7 6 6" A Collins s Dartworth. Marshon, Balfron ■ 23512 Laurel 1 1-16 l:49"sgood 17 lir7 10 M M 9 8* 8" A Collins 10 Star Bird, Orotund, M. WarrenH 23281 Wdbine lm70y 3:47 fast 38 300 6 6 3 3 6= 7"! T Hayes ! Stir Up. Beau Pere, Change fl 23179 Wdbine 1 1-16 1 :4S%fast 14 112 2 3 6 7 7 S"t T Rice 8 S. of Love. Fascinating, D » p| 23082 Wdbine 1 1-16 l:46*3fast 37 308 8 6 5 6 7* 7»i T Rice 12 Egmont. Astrologer. Fly Home M DURIN, ch. g, 4 110 By Solitaire II. — Handsome Florry E. FreemanlAB ::3!Hil Bowie 1 l-S 1:57 fast 47 I06 !i 9 S 6 6* 4T1 W Schoin lo C.M.Miller. P.Regan. SurpassiiMTa JMM Mt.Rovl 1 1 16 1:57 hvv 1 Ml 4 I 1*1 li W Scliarn 8 ltarnDaiiee. Minda. Bloom P04H 980 Mt.Rovl 11-16 1:55 hvy 3 2 MS 4 | 2 I* llu W Scharnll Font. Rose Oneil. Cisko V M8M Mt.Rovl lm20yl:43 last 6-5 MS !i S 7 61 4=1 W Rcharn 9 P. Dumas. Okolona. CarburetH :: a» Mt.Roy1 lm70yl:46 fast 8 105 7 5 8 6= -: W Scharn 15 T. Isher, Endurance. K.R.idfnH 2960 Dorval 1 1 16 1:! ,--Iast 28-5 UK 5 6 1, n • SJ R McDott S Mansolns, Vlebritv. MissWnl J 22S49 Dorval 11 16 1:19 slow 63-10 104 7 7 7 7 64 "i W S.honi « Regular. L.VanZndt. AstrologfH 22669 BlueBon. 11-8 1:53 fast fid 103 13 11 12 U 10* 9* W Schorn 15 Stake and Cap. Runway, SubjerV LADY SPrRITTTELLE, br. f. 3 101 By Ildrim— Serrila S. Louis. :?. U Bowie 7-S l:37%fast 29 MX! M » lo D 5* 4«J S I trow n 13 Patience. L. Orme. K. Lanirdou :V v: Howie ImiVy 1 :40fust fid 103 2 :: i 11 Z ." J 8 Brown IS Dinah n„. Lou. Travels, Tactless -*3NM Pimlic-A IniTOy l:«*Sfa8t fid 98 9 7 4 5 7* 7*J R McDottlO DinabJX.. M.Bweher 1» ofDhar r apTPtmllco l l-lC l:48fast fld i»3 4 4 6 9 ll ll13 R McDoUl.: Luther. Oallag Mieix-low H376 Laurel lniaOy l:41fifast IS 104 7 7 5 r. « fc»i L Allen 14 Norus. Pierrot Capt Parr L3JS7 Mt. Royal lm*-Oyl:41**%rast 3 16 2 4 4 4 4i W Boy]e 11 Kastoso. Trovato Voladay Jr -i21 «!-5oya! lm70,5,1 *? £ast 3 W» 3 3 2 S1 0- .T Clancy tj Mud Sill. Zali. Kicbard Langdon 1 am Mt. Royal 1 1:41 fast 10 98 8 I I 11 J Clancy !» MudSill. TonvKoch. Talecarrier r J3008 Dorval ; J I l:0C"Vifast 29 107 5 8 C Il 6«J F Coleman S Rosemarv, Coy Mazurka ZtMDWWgl lm70y l:4S*fcfast 12 98 3 3 4 6 7 7" R McDott 7 Kinir Box, Fascinating Fenroek " 22770 BlueBon. 11-8 1:57 mud 36-5 109 2 4 5 4 Li 4- V. Ambrose 7 Balfron. S. of Love. Voladay Jr. * HTKI. ch. c. 4 118 By Dr. Leggo— Norinne L. F. OLeary. -WJi Bowie 1 1 S 1:57 fast 2.ri 111 7 .". 