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CAPITAL STOCK MAY BE INCREASED. San Francisco. Cal., February 14. — Stockholders of the Lower California Jockey Club, representing 01 per cent, of the stock, had a harmonious meeting at Carson, Nev.. on Tuesday, February B, and reelected the governing officers, as well as expressing confidence in the administration. James w. Cof-froth was renamed as president if the jockey club: H. A. Boaeer, secretary, and Baron Long of Los Angeles, treasurer. In addition. W. Kid Nelson and Gregory Mitchell were elected to the directorate, replacing James Wilson and II. J. Moore. Reports of Coffroth and Houser were read and approved. While no definite action was taken, it is generally agreed that the capital stock will shortlv be increased from ..000. oo to ,500,000. "Considering the setbacks from the storm." declared Coffroth yesterday, "the club is in good condition. Our plan to increase the capital stock a half million is still in embryo. If we do. it is likely a large part of the money will go toward improving the roads in San Diego County, for the county will hardly be in a position to repair such of the roads as we will need for our patrons. We determined to proceed wilh our repairs and improvements at Tijuana just as soon as we are assured of railroad transportation facilities."