Dr. Carmen a Surpriser: Takes the Main Feature of an Ordinary Program at New Orleans, Daily Racing Form, 1916-02-26


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DR. CARMEN A SURPRISES TAKES THE MAIN FEATURE OF AN ORDINARY PROGRAM AT NEW ORLEANS. Rhymer Wins Owner Comstock His First Race of the Meeting — Board of Appeals in Its First Session. Now Orleans, La., February 85.— Bis fields of ordinary horse* made up the program at the Fair Grounds this afternoon, but souie interesting sport developed and the large crowd in attendance was well entertained. The best race was the fourth, in which some useful racers met. It resulted in an unexpected vic-: iy for Dr. Carmen, which in addition to scoring an easy win. MMlwi the talent by going the distance so easily. The J. V. Schorr entry, consisting til Svriau and Lindeiithal. ruled favorite, but both s tillered extensively from interference ou the first l urn. 11. . Comstock won his first purse of the meet ing when Rhymer wen the two-year-old race. Ho was aided to victory by a jam in the first eighth. which he escaped. Wetsail. a first-time starter, may prove a useful racer, judging from the manner in which she disposed of eleven other-; in the sec.nd race. Mary .lay. which was thought to be much the best in the tilth, disappointed a horde of her backers. Lajefci Uoorge furnished an upset in the couclud ing dash when be boat out the favorites, Juliet and idrka. Juliet reverted back t" her former 0WSJCT, C. B. Ueid, who claimed her for 00. Lucky Ceorge was bid up to 00 and bought bv J. J. Shannon of keen hlterest to the nuuierous tuiiites here was the possible action of the grand jury, which met in regular sessiosi today and cited numerous witnesses to give evidence as to alleged violations of the Locke law in the 1alin i. anion. The witnesses included reformers, stakeholders and bet tors. It is not expected that the grand jury wil. conclude it-- investigation until the night session and it may not finish until tomorrow. Hint, which George Phillips claimed in a previous start, was bid up to 0.". from the entered price of 00 and bought in. The members of the board of appeals, with Capt. .1. H. B«ea as chairman, met last night and elected Alan Mehle secretary. They took up the appeals of F. Staton and jockeys Burger and hiy. which they will probably decide tomorrow. Judge Murphv also submitted to the board of appeals a record of the cases of Baker Brothers and Al Koenigsberg. all of whom are expected to appeal their eases. It. L. Brcsler has purchased on private terms from J. r. Sweeney the horse Harry Lauder, which he will ship, with others in his stable, to Hot Springs for the racing there. J. C. Milam, who will train some of Senator J. N. Camden horses as well as his owu. was among todays arrivals from Lexington and will remain until the close o the racing here. Workouts over a last track this morning were: i Alfadir -Three-eighths in :: ,i-. Alley Thiee-ipiarters in 1:16%. .-k ia Three — -quarters in 1:17%. Ataboy -Three eighths in ::s. Beautiful Girl -Three-quarters in 1:17% Bedtinie Stories— Three-eighths in 38. Bell Boy Mile in 1:43%. Bcndcl- Half mile in 50%. Betilah S. — Mile in 1 :45--,. Billy Metiee Three-quarters in 1:17. Bird Lore -Half mile in 81. Bringhurst — rive-eighth-, in 1:08%. Celebrity Three quarters in 1:18. Col. Man hmont — Mile in 1:17. Disillusion -Mile in 1 :44%. Dungs I»in -Three-eighths in 30%. Eagle -Half mile in 54. Plglnny Three-eighths la 35%. For Pair— Three-eighths in 38%. ;. M. Miller-Mile in 1:15%. Ceo. C. Love -Throe-eighths in 37%. Ooodwood— Half mile in ."in. Cmmpy — Mile in 1:43%. Gypay Blair — Half milcin 40. Inuoleii.e — Mile in 1 :44. J. J. I.illis— Five eighths in 1:03%. Jawbone — Mile in 1:112%. La Mode — Three ipiarters in 1:21%. Lahore Three -ipi.n ters m 1:19%. Mel la Three-eighths io 8S. Milestone Half mil- in 40. Miss Represent Juarter mile in 24. dSullivnn Three eighths in 37%. Phil Lngar -Three-uuartew in 1:10s . Preston Lynn Three quarters in 1:11 Prince S. Half mile in 40,. Kedland — Mile and one-eighth in 1:50. Bey Oak wood — Mile in 1:47. Itlfte Shooter Seven-eghths in 1::;1. The Bnirlt— Five-eighths in 1:04%. Tro-I.si Five eighths in 1:05%. Wat — Half mile in 40%.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1916022601/drf1916022601_1_2
Local Identifier: drf1916022601_1_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800