0 4 «i •"", T Par gton S Orpcrth. Baliy Sifter Beau Pere JJ9W7 Bowie 1 1-16 i:j2 mud 142 107 12 7 8 7 !° 9"JS Wols-fm 12 Valas. K Meteor M Dnlweber -"""* Mt.RoyM 1 1-16 l::KWsgood 15 112 7 7 2 1J 1J S WoKfui |fi Knduranee. Zodiac. Col Fred irTTOR Mt.RoyU lm20yl :49%hvy 10 116 5 4 .". 7" «"*: . Peak -, The V slier. Sir Blaise Montreal . 1 L-SS88 Mt.Royl 1 1-16 1:57 hvy 8 lie 1 2 2 ?,«■- f T MHullh s Burin. Barn Danre Minda .ZW Mt.RoyM lm20yl:50 mud 4 114 11 8 4 **| T T Mctullhll Frontier. Petit Bleu Kinmundy ■ IJCIS Mt. Royal 3-4 l:14%fast 16 117 10 M M Iff Cargan M Parlor Bov Energetic Mnrtre ! : 4:tG Hillcrtst Abf.-S l:03hvy 5 121 li 6 51 53 C Peak 6 Grenville. M. Johnson. Sleelioka 1 : •.***»■ Hlllcrest 6i f 1:36 fast 4 123 6 4 4 4= 1J C Peak 7 Frigid. Montreal Queed :*:34A H merest 6»fl:2fi%fast 3 118 t 7 G 7J 31 T Mctullh « BebeceaMoses. Montreal. VanBu 1 I .■?,32Z Hillcrest Ab5-S 1:02 slow 7 116 9 6 3 3s T MeCuBh M. Jnson, S.of Rocks. Carburetor * ! ENERGETIC, b. f. 3 104 By Sir Wilfred— Listless M. J. Daly. :i!»23 Bowie 3-4 1:H«-fast rid MS 12 11 8 7 0 T Pargtonl: K. Allen. T.Busybodv Sen-pallia - •."■7T; Mt. Royal 1 l:4355good 3 19 1 3 1 1! l4 C White i T.Bvbodv. L.V.Zandt P Dumas SB* Mt. Royal 3-t l:is%hvy I !0! 4 3 .-.h :: B Kstep c Tactless, Tar.Boy. L. Van Zandt I l. 684 Mt. Royal 5* f 1:11 hvy 3 117 7 7 41 4*- C Peak s Black Chief. Neville Mazurka ] : G1S Mt. Royal 3-4 l:14%fast 2 M :: I UK 2» D Boland M Parlor Bov. Martre. Tankard : Zfln H ilk rest Ab-VS 1:«1 fast G 112 s 7 7 6"*: J Doniick s L. Capricious. M Gayle Or Lad ! : 2331 Mt.Royal 3-4 1 :13"fast G 107 2 3 5*- 5~J R Estep : Inqnieta. Talecarrier. M.Srwnod I : 23191 Mt. Royal 3-4 1:14 fast 3 109 3 4 3 4- T McCulFh 7 X. Light. P Regan Ischabibble : 22868 DufTerin G» f l:2S%fast 3 70S 2h W Doyle 8 Curious. Reflection MissFrancis : 22761 Timium AU5-8 57 fast 6 105 1iC Whyink C Envy, Onar. Silver Moon STEKTOB. ca. g. 6 118 By Armeath n.— Skadi R. V. Haymaker. 1.915 Bowie 7-i I Tafert fid U3 M S 7 7 II 4-1. R Esteji 1«» Pharaoh. Bntwa .ia.I I 22900 Bowie 1 1-16 1 :.-J isfast fid 112 15 11 11 It DP lt*| R Estep Mt OncHk. Peacock Bella Mack - -3729 Mt.Royal 3-4 lilGslow 10 114 12 12 1 iV- K Kstei. 12 S. Janes. Meeltcka, E Jennings 1 2o253 Mt.Royal lni70yl:4.,Hfast 2 11111 11 11 11 ll=» R Estep 11 L.VanZandt. Endurance. Minda £ -2326 Mt.Royal 3-4 1:14 fast 6 112 I 8 7J 5=J B Estep s Brieklev. Belle Terre. Petit Bleu I 23101 Mt.Royal 3-4 l:14=jfast 7 112 .". 