New Orleans Entries, Daily Racing Form, 1916-02-26


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NEW ORLEANS ENTRIES. Probabilities: Wenthet clear; track fast. Racing stalls at 2:.;n p. iii. Chicago time, 2:30.1 XRuns well in mud. ©Superior mud runner. Ml maidens. •Apprentice allowance.* First Race— 1-2 Mile. 2- ear-olds. Allow ances. Clra -k i. cord: 07800 17% 2 119. | Ind. Bone. "t. Bee, A.Wt.IIan. 25134 Solveig 11« :47-.-. 117. 725 25125 Bon oiis 100 :47:-.-. 113. .720 25005 Chemung 11:: :tf, 113. .730 23154 Our Netta 114 :4s1, 110.. 715 25005 Owaga 1KJ :4»% 117 ,-.715 25125 Waukcag Mi 114 :49Vfc 107. .705 25154 Great Holly i M ■ . . H 1 :4b1-, 104.. 000 Solveig did not run her race last time. Second Race — 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olda and upward. Selling, i Ira k record: I015S 1:12 8 r08. 23150 Bin Dei 89 1:12% 4 105X725 :::,15!i- Bnbicon II 115 1:12--. 7 112 720 25082 Alfadir 113 1:13% 3 102x715 j.-,ns«. Bala w.lsh Ill 1:13% »! 107x715 25159 Ancon 117 1:13% •. 112715 2515.". Far Away 103 1:13% 3 IOC. .710 25159 Gentlewoman 08 1:14 :: 98x700 25135 Glomer 108 1:10 :; 103X020 Zin Del is rounding to form. Third Race— 3-4 Mile. 3-jear-oidS and onward. Handicap, i I rack record: 19155 1 :12 8 los. i 25097 Kr. I.arrick lol 1:12 4 122/740 25150 llcst,,- Irynne ....112 1:10% o 110.. 735 240941 Bringlvursl 105 1:11 5 129x735 25110 Fair Helen 99 1:13 4 104X730 25156 Korfhage 102 1:12% S 104x729 25158 Saratoga 1091:15 4 108x725 25158 Abaca 1061:12% 4 Ml. .720 237821 Milestone 107 1:13% :; 89x716 237821 Gypsy Blair 103 1:14% •• 94X719 K J. Austin entry. Brhtghnrst, the best horse, may not be able to Concede the weight. Fourth Race— 1 1-16 Miles. New Orleans Hotel Mens Association Handicap. Value ,000. S-J ear olds and u|.w aril. lira, k record: 19298 I :*4%— 2—104.1 25uiiht Ed Crump 115 1:44 4 120x750 Ind. Ban*. Wt. Roe. A.Wt.IIan. 2515611 Can Zareta 112 1:48% 6 115X745 251561 J. J. Lillis 107 1:49 5 116X745 250OR Eagle 115 1:45% 4 l|s745 - 25008 Marion Goosby ...103 1:45 4 110X740 25008 Skecr lace .is 1:45% :; 103X735 . 25008 Figinny 109 ] :47 5 110X735 _ 25008f ]i,k Williams 104 1:45% :: 108X733 25140 Grumpy 10:: 1:40% 4 108x730 " 25098 Dorothy Dean 102 1 :4 S 7 108. .730 • 25156 Ilanovia 108 1:49 4 107 • 730 •" 25008 Lahore 108 1:44% fi llo©7.10 25102? I.indenthal 101 1:40% 4 101 • 7.10 .] 25140" Fair Helen 98 1:47% 4 98x725 a 2514C l.eulali S 1114 1:45% 0 100X725 25008 Indolence 107 1:45% 5 105X725 ■ 25192t Syrian 104 1:47% 4 1010725 7, 25098 Brynllmab 110 1:40% 6 102X720 ., 24b77 Herbert Temple .. 4 90x715 £ XI. W. Schorr entry. Rd Crump, the best h.irse. was probably short lat time out. An exceedingly open race. Fifth Race — 3-4 Mile. "rear olds and Upward. Selling. I Track record: 19155 1:12 s -los. 1 25096 UNDAUNTED 109 1:12% 5 113X725 • 25096 The Spirit 107 1:12::- 5 HI 720 25048 Gabrl 110 1:12% 7 114X720 25126 Triholo 115 1:1:;*-, 3 112X715 . 25080 Preston Lvnn 107 1:12% 5 117X715 ; 25126* Busy Joe 195 1:13% .".102x710 I 25155 Cnpt. Ren 100 1:13% 5 112X710 . 2517:1 Relamour MB 1:12V.-. 7 122. .710 ■ Indntinteds last race is good enough here. ■ Sixth Race— 1 1-8 Miles, o-vear-ohls and upward. Silling. Track record: 73097— 1 :51%— 3— 122. 25130 Injury 108 1:52% 10 1J9X725 j 25174 Aristocrat 5 114. .720 . 25066 Ataboy 137 242% 4 109. .715 j 25157 Business Agent ... -1 112x715 ■ 25141* Revbourn 108 1:51% 9 112x715 . 25139* Harry Lander 199 1:52 9 108X710 ■ 25139 Benedictine 7 I07X099 ; Injury carries high-weight well.

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