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BOWIE FORM CHART. E0WIE, MD., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1815. — Prince Georges Park. Sixth day. Southern Maryland Agricultural Association. Fall Meeting of 15 days. Weather clear. Presiding Steward. E. C. Smith. Presiding Judge, Joseph A. Murphy. Starter. A. B. Dade. Racing Secretary. Joseph McLennan. . Racing starts at 1:45 p. m. Chicago time 12:45 p. m.. *lndicates apprentice allowance. 0QO0 7 FIRST RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. .23895— 1:07%— 2—101. » Purse 00. 2-year-olds. 40v4J Selling. Net value to winner 00: second. 0: third. 0. . Index Horses AWtPPSt % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eqolv. Odds Strt " 23676-BOB REDFIELD w 113 10 3 42 4» 1" l1 G Byrne J M Zimmer 135-100 23908 WAYFARER wb 111 12 5 2=t l1 21 2= J McCaheyQuincy Stable 1400-100 23391 "LETFETTI WB 10R I 4 31 3- 31 31 R McDottS Louis 480-100 23903 COL. GUTELIUS w 10S M 7 8l 8l 6l 4s B Forehd C D Campbell 4400-100 23908 SEMPER STALWRT wb 111 6 1 1and 20k 4» 5 A Nerger W L Oliver toSO-IOo 23895*SOl THERN STAR wb 103 1 14 7 * 7« 5i 6»* T PargtonA C Parretto t 23807 INFIDEL II. wr. 10S 4 11 6»k 61 T- 7» T Hayes M E Munson 6200-lOu 22453 MISS ATKIN wb 108 9 15 IP ll1 9J 8l F RobinsnW Gerst t 23908*SCOTTISH KNIGHT w 100 8 lo 10l 10 10 9nk C Hirst J Arthur 4000-100 23845 QUKBN APPLE w 105 3 12 1 m ll1 102 F Moore W P Reed 43200-100 23908:MAR1GOLD w 110 15 1 52 5= 81 11= J Metcalf W Vale 31HXMOO 23860* AFTER NIGHT W 103 11 9 13l 13 12 12« L Allen J Hurley t 23895 INTENTION WB 108 14 S 9J 9» 133 13= M Garner A Williams 610-100 23479 OALESWINTIIE w 110 2 6 142 14- 14 14» A SchugrG A Alexandra t 23673 STINNKR wr 112 5 10 W 15* 15* !5« J Smyth E P, Parsons t 23878 CORA O. w 108 13 13 16 16 16 16 C Turner J J Tiiiiinerman t t.Mutuel field. Time. 24%, 50%, 1:11%. Track heavy. *2 mutuels paid. Bob Redfield, .70 straight, .40 place, .80 show: Wayfarer, .50 place, .10 show: Letfetti. .50 show. Equivalent booking odds— Rob Redfield, 135 to 100 straight. 70 to 100 place. 40 to 100 show; Wayfarer, u25 to 100 place, 12» to 100 show: Letfetti. 130 to 100 show. Winner— B. g. by Molmwk II. — Toplash trained by A. ZimmerK Went to post at 1:47. At imst 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won handily: second and third driving. BOB REDFIELD, after racing close up. wore the leaders down in the homestretch and was going away at the end. WAYFARER tired in the final drive after forcing the early pace and racing info the lead. LETFETTI was a forward contender all the way, but could not improve her position iu the stretch. COLONEL GUTELIUS finished with a rush. SEMPER STALWART set the early pace, but quit iu the stretch. The winner was entered for 00; no bid. Overweights — Stunner. 4 pounds. OQQOQ SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile. 123897— 1 :13 — 1— 112. Purse 00. 