4 43 4=7. 11 Estep !» Jessup Burn, Mazurka. Fastoso : 22M3 Dorval r.J f 1:07 fast 24 111 S 9 7 7» I* F Coleman !• Viley. Bula Welsh. LadyLondon •" 22223 KingE.1. 1116 1:51 fast 3-2 112 3 2 I 1*| R Estep 7 Dr.S.P.Tate. Master Joe. Malik 22236 King-Ed. 3-4 l:17Vifast 1 112 4 4 I 1 I Estep 7 MossRose. D.S.P.Tate, B.Sluart S HEKBY HUTCHISON, ch, g. 8 112 By Faxandole— Lady Galopin J. P. Fones. 23S2S Pimlico lm7«yl:17 fast fid 112 11 10 1" 11 11 ll13 R Tr.ixler 13 Capiaiu Pair, l.ilvttrme Pierrot J JiM luirel 1 1-4 2:14=5hvy 54 ] m l 5 3 a tii 5"JP L- wder 7 PattvRegan. Napier. T.Ilancock j .:W6 t laurel 1 1-16 134*ihvy 21 110 f. 2 7 8 8 S:3 W Ol ert 8 Task. Mabel Dnlweber Norus 2"ir. Laurel lm20y 1 :43%good 547 10S 8 S 8 8 8 89 W Obert S Noureddin. Dav Dav Pardner * 23267 H.deGce 1 1-1C 1:48 fast 40 108 2 9 9 ! 10 9"3 J McTagrtlO Stonehenge. M* Wafren Petelus - 2:136 H.detFee lm70yl:492smud 40 109 1 10 10 10 SJ S« W Obert 10 Drvad. Balfron His Nibs - ?2735 Timium 1 1-16 1:4SJ fast 4 109 4» W Obert .i S. Russell, L.England Elymorn - 22686 Timium 11:45 slow 4 110 42J C Whvmk ." L.England A Tlrndon G Rssell 2 20885 Mboro 1 1-16 l:52fast 5 107 4» A Pickens 6 L.Eglnd. C.IFowav, C.F.Gnger - 20* » Mboro 7-S 1:30 good 4 107 G=J J Bauer 7 Montv Fox, Pharaoh In. Oueon 2 20736 Mboro 1 1-1C l:53%good 2 113 4=i W Doyle 5 M. Sherwood. Cockspur, PJ.Mper 2 COGS, b. h, S 110 By Caughnawaga — Maiest W. Vale. 23918 Bowie lm2 yl:45 fast fid 112 10 I S 9 t* s"?M F.uxton 14 Scorpii. Mal.elKiilwelM-r OSibe 2 -•» •" Bowie 1 1-16 1 :5 J!£fast 214 112 9 M 15 15 15s la1* J AlexdraU. Orperth. Peacock Delia Mack I J3727 laurel 1 1-4 2:10 slow 247 109 8 8 9 9 9 94i G Alexdra !» Menlo Park Stonehenge Hester 2 23641 Ixiurel lm70yl:47 slow 466 M 9 10 10 10 10 10 • G Alexdra 10 Lahore. .Scaramouch maln c :3591 laurel lm20y 1:47 hvy 193 104J 8 8 8 8 8 8»» G Alexdra 8 Yodcling, Ben Quince, Marsbon * 22859 Dorval ImTOy l:46"ifast 17 111 5 8 5 4 6" 71,iE Ambrose 8 Dartworth. J.Deibold Shepde«s Z 22S4S Dorval 1 1-10 1 :48"islow 31 107 6 5 7 5 6" 6HR McDott S Xepulveda. VoladayJr., Abbsford • *3MI Canght lm2oy l:4G*islow 6 102 6 4 5 4 4 4« K Cooper, Astrologer. Kludv Z 2129G Hamton 1 1-S 1 :53%fast 20 115 9 8 9 6 8 IV- F Cooper 12 L. G.»orge. Zodiac. J.H.Houghton ~ 21227 Hamton 1 IS l:544fast S 112 7 7 7 4 45 4" F