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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY. The German farce* have made further trains in the ferocious battle waging north of the fortress if Verdun, the official statement, issued at Berlin yesterday, saying: On the riht bank of the River Mouse our aacceaaea piovfusiy reported were exploited yesterday i.i different directions. The fortified villages and farms of Cliainpuetiville. Cotel-late. Marmonr. Beaumont. Chambrettes and One were raptured. In addition all the enemys position-, as far as the ridge of Loiideinont were can-tared by storm. Tile sanguinary losses of the enemy again were extraordinarily heavy while our I lasses were normal. The number of prisoners taken 1 was increased by over 7,000 to more than 10,000. No Information can he given in regard to the booty in materia la which we raptured. Senator Gore immediately, on the senates convening yesterday afternoon. Introduced bis bill making it Illegal tot Americans to trael on armed is mU in tine of war. and his resolution warning Americana to stay off such vessels. A resolution ; to express the sense of the .-enate that any issue affecting national honor should be referred, before decision, to congress, and that no ultimatum should i be sent to a foreign power nor severance of diplomatic relations be permitted without reference to congress, waa introduced by Senator Jonea Rep. of Washington. Two United States nary sailors wen- drowned I in Lake Michigan yesterday when the heavy seas dashed a yawl carrying lit teen men against the s utli pier at the naval training station at Lake Bluff, five men were thrown imo the water. Two . were rescued after tears of heroism and one saved I himself. Hie dead are: Bohetl V Walters, chief gunners mate. Enlisted at Philadelphia. Bradford Bixby, apprentice seaman. Knlisted at Muskogee, Okla. Bssad Pasha, dictator of Albania, has abandoned bis country before the Austro-Bulgar advance. His-natcnes from Brindisi reported Ins arrival in Italy yesterday. Bight German steamships, lying in the harbor at St V: nt. ape Verde Islands, were taken in charge yesterday by official n d the Portuguese government.