Juarez Entries and Past Performances for Tuesday, February 15., Daily Racing Form, 1916-02-15


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Juarez Entries and Past Performances for Tuesday, February 15. WEATHER CLEAR. TRACK FAST. o ■ o I The figures under the heading "Rec." in the j I entries below show the best time of each horse I at the distance, since January 1, 1911, no matter j where it finished. In cases where record was I made on other than a fast or good track, abbre-I viations show track conditions. o o Rfi-ing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time. 3:30. Runs well in mud. ©Superior mud runner. Mi maidens. Apprentice allowance. First Race — 3 1-2 Furlongs. 2 vear-olds. Selling. Track record: 24:i0l — :J:» — r — 115. Ind. Hone. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.IIan. 247.i::- N.i-h dovati 115. .725 Z46B41 Riposta 107 :40 115. .720 25002* Sybil 112 :40-if, 115.. 715 25002 Juaaita Frederick.. 125 :40% 120..715 24!i:;4 Crankle Mi 112 :4l % 105. .705 24934 Bkanor Marie 14114 -.43% MB..CI3 Nasl-dovati lias beaten the most likely contenders. Second Race — 3-4 Mile. ::-vc ar-olds and upward MeBlajr. Track record: 12906 — 1:09% — • — 118. 24980s Van Horn 115 1:13% 7 112. .725 24SK Zenotek 1111:13% 6 110x720 2480S Nifty 105 1:13 6 112x720 2300:1= • Billy Cnlberteoa .. 92 1:13% :: !2..715 2!s.r.i FlUgeraM 112 1:13% « 112©71» •2:.i".:! Barbarita -s 1:14% 4 102. .705 24915 Katharine G 85 1:12% 4 107x705 25015- Blectrowan 146 1:13% ".1110x700 24".»ll l.a BeUe Brocade.. 95 1:15% :; 05x000 25 i03 Toajitmaster 112 1:15% :: 07..iito 24953* Miss Brush 196 1:14% • MBX690 23643 .lauiis 1691:12 .107x600 249.S9 Great Friar 115 1:12% 7112x000 21011 BiUikena W 1111:16% 6 115. .686 2::il7 s.vereign II. M.. S 97. .075 Vaa Bora Meam eanraac back to himself. Third Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. 4 vear-olds and upward. Selling. Track record: 13687—148% 8—159. 250169 Real Worth 113 146% 5 105X716 2i;i72* Be ky Dave 113 1 :O0% S 100X710 lad. Iloise. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.IIan. 24072* Dednc 107 1 :00 7 166 710 : 25016 Tower 107 1:07% 4 101 70B 25010 Gilbert Rose 107 1:07% 9 l5©7«tr. 24000* Francos ; 1W 148 5 88x700 • 24072 Was SedaBn M6 149% 4 »o..t;:Hi The principal contenders are well matched. Fourth Race— 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Handicap. Track record : 12000—1 49% 6 1 1 5. | 240SS Lackrose 166 1:11% 8 110X736 250003 Daeeit 110l:ll 9 105. .721 24!I712 Brooks 105 1:12--. 8 103X720 240542 Curlicue 100 1:13% 7 100x720 24937 Krighoiise 115 1:12% 5 102ffi715 24537 Kittle May 90 1:13% 4 00. .700 Lackrose appears right gixnl nowailays. Fifth Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. 4-year-Olds and upward. Selling. Track record: 13687—143% 6 160. 24938* P.inl Man 102 146% 5 107x725 25006* Jake Argent 110 1:06% 7 107X720 240S7 Quid Nunc 113 146% 7 112,C720 24987** Charity Ward 108 148 4 07.. 715 25010* Asorea 114148 0 101x715 25006 Little Jake 110 148% 6 168X719 25004 Panbacbapi os 148 5 iih; ; 710 2S698 KM Ffetsea 168 146% 0 112x705 Bird Man should race lietter than lately. Sixth Race — 1 Mile. 3 vear-olds and upward. Selling. Track record: 13724 — 1:36%— 8— 102. 25005 LOUISE PAUL ...166 1:38% 6 108X728 25007* Irish Kid 110 1:40% S 110X715 25007** Virgiedot OS 1:39% 4 98. .710 24072** Nannie McBee 07 147% 7 103X710 24996 Vireo 96 1:46 0 10.SX710 2.MU7* l.adv Yoaast 113 149% 7 103X786 24986* Andrew Johnston .. :. 88. .099 25007 Meal Ticket S4 1:41 H 3 o:;xooo 24ssl Marie Coghill its 1:39% 7 108X090 24SU7 B iie"s Back ....100 148% 5 110X689 Loalse Paul has loss to scat than in her recent races.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1916021501/drf1916021501_5_2
Local Identifier: drf1916021501_5_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800