Cooper 8 Ib.wdvHwdv. Zodiac. Wevanoke £ 21158 Canght lm20y 1 Migood 4 107 7 5 G 7 5U 5«J F Cooper S L.Situelle, L.George. Wevanoke £ 21057 Con ght 11-16 1:55 mud 12 110 7 5 3 2 2° 21* F Cooper 11 Beau Pere, Duriu. VoladayJr. S LYWr. br. r. 2 86 By Frontenac — Huron Fairy W. Walker, 2.W :. Howie 7-* 1 :2S"!»fast fid 85 IT. 19 17 11 15 ll"1* E Feihd l!» Pharaoh. Batwa. Qmri . - -■■"- J.atonia .".-4 1 MSniud fid 388 12 12 12 !• 7: • E Carler 12 Impressive, Gev.iunan, AlPiercp D ::rj42 WMbine ::-4 1 :14~fast fid Mt 13 12,12 9 63 X Burger IS Gypsy Blatr. Blue Cap. Immune 2: 22892 Dorval 3-ll:14-6fast 12 107 5 7 7 5* o"i E Carter .» Jvpsv Blair, FarAwav. TroutFlv 2: 22843 Dorval 3-11:16 slow 11 105 I 2 4 4" 4j A Claver 8 Lit.Bigger. ;aleswinhc. T.Tush 2: 23» BlueBon. 5?. f 1 :o7fast f Id 1"1 5 9 8 9" *iA Claver IS Welga. Investment. Copper King S am BlueBon. 8j f 1 :07 4fast 65 98 11 11 11 V 78 S Brown 11 Broomvale. Candle Tiajan 2 22T32 Conght 5ifl:12*mud S 103 11 11 11 10" inn R McDott 11 Welga. S. Stalwart. LittleBigger 2" 22520 Conght 3-4 l:16%good 7 98 4 5 5 41 3s R McDott 3 Reserve. Early Sight. C.Gutelius 2 STAB BIRD. ch. f. 3 109 By Star Ruby— Water Bird J. F. Adams. 5 SM3B»wie lm20y l:4S%Cut U| NS|M 7 S 12 12 12= E Haynes IS Dinah Do, Ix.u.Travers Tactless S i.JMl Pimlico 1 l:42*ifast 29-5 1M 9 7 6 6 4J ■ T Hayes 14 St. Lazerian, Hiker Kopje ■?■ 5 fim!ko n-tfty l:44*?jfast 15 95 8 5 4 3 3J 3; T Hayes 10 HudasBrother. Dartwrth. Task „ 23760 laurel Iin20y l:41*ffast 38 112 2 16 7 8» 9" T Rice M Norus, Pierrot Capt Parr V 2v!70l Laurel 1 1-16 l:54Shvy 17 101 6 5 6 7 7 7" T Hayes 7 R.Meteor, S. of Love, DicksPet *ii 6 Laurel lm20y 1:42 fast Hi 98 ■ 8 8 6 73 7*»£E Forehnd 8 Neputhvs, Camellia, Dinah Do g S*i« Laure 1 1-16 l:49%good 32 99 I 4 2 2 1?, 1» E Forehnd 10 Orotund. M.Warren. M. Dnlweber * ZJil 2?,",., lm.Oy l:5!%hvy 8J 99 5 6 6 8 7» 5« E ForeUndlO R. Meteor. Menlo Park. Surgeon 2 r««ybI-,f Hi:" fast rM9! 4 6 9 7* 5« T Rice 12 Sparkler. Collector. Wodan 5522SES? HUliiyg , . . ff Wand * Mimico, LadyButterHy, K.Cancns % 4Eor!gje MJ:0JLfast • 95 6 6 6 6« 6»JJ Smyth 7 Filigree. Linda Payne? E. Allen ,- l3 JCortE"« 6-8 l:00%fast 40 100 10 10 10 9 9»J J Smyth 11 Heenan. Tokay. Eagle 5 ;5I 9am JS* H!*5i5»fast 15 105 6 9 s 9* 8"U Smyth 12 Eagle. Blaekthorn. Kazan S 11877 Concht 6-8 l:02%fast 15 111 11 10 8 9* 7" J Smyth 12 Carbide. King Hamburg. Kawui I