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REGULAR FRIDAY HORSES FILL PROGRAM. Hhhhi i Hi i Kebraary 25. Well backed horses sraa a ma.ioiii. ,. the nice- at Oriental Hark this Stferaooa. The track was in perfect conilitNiii and the Httendance large for an off day. The program was made to suit the ordinary horses Colonel DKstrampes has notified the management he would add a handsome pi ize to a handicap on the last day of the meeting, which may be extended one week bevoti.i March l», bringing the i on March 2«. E. Mermh ol T ledo. ii., a f,. inier owner, was a Visitor. Jockey Bitll. win had the mount on Charles Fran afcj iu the liftli race, wa- unharmed bv his fall.