2-ycar-olds. Selling. BOjyjO Net value to winner 00: second. 0; third. 0. Index Horses A Wt PP St % y % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equlv. Odds Strt 23881*SHRAPNEL w 100 4 5 1?. 1 2 l"t R McDottC XV Campbell H.V100 23903-PAN HANDLE w 113 2 6 8«1 2* Ink j* f RobinsnW Gerst 805-ino 23575CHIVATOR WB 109 6 1 4J 4= 3s 2* G Byrne W J Speirs 55.VW0 23895-*TRALEE wb 101 7 X : ■* 31 5 4= T Hayes R T Wilson 590»loi 23891-WELGA wb 100 8 :; 31 3 4J 5J E Forehd S Ross 3200-100 23903*NOLLI w 100 9 2 61* T- 7 6 T PargtonW C Daly -Khjo-PiO 23881 D1STTRBER wb 100 5 10 S-~ 6» 6"k 75 M Garner A Williams 1300-KiO 23847 ATAKA w 108 1 ! 9s 9« 8 8° J Metcalf G A Alexandra t«" 00-Hio 23895=MAIFOC wb 109 3 7 7* 8J 9« 9s J McCaheyR Angarola S70-PK 23826*BROOM STRAW w 100 10 4 10 10 10 10 A NicklausA B Stelle j vMutuel field. Time. 24, 49%, 1:17%. Track heavy. mutuels paid. Shrapnel, .90 straight, .50 place, .20 show; Pan Handle. place. .20 sl;ow: Chivator, .50 show. Equivalent booking odds-iir.xpncl, 145 to 100 straight. 75 to 100 place. 60 to 100 show; Pan Handle, 225 to 11x1 place, 100 to 100 show: Chivator. 75 to 100 show. Winner — B. g, by Out of Reach — Ferrol trained by A. R. Bresler. Went to post at 2:13. At post 4 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. SHRAPNEL set a fast enrlv pace and. after being headed, came again in the last sixteenth and outgamed PAN HANDLE in the final drive. PAN HANDLE moved up rapidly while rounding the last turn, but tired after heading the leader at the eighth post. CHIVATOR easily passed WELGA in the homestretch. TRALEE only ran fairly well. WELGA showed speed, but tired in the going. The winner was entered for ,000; no bid. Scratched— 23738 Impressive. 106; 23921:!Broom Corn. 105; 239082Tribolo. 108: 23908 Nellie B.. 97; • 23Si»lLily Heavens, 106; 23895 Mayme W.. 102. Overweights — Ataka. 1 pound: Broom Straw, 4. OQQOQ THIRD RACE— 1 Mile. 23898— 1:41%— 3— 99. Purse 00. All Ages. Maidens. aOjjTjgjg Selling. Net value to winner 00: second. 0; thiid. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equlv. Odds Strt 25508 MOLLY O. w 2 95 ?. 1 2l 4- ?.- 2s ll J McCaheyW A Carter 215-100 23556 JACKLET wn .", 109 I 3 Ink is is p i» c Turner F C Frisbie 555-100 23884 LIGHTS OFT w 3 109 C 9 10 9= 7l 3and 3h J Metcalf F E Rose 49S-pirt 23367 COTTON TOP wb 3 104 10 6 5l B 6° 4J 4- E Graves W R Mizell 4400 100 23906*PRIMARY w 3 1«4 1 5 7* 7T 81 73 !» T Hayes G L Ginzburg 430-100 23840 DANISH GIRL w 7 112 7 10 91 Si 9B 6l 6"* R HargfnE Wood 4600-100 23920 WHITE EYE wb 2 991 4 4 -P 6* 51 a- 710 J McKverQuincy Stable BMN 22553*REY OAKWOOD wb 3 107 2 1 3= 21 4 8« 8J L Allen A G Blakeley lOOO-MO 23874 TATIANA w 2 95 9 7 8s 10 10 9 9 F HopkinsJ MacManus 4U0O-10O 23902*WALLOON wb 2 93 8 8 i* 3» 21! Br.dn.E ForehdJ Garson 1500-100 Time. 25%, 58%, 1:20, 1:49%. Track heavy. mutuels paid. Molly O.. straight, .70 place, .50 show: Jacklet. .90 place. .90 show; Lights Out. .50 show. Equivalent booking odds — Molly O., 215 to 100 straight. 135 to 100 place. 75 to 100 show; Jack-let. 245 to 100 place. 145 to 100 show; Lights Out. 75 to 100 show. Winner — Ch. f, by Sir Wilfred — Bettie Landon trained by J. Johnston. Went to post at 2:41. At post 2 minutes Start good and slow. Won handily: second and third driving. MOLLY 0.. after being a forward contender from the start, finished resolutely and out-gaiaed the tiring JACKLET to win going away. The latter raced into a long lead on the back-stretch. but tired in the last eighth. LIGHTS OUT closed a big gap and finished with a rush. WALLOON broke down bad- on the stretch turn. COTTON TOP finished fast. The winner was entered for 00: no bid. Scratched— 2381S1Aldonus, 112: 23907 Falmouth. 109: 23920 Moonstone. 95: 23824 Miss McGiggle. 109: 23S24 Bronx Queen. 104. Overweights — White Eye. 4f pounds. ___________________ 09GQA FOURTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. 23S97— 1 :l:5— 4— 112. Eclipse Handicap. Purse . JOt/OU All Ages. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third. 0. Index Horses A Wt PP St % 5 % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 23911 WATER LADY wr. 4 103 -j 7 7 ;,.. 4 1.. T I argtoiiJ Arthur 150-l0i 23911SAND MARSH w •". 108 • 2 1" li IU s- J Metcalf F E Rose 715-100 23917 PI LLCS MSM 7 1 4- 4 Ml A Schugr.1 Whaleti 315-lnO 23855 CARBIDE wb 5 105 3 5 :: 2s •- 4- C Turner J S Tyree SMM 23911 PIXY wb 3 90.". 5 :». a «i fit r.nk J McCaheyR T Wilson HMI 23911 AHARA wr. :: 100 4 4 : S 7 7 9 P Lowder E Hen 6700-100 23911- KEWESSA wb 5 IOS 1 r, -n -nt r,= 7 G Bvrne M Oliver 630-100 Time. 23%. 48%, 1:16%. Track heavy. mutuels paid. Water Lady. 1.00 straight. $«.50 place: .4o show. Sand Marsh. .l0 place. .80 show: Fullux. .00 show. Equivalent liooking odds — Water Lady. 450 to 100 straight. 230 to 100 place, 70 to 100 show: Sand Marsh. 420 to 100 place. 140 to 100 show; Pullux. 50 to 100 show. Winner — B. f. by Watorboy — Duchess of Towers trained by J. Arthur . ■" •u to post .it ..:0N. At post •• t"biutos. good and slow. Won driving: second am1 third U.e same. VATER LADY began MMrty ami was outrun early, but closed n gap nod. finishing with a ru- :i through the last eighth, won drawing clear. SAND MARSH set a fast pace, bur was tiring «t the end. 11I.LIX finished fast and easily passed CARBIDE in the last elxteeatk. The latter quit after moving up menacingly while rounding the far turn. KEWESSA showed speed earlv. but quit badlv. Scratched— 23011 Hester Prynne. 100; 238S5 True as Steel. 107: MM Robert Bradley, KW; SMt Pandean. 103: 23872 Brave Cunarder, 102. Overweights— Sand Marsh. 2 pounds; Carbide, 2; Pixy, 11. OQQ81 FIFTH RACE— 7-8 Mile. 10S3S— 1:27%— 0— 105. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and up- Ql/Ol ward. Selling. Net value to winner 00: second. 1; third. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt hi. Vi % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 23915*BATWA W* ! 110 I :: pi p fa p jr. r Turner L A Seregni IM-m 23912 KNEELKT w :*. 101 I U M* t» l S ::■» K Graves W R Mizell 3200-HA 23735::*L. VAN ZANDT w .". 105 11 1 4* r.h » I- V T Hayes A Castin 2200-100 23790*MISS CAVANAGH w 4 M8 4 I S* .:• 3- : .«* Ml .1 Pitz W C Ualv 99W4M 23906 P.I.I F MOISE wb 7 110 10 6 11 !i 7: .v pi J Metcalf J L Jon-s 8.T.-1»0 23915 SPRIXGMASS w 7 112 5 7 2» 2« 2- 2* «.. J Smyth R T McKeever 420-10O 23915 MAMIE K. wit 3 lOfi 3 9 8.. «» «nk «: 7- J McCaheyll S Kearnev • 79.,-Wo 23915 FORD MAI wsn 5 110 7 4 7 71 !•■ 9- s W Ward G P Sherman OHMM 23828 MARY WARREN w 4 110 2 10 9?. 11 10H11 !«* T Pargton.I Garson liOo-lOO 23915MOI.LY TAR w 5 105 I 2 ■ 4 4 i 7* 10J AV SehornW H Cooper t2 jGoi -lijo 23912*MARGAICT MEISE wis 4 105 | f «7 p,i n jjm u c Hirst T Francis f f.Muluel fi»ld. Time. 24%. 52, 1:19%." 1:33%. Track heavy. mutuels paid. Batwa. S4.20 straight. .30 nlaee. .10 show: Kueelet. 4. M place. MM show: Luke Van Zand!. 5.80 show. Equivalent liooking odds— Batwa, 110 to 100 straight. M to 100 plate. 55 to 100 suow; Kneelet. o05 to KK place. 330 to 100 show : Luke Van Zandt. 240 to 100 show. Winner— Rr. g, by Mazagau— Screech trained bv L. A. Seregini. Went to post at 3:42. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily: sec, nil and third driving. BATWA sprinted to the front at the start and easilv held the others safe all the wa-KNEELET closed a big gap and finished with a rush. LIKE VAN ZANDT ran well, but tin-d ri-jtit !*. .SP "le1!;, M,SS CAVANAGH raced prominentlv to the last eighth and so did SPRINGMASS. BL1 E MOI K «l sed a big gap. The winner was entered for 00: no hid. Scratched— 2391 5 Maxims Choice. 110; 19049 Penniless. 105: 227.35-T.ittle Euglaud. 113: 23»H Ah-botsford. 110: Z3MS ellow Eyes. 10.". Overweights — Springmnss. 2 iiouuds. 9SQ9 SIXT"H RACE— 7-8 Mile. 19838—1:27% 5—105. purse 00. 3 year -..ids and up. *Lf %J*J £A . ward. Selling. Net value to winner 00: second. o: third. 0 Index Horses AWtPPSt U, % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eqniv. OddiTstFt S2it*«rTSI?rTvfK wn 7 105 9 9 9U 6i 11 li l2i M MountnR O Egan " sfiiKioo 23887 HIGH TIKE wb 3 109 6 10 n 91 7? 52 ,5 C Turner F E Rose 39flft-mn SIS f,?-?7J3.? IRE "B7 113 in "J ?h 3 % v A SchugrWN Adrians t J mm UVZAKTl w 3 105 3 Hi4n 9= 9 IlWWard RT McKeever vTtotloo S2J5.L1ih«! c WSB " X,kJ 7 T » »l *$ «ink «! »" RobinsnA H Vivell ml 2S667*BEA1 M T »vr BELLE r r, wb 4 105 4 4 -nk it, -,i 711 71.1 J Flancv O B Cochrtn n«jn.v ,.J. SSf£4i3?,,eeK wb:;10 3 SJ?L U s.Jj Metcalf T : Smith "* 23705 Bld.lASr w 7 110 ■:. | 7°ilQH0= g g W Hinphy 0 Hak " jL |*J Continued « second page. ~ ■ BOWIE FORM CHART. Continued from first page. 23915 SONNY KOY w 1: 4 108 8 2 1 f 2h 34*M* K CMsMB I1 ; BasHraH S66 -666 23906 TEXAS ToMMIK w I HO 2 .". V t*U 11 n j p%£ gT Bmxter SmM W6 vMutnel field. Time. 24%. 50%, 1:18, 1:33%. Track heavy. M mutuels paid. Pay Streak, *174.40 straight. *45.00 place. *17.70 show: High Tide. $.0.50 place. Ml. 2o show: Perthshire, $.:.4 show. Equivalent liookiug odds— Pay Streak. 8020 to lm straight. 2105 to IOO place, 7S". to 100 show High Tide. 1725 to 100 place, 400 to 100 ;how; Perthshire. 70 to MM show. Winner — Br. g, by Kenilworth — Mitten trained by S. Judge |. Went to post at 4:15. At post 8 minutes, start poor and slow. Won easily: s mil and third driving. PAY STRKAK began slowly, but moved up with a rush on the far turn and", easily passis* the lead ers iu the last quarter, won easing up. HIGH TIDE also began slowlv and liiiish. .1 f.-.-t after working hi-way up on the outside. PERT1R4IIIRK was cut off at the start and mad.- up much ground SONNY l. V ti-.d in the last quarter a. id was eased up alter having b.-n si contender to the stretch COLON Kl SII .Ml-.ADK set the pace to the last turn and dropped back. The winner was 111 j for s:;ini- „„ |,j,| Scrat.hed— 23*13 Cliff Haven, 112: 70*18 Pierrol. 101: 2UH2 l.adv * Rankin. II*; 23*10 Pied liner » N* overweights— Ca laverock. 2 iH.imds. P QQQQQ SEVENTH RACE-1 1-16 Miles. _ |TBMI I MIM. I III j Purse 00 ::|.|s Qt/QQ and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 0O; se.-ond. 0; third, x.lo. Index Horses AWtPPSt % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eqtiiv. Odds Strt 23912-IASK wb ;: 9ft 4 4 4: 4= lb j |i T Haves J Farrell .!,- -,„ m 23913-srRPASSING wb 4 MB E :. k i; ■ 4!. 2"k p RobinsnW R BftUee -Sti loo 23906*Slt.IA ALPHA wb 5 104 ♦: « 6 :,i t; -1" -... E Graves P J Mil. s rJiH -loii 23910*D. OF DINBAR w3 99 3 3 J» 2» 4 V 4» T CargtonW P Austin 669-M6 23912 •"TACTLESS w I lt 4 1 I 2 :, S [*| tst v SchornW II Cooper Smoo 23912*DINAH DO w a 104 2 1 l»t ij :!i. « « R McDott.l Gormley t*s m Time. 25, 52. 1:19%. 1:48%, 1:55%. Track heavy. mutuels paid, Task, f 16.00 straight, *0.:!0 place, .imi show: Surpassing. S::.90 place $:: -,.. sIn.w Sigma Alpha. .10 show. Equivalent booking odds — Task, 700 to 10O straight. 215 to loo place 130 t 100 «how Surnassin" C, to 100 place, 65 to 100 show: Sigma Alpha, 255 to loo show. *" Winner — Br. f, by Bryn Mawr — Tasley trained by M. Burns. Went to post at 4:47. At post I minutes. Start good and siow. Won driving: s. nd and third the same. TASK, after being reserved behind the leaders to the stretch turn, moved up rapidlv n the aMInkle and was going away at the finish. SURPASSING closed a gap and finished with a rush SIOMV VI Ill V Sfter racing far back to the slreteh, moveil up fast at tl tgath | but tiled n. ar the end IHKK i»F Dl ."NBA It ran well. TACTLESS quit. DINAH DO set the pace to the last turn and also quit " The winner was entered for .00: no bid. Scratched —23*23 Ella Bryson. 114: 2::.".14 Fenr.M-k. !K: 2:;ss0 Ilarrv KH»- 2:N4:: oSulliv an 117 23.880 St. Lazerian, 99.