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HUNT CLUBS TO EXTEND OPERATIONS. New York. February 25. — Amateur racing, which has prospered wonderfully iu the last few years, will broaden out considerably during 1016. if the plans of the American Masters of Fox Hounds are carried through to completion. At a ■Meting of this association, held yesterday at Madisoa Square Garden, steps were taken to establish circuits of hunt club race meetings in ■et tin— where they are needed. At present there are twenty-nine recognized hunts and of these a great number do not conduct race meetings. It is more than probable that the present year will see this form of racing established in Vermont and sections ol" Maryland. Pennsylvania and Virginia, where meetings have not been held heretofore. The Hen Arden Hunt Club is considering a meeting this spring at Goshen, N. Y.. on the Brown-leigh Park estate of Grant Hugh Browne. At this meeting of the American Masters of Fox Hounds Association A. Henry Higeinson. Middlesex Mass. i bunt, presided, and H. G. vaughan. of the Norfolk .Mass. hunt, acted as secretary. Those in attendance were E. H. Carle, Mil-brook X. Y.i. hunt: Harry V. Smith. Worcester Mass. hunt: Dr. It. L. Webster, Ottawa Canada bunt; Major George Hooper Montreal Canada i hunt: J. Watson Webb, shelboume Ver- inenl I hunt: II. I. Nichols. Meadowbrook hunt. Long Island: James w. Appletoa, Myopia Mass. hunt: Dr. I.. Lester Jones, of Washington. U. .. and Joseph B. Thomas and Malboru G. Biehard-son. co-masters of the Piedmont Ya. hunt.