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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY. Berlin claims a substantial success in a bloody attack on the French trenches, the official war office statement saying: **To the northwest of the farm of Laerolie. northeast of Neuville. German troops stormed l.r.00 yards of the enemys trenches, taking prisoner 237 men. including one officer, and capturing nine machine guns. Several French attacks against the position near Neuville, recently taken by the Germaaa, broke down, but the enemy succeeded in occupying tbe second mine crater. In tlie western section of Saint Lauret, near Arras, the Germans stormed and took from the "reach a group of bouses. South of the Sonime the Germans conquered tbe village of 1-nse and yards of the position Connected witb it to the southward. The Germans I ok twelve officers and 927 Flench soldiers, all un-wouadad, and captured thirteen machine guns and four mine throwers. South of Apremont. to the east of tbe Meaae, an enemy aeroplane was shot down by German artillery. The pilot was killed and the observer severely injured." A dispatch of yesterday from Saloniki says: 1 •--tachmeats I f marines from British. French. Russians and Italian warships In ihe barbae here landed at daybreak Friday aa the Karabaraa peninsula under the -uns of their ships and occupied the Greek fart there. The garrison of the fort offered bo resistance, bat tbe commander of the troops entered a protest at being compelled to evacuate. At tbe same time as the naval landing. French infantry smr. uncled the fort and neighboring habitations. Buildings were searched and the inhabitants ordered roii: .-d. This aeiion by the entente allies was dictated by strategic reasons and the undosirability of having the fortress in other bands than their own. Another reason for the landing was that it was believed that. German submarines obtained supplies iu the vicinity of this coast. A dispatch of yesterday from Saa Diego, Calif.. says: "At bast iifty persons are believed to hav* been killed late today when the lower Otay Valley dam broke, releasing a wall of water thirty feel high. Scores of people arc- missing. Houses oa twent] ii" ranches were swept away. All wires are down and roads impassable. It is feared it may be impossible to get food to refugees for several days Tbe property loss will amount to at least 61.000,609." The Rome Giornale Italia-; Athens correspondent •ays the Italians have decided to abandon luuazzo. Albania. OWing to the fact that its defense presents most serious difficulties. F.ssad Pasha has effected a juiution with Hie- Italian forces iu Albania. He-is fortifying posit iOUS at Avium and other points further south in Albania, ami is confident thai lie will l.e ftbte to stoi the- advance of Ihe Aastro- Hungariaa forces. Great Britain :s sowing mines so thickly nt tie-entrance to the- Baltic sea that it now is practically impassable- except to vessels uncb-r guidance- ol ottiiia 1 pilots. Consul General Skinner at Loadoa reported to Washington yesterday. Obstructions t- navigation also have- been placed between the Danish territorial waters and the German coast southeast Of Kixhofr. Ihe worlds fair fund, be-bl in trust since 1803 by Mrs. Potter Palmer and now an nting lo 00,080, was formally presented Irielav afternoon to the Seh. .l of Domestic Arts and Sciences by Mrs. George Bass, one of the- committee of three appointed bj Mis. Palmer two yean ago to make final disposition of the fund. Russian correspondents on the western front have sent word to Petrograd that the Germans are asana-factoring a new twenty-two inch gun for use in the spring campaign. Petrograd dispatches also estimate- that twee army e-orps of Turks era shut up in Krzeruin. Brigadier General George Benjamin Hudson of tin- Indian army, who was wounded In iin- fighting on Gallipoli peninsula, has diced of bis injuries at